- practice partnerships;
- promote the development of spontaneity and creativity of the training participants;
- improve the emotional mood of the participants and help them, freeing themselves from the clamps, reduce the distance in communication.
Band size: plays no role. No more than three people will participate in each exercise.
Resources: one chair.
Time: depending on the composition of the group. Each three participants work on the site for an average of 3-4 minutes. The total time of the exercise will depend on the number of such triplets.
Exercise progress
— Already from the name it is clear that three players will participate in the task. One of them plays the role of a storyteller. He will have to present one of the famous fairy tales, determined by the presenter. The second participant sits on a chair facing the audience. Silently opening his mouth and using facial expressions, he will imitate the role of the narrator. His hands are behind his back, so they do not participate in the game. The role of the “hands of the second participant” will be played by the hands of the third player. To do this, he must kneel directly behind the second actor and put his hands under his armpits. An illusion is created for the viewer that these hands gesticulating during the course of the tale are the hands of the narrator sitting on a chair.
It is the illusion that the story is told by the player sitting on the chair with the voice of the first player and the hands of the third, which is proof of the success of the exercise. This can be achieved with the ability to work synchronously with partners and use non-verbal means of expression (gesture, facial expressions, intonation) with theatrical brightness.
Completion: discussion of the exercise.
What was the most difficult part of the task for you?
— Do you think this exercise can teach you skills that you can apply outside the training group — at work, in the family, when communicating with people?
— What can this task give when considering problems related to the development and training of leadership qualities? What leadership qualities did the participants demonstrate?