Game blind man’s buff: for children, rules, description
The game of blind man’s buff gives you the opportunity to have fun with friends. In addition, children actively move and train the vestibular apparatus and other important sense organs. And if you play in the yard, then the kids also breathe fresh air.
Blind man’s buff game – fun fun for children
This is a multiplayer game. The more kids you get, the more fun it will be.
Zhmurki is an old game for children that is still popular today.
This is not just fun, but playing this game, children train:
- Agility;
- hearing;
- Attention;
- ability to work in a team.
In addition, children learn to navigate in space without the aid of sight.
The game has many varieties. For example, the game is alive-half-dead-dead.
Playing it, the children draw a circle on the asphalt, from which one cannot leave. If the mode is “live”, children can move inside the circle, running away from the driver. In the “half-dead” mode, you can move away from the driver only 5 steps. And in the “dead” mode, it is forbidden to move to everyone except the driver. When the driver catches someone, he should say his name. If the name is correct, this player will drive.
Rules and description of the game blind man’s buff
You need to play it in a spacious room or in the yard. To do this, you need a thick cloth blindfold. You can also get a bell, whistle or other object that emits sound signals. But if there were no such objects, then the driver’s attention can be attracted by voice or clapping his hands.
To choose a driver, you have to count. They put a blindfold over his eyes so that he cannot pry. Other children twist him around themselves so that he gets a little lost in space. At the same time, the children ask him, and he must answer the following words:
– What are you standing on? – guys ask.
“On the bridge,” the driver answers.
– What are you drinking?
– Kvass.
– Catch the mice, not us – the children answer in unison and run away.
And the driver’s task is to catch any of the kids and guess who it is.
To avoid injury, the driver must be warned about obstacles, sharp protrusions, and the road.
The difficulty of the driver is that he does not see anything, and must rely only on hearing. Players should beep to him so he knows where to catch them.
You can confuse the driver. When he is close to catching someone, you can distract him with sound signals.
This Russian folk game was played not only in the last century, but also several centuries ago. Playing it, children will not only improve their mood, but also develop hearing and coordination of movements. If the kids don’t know what to do, invite them to play blind man’s buff.