Galvus and Galvus Met: how to take, what to replace, contraindications

Galvus and Galvus Met: how to take, what to replace, contraindications

Preparations Galvus and Galvus Met are used to treat type XNUMX diabetes mellitus. They have certain indications for admission, there are also cases when they cannot be prescribed.

Galvus is a pill that lowers blood sugar. The drug is based on a substance called vildagliptin. Despite the high cost of the drug, it is popular among patients, as it is highly effective and rarely provokes the development of side effects.

Galvus Met is a drug that is represented by a combination of two active ingredients. The drug contains vildagliptin and metformin.

Below is information for patients who have been prescribed Galvus or Galvus Met as a treatment for diabetes.

Galvus can be considered a “young” drug, since it was launched no more than 10 years ago. To date, there are no inexpensive analogues of this drug on sale. However, other companies produce similar drugs, which also have a high cost. These are such means as: Januvia and Janumet, Ongliza and Vipidia, as well as some others.

Instructions for use for preparations Galvus and Galvus Met

How the drug works

The main active ingredient (vildagliptin) increases the susceptibility of pancreatic beta cells to glucose, and also stimulates the production of glucagon. Metformin, which is present in the composition of the drug Galvus Met, reduces the production of glucose in the liver, prevents excessive absorption of carbohydrates in the digestive tract, and increases the ability of cells to absorb insulin. The result of the work of the drug is a stable blood sugar level both after eating and on an empty stomach. Vildagliptin is excreted mainly by the kidneys (up to 85%), the remaining 15% leave the body through the intestines. Metformin is almost completely eliminated by the urinary system.

When to take the drug

The indication for prescribing the drug is type 2 diabetes mellitus, if with the help of an active lifestyle and diet it is no longer possible to control blood sugar levels. Galvus Met can be combined with insulin injections, as well as with drugs that are sulfonylurea derivatives.

When not to take

The following conditions are contraindications for admission:

  • Diabetes mellitus type 1.

  • Diabetic ketoacidosis.

  • Diabetic coma.

  • Renal failure with a decrease in blood creatinine less than 135 µmol/l (for male patients) and less than 110 µmol/l (for female patients).

  • Alcoholism is like a disease.

  • Exacerbations of infectious diseases.

  • Nutrient deficiency in the body and a decrease in daily calorie content of less than 1000 kcal.

  • Age under 18 years old.

  • Individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug.

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Insulin therapy cannot be replaced by Galvus and Galvus Met. In order to prevent the development of side effects, before starting therapy, it is necessary to undergo an examination that will provide information about the work of the liver and kidneys. Blood tests during treatment will need to be taken regularly. If the patient is to undergo an operation, or an X-ray examination using contrast agents, then Metformin is refused 2 days before the procedures.

Dose selection

Do not take more than 100 mg of vildagliptin and more than 2000-3000 mg of metformin per day. Below will be given specific instructions regarding the dosage of the drug.

Side effects

If the drug Galvus or Galvus Met is combined with insulin injections or with sulfonylurea derivatives, the likelihood of hypoglycemia increases. This condition is characterized by a sharp drop in blood sugar levels. If symptoms suggestive of hypoglycemia appear, an ambulance should be called. Taking vildagliptin can sometimes provoke headaches, dizziness, and tremors in the limbs. Metformin also occasionally causes some side effects. However, in general, Galvus Met is a drug that is safe for health.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

The drug is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. During this period, they are prescribed low doses of insulin and a diet.

Interaction with other drugs

Before taking the drug, you need to get medical advice. This is especially true for people who take hormone-based thyroid medications or blood pressure medications, as metformin can react with them. Vildagliptin rarely interacts with other drugs.

If an overdose occurs

An overdose of vildagliptin causes myalgia, an increase in body temperature, a jump in ALT and AST in the blood. Metformin, when taken in high doses, causes lactic acidosis. This condition is life threatening. Therefore, in case of an overdose, it is necessary to call an ambulance. To remove the drug from the body, dialysis is prescribed, and also eliminate the negative symptoms that appear in the victims.

Release form, storage conditions and composition

The Galvus preparation contains vildagliptin at a concentration of 50 mg. The drug Galvus Met contains vildagliptin at a concentration of 50 mg and metformin (tablets can have a dosage of 500, 850 and 1000 mg). Auxiliary components: hyprolose, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, titanium dioxide, macrogol 4000, talc, iron oxide. The drug does not require special storage conditions. It is important that the ambient temperature does not exceed 30 ° C, and that children do not have access to tablets. The shelf life of the drug is 1 year and 6 months.

Most patients taking the drug Galvus Met leave positive feedback about it. They indicate that it allows you to bring blood sugar levels to the desired levels. At the same time, the well-being of patients improves, which means that their quality of life improves.

However, to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, it is not enough just to take Galvus or Galvus Met. The patient needs to follow a diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. If the disease has a severe course, then it will not be possible to cope with it only by taking sugar-burning tablets, insulin injections will be required.

What to choose: Galvus or Galvus Met? What is the difference?

Galvus is a drug based on vildagliptin, and Galvus Met is a combination drug that is supplemented with metformin. In combination with metformin, vildagliptin is more effective in lowering blood sugar. However, it can be used only if the patient has no contraindications to taking metformin. Frequent side effects of this substance are: diarrhea, flatulence and other disorders in the digestive system. You should not stop treatment immediately. As a rule, these adverse reactions appear only in the early stages of therapy, and then they disappear.

What to choose Galvus Met or Janumet?

Janumet and Galvus Met are two drugs that have equivalent effects. Both are designed to lower blood sugar levels. At this point in time, it is impossible to answer which drug is better, since no studies have been conducted on this subject.

