Gambrinus beer: history and taste overview

Gambrinus (Czech Gambrinus) is a popular Czech beer brand that has been produced since 1869.

The beer is characterized by a bright yellow-gold color and a rich, dense head. Its taste and aroma are dominated by tones of malt, balanced by a pleasant hop bitterness.

History of Gambrinus Beer

Popular in modern beer culture, the name of Gambrinus: the legendary king of the foamy drink and the patron saint of brewers, has its roots in the Middle Ages.

Its origin is associated with the personality of Duke John (Jan) I of Brabant, who lived in the XNUMXth century – an outstanding politician and commander, a lover of tournaments and poetry, a relative and relative of kings and emperors, and also, concurrently, the honorary head of the Brussels Brewery Guild.

Not surprisingly, John I (in Latin – Iohannes primus) was often depicted by his shop colleagues sitting on a barrel with a mug of foam in his hand.

Over time, the reason for the appearance of statues of a merry fellow with a mug in family beer cellars was erased from people’s memory, and his very name gradually from “Johann (Jan) Primus” was transformed by the regulars of these same cellars into “Gambrinus”.

The academic luster of this whole story was given by the university humanists of the XNUMXth century who did not shy away from the foam.

It happened when the ancient German tribal king and the legendary founder of European brewing, Gambrivius, invented by them on the basis of a pseudo-ancient tradition, was turned into Gambrinus as a result of a misprint.

The idea of ​​the king-brewer went to the people and quickly took root there. In particular, later attempts to turn Gambrinus into a servant of Emperor Charlemagne, who brewed for the latter an excellent foamy drink according to a secret recipe, could not shake her.

Equally ineffective were attempts to replace the Duke of Brabant with his namesake: the Duke of Burgundy, who inspired the cultivation and use of hops in the Netherlands at the end of the XNUMXth century.

Brewer Gambrinus

Today, the name of the legendary patron of brewers is used by many brewers of various sizes.

Among them, the name of Gambrinus is carried by breweries located in Austria, several regions of Germany, French Alsace and American Texas.

In addition, such companies as Ottakringer and Mohrenbrauerei August Huber (Austria), Hancock (Denmark) and Grivita Brewery (Romania) produce their products under this brand.

Moreover, under the Gambrinus brand, even Izhevsk produces beer at the enterprise of the same name.

The most famous drink using this brand is considered to be Czech beer, which is produced by the Gambrinus brewery in Pilsen, founded in 1869.

Not to be confused with another Czech company, Gambrinusbräu from Dolniy Dvorisht, which produces a unique dark beer under the same name.

Types of beer Gambrinus

  1. Gambrinus Bright

    A classic pilsner with a strength of 4,1 degrees and a density of 10,5%.

  2. Gambrinus 11 ° Excellent

    A slightly more saturated drink with a strength of 4,7 degrees and a density of 11,3%.

  3. Gambrinus Premium

    Almost the heaviest in the world of pilsners, with a strength of 5 degrees and a density of 13%

  4. Gambrinus Dry

    Previously called Gambrinus with reduced sugar content (Gambrinus se sníženým obsahem cukrů) – a beer freak with an artificially reduced calorie content; fortress – 4 degrees, density – 9%.

If you are lucky enough to get to the source of beer, you can try the “live” varieties of Pilsen Gambrinus:

  1. Unpasteurised 10

  2. Unpasteurised 12

  3. Unfiltered lager

  4. Plná 12 is a kind of pale lager.

  5. Polotmavá 12 – brewed with more roasted malt than usual.

For lovers of the strange, local brewers are ready to offer low-alcohol soft drinks made on the basis of beer mixed with citrus juices: lime, lemon or grapefruit.

Relevance: 27.06.2017

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Beer brands

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