Source — M. Kipnis, «We train the ability to lead, be a motor and inspirer» (AST, Prime Eurosign).
- to develop the creative thinking of the training participants, their ability to expand the field of the problem and see the variety of approaches to solving the problem;
- help group members to understand themselves and understand the nature of their leadership qualities;
- practice in overcoming internal barriers, fears of the unknown, tightness.
Band size: not important
Resources: potatoes, that is, for a cocktail; pieces of cord, paper and pens for each participant.
Time: up to an hour.
Course of the game
Having said to ourselves: “I will never cope with …”, we set ourselves up in advance for failure, for losing. Such a self-fulfilling prophecy deliberately limits our creative potential, reduces opportunities. The ability to concentrate, a charge of optimism (“I will succeed!”), The willingness to expand the scope of the search for a solution to the problem beyond the usual, banal conclusions — this is what this exercise trains. Let’s not forget that Thomas Edison made 10000 failed experiments before he created the electric light bulb! Patience + Faith in success + Developed creative thinking = Victory.
The training of these components is the basis of the following tasks.
We show the team a large raw potato and that one for a cocktail. Question: «Is it possible to pierce a potato with a toe in one second?» After listening to the answers, we propose to check this empirically. That e.chka must go through the potato!
Solution: Generally, players fail to succeed at the task and start claiming that the task is impossible. However, it is actually possible. The trainer demonstrates this by taking that piece in his hands, holding the hole on one side with his finger and punching through the potato with a sharp strong blow! The subtlety lies not only in the sharpness and force of the blow, but also in the fact that, by holding that piece on one side, we use a column of air that fills it and gives it a certain rigidity.
Each of the participants receives a piece of thin cord one meter long. The task is this: take hold of the edges of the cord and, without letting go of the ends of it, tie a simple knot.
Solution: as a rule, the solution of the problem is not given to the participants of the training with ease. Sometimes for a long time they may struggle to find the answer and not find it without your prompting.
To solve the problem, you need to go beyond the usual train of thought. Success is in the right preparation before the start of the game:
1. Lay the cord in front of you on a table or other flat surface.
2. Fold your arms crosswise, sit in the pose of a model student.
3. Take the ends of the cord in your hands from this position and easily tie a simple knot!
9 points
Participants receive a sheet with 9 dots (each approximately 4,5-2 mm in size).
The task:
a) connect all the dots with four lines without lifting the pencil from the paper;
b) connect the same points with three lines.