The cost of medicines is the same. You will have to pay more for a package of Janumet, but there will also be more tablets in it.

Both Galvus Met and Janumet are protected by patents, they rarely cause side effects and are safe medicines. You can find positive reviews about both one and the other drug.

Galvus or metformin – what to choose?

Galvus and Galvus Met: how to take, what to replace, contraindications

In the preparation Galvus Met, vildagliptin acts as the main active substance, metformin is an auxiliary component. There is an assumption that an effective decrease in blood sugar occurs precisely due to the complex action of these two substances.

Although Galvus Met is more expensive than drugs based on metformin alone, it also does its job better. Therefore, if the patient’s financial condition allows him to use a complex drug for treatment, then it is better to give preference to him. If this is not possible, then you should opt for metformin preparations (Glucofage or Siofor). It is worth noting that both Glucofage and Siofor are imported medicines. You can also buy their cheap counterparts, which are produced in Russia, but there will not be much difference in price.

As for the drug Galvus, it cannot be called a strong remedy for lowering blood sugar levels. Galvus Met for the treatment of diabetes is preferable to use. Galvus is prescribed only if the patient has contraindications to taking metformin. If the treatment does not bring the desired result, then you need to start insulin therapy.

Features of taking the drug Galvus Met

To avoid indigestion in the form of diarrhea and flatulence, it is necessary to take Galvus Met correctly. The starting dose should be minimal, it is gradually increased. Such a treatment regimen allows the body to adapt and easily perceive a new substance for it. It is metformin that causes digestive disorders, not vildagliptin.

How to prevent side effects?

Galvus and Galvus Met: how to take, what to replace, contraindications

To prevent the occurrence of side effects, you need to start treatment with small doses of the drug. It is recommended to purchase a package of Galvus Met tablets with a dosage of 50 + 500 mg and take 1 tablet 1 time per day. If the body responds well to such treatment, then after a week or 10 days, you need to take 2 tablets of the drug – in the morning and at bedtime. When the package is over, you should purchase the drug with a dosage of 50 + 850 mg. Take the drug also 2 times a day. The third stage of treatment is the transition to the drug with a dosage of 50 + 1000 mg. Tablets are also drunk 2 times a day. The final daily dose of medicinal substances is 100 mg of vildagliptin and 2000 mg of metformin.

If, in addition to diabetes, the patient is diagnosed with obesity, then the daily dose of metformin can be increased to 3000 mg. To do this, in the middle of the day, during meals, the patient will additionally need to take metformin at a dosage of 850 or 1000 mg. For this, you can use the drug Glucofage, or Siofor. This can cause some inconvenience to a person, because instead of one drug, he will need to take two different drugs. However, to reduce excess weight, you will have to come to terms with this fact.

Galvus Met is drunk during meals, this is due to the content of metformin in it. There is no metformin in the Galvus drug, so it can be taken both before meals and after meals. It doesn’t matter.

The drug Galvus is almost 2 times cheaper than Galvus Met. If you want to save money, you can buy Galvus and Metformin separately (Glucofage or Siofor). However, you must follow all the recommendations for taking these drugs, which requires the patient to be more disciplined.

If the patient has a sharp increase in blood sugar precisely in the morning, then you need to take 1 tablet of Galvus in the morning and evening, and before going to bed, additionally drink a drug based on metformin, a dosage of 2000 mg (Glucophage Long). Its prolonged effect allows you to ensure that in the morning the sugar level does not rise to critical levels.

Is it possible to consume alcoholic beverages?

After studying the instructions, you may not understand whether alcohol is allowed during treatment with Galvus and Galvus Met. Taking large doses of alcohol is clearly prohibited, as this increases the likelihood of developing pancreatitis, liver damage, and a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels. The person may end up in the hospital or even die.

As for small doses of alcohol, there is no complete clarity. The instruction does not directly allow or prohibit the combination of the drug with alcoholic beverages. Therefore, a person can drink, but only at his own peril and risk. If after drinking alcohol the ability to control oneself disappears, then it should be completely abandoned.

Can I lose weight during treatment?

Studies that have been conducted on this subject suggest that Galvus and Galvus Met do not affect body weight. However, as the practical experience of using metformin shows, it still has the ability to fight obesity. Therefore, the likelihood that the patient will lose weight remains high.

How to replace the drug Galvus Met?

Galvus and Galvus Met: how to take, what to replace, contraindications

Situations in which it may be necessary to replace the drug Galvus Met:

  • The drug does not reduce blood sugar, which is kept at high levels.

  • The drug reduces blood sugar, but its level does not decrease below 6 mmol / l.

  • The person cannot afford to continue treatment with this drug due to financial constraints.

If Galvus Met does not work, then this can only be caused by the fact that the reserves of the pancreas are completely exhausted. In such a situation, no other drug will help, the patient urgently needs insulin injections. Otherwise, he will soon develop severe complications of the disease.

Normally, the blood sugar level should not exceed 5,5 mmol / l. Such values ​​should remain stable and not change during the day. If taking the drug Galvus Met allows you to bring blood sugar to the level of 6,5-8 mmol / l, then you need to connect insulin injections in small doses. The scheme is selected depending on the individual characteristics of the course of diabetes in a particular patient. Also, the patient must follow a diet and exercise. A person must understand that with a blood sugar level of 6,0 mmol / l, the complications of the disease continue to develop, but at a slower pace.

If it is not possible to buy Galvus Met?

If the drugs Galvus and Galvus Met are expensive for the patient, and he cannot afford to buy them, then you need to take Metformin in its pure form. This may be the drug Glucofage or Siofor. They are made overseas. Their Russian counterparts are even cheaper.

Be sure to follow a low-carbohydrate diet. Otherwise, the disease will progress.

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