The ability to grow early vegetables and herbs with their own hands attracts many summer residents, therefore it is not at all surprising that sooner or later everyone thinks about putting at least a small greenhouse on their site. How to make galvanized greenhouses with your own hands, read on.
Types of greenhouses and greenhouses
First of all, it is worth learning that a greenhouse and a greenhouse are, in fact, different designs. A greenhouse is a much simplified version. Usually this is a structure of low height, and you can work in it only by removing the film or polycarbonate that covers the greenhouse. In addition, the heating of the soil in this case is carried out due to the decomposition of biofuel introduced under the bed, as well as sunlight.
The greenhouse always has such a height that an adult can calmly straighten up in it to its full height. This means a larger volume of internal space, which is not so easy to warm up, and therefore even in personal greenhouses built by oneself (not to mention industrial ones), gas, electric or wood heating is found. Also, greenhouses can be classified according to their shape: semicircular (arched), with a gable roof (houses), with a polygonal roof. The choice of form depends on various factors – the material used for construction, the seasonality of use, the intensity of precipitation and wind in the area.
And finally, there is a classification according to the type of materials used for construction. The frame can be assembled from wood, metal reinforcement, metal-plastic, galvanized profile. A greenhouse, as a lighter structure, can be assembled on a plastic pipe frame. For shelter, a dense film, polycarbonate, and, extremely rarely, glass are used. Specialized stores and websites offer a wide selection of greenhouse designs, but you can always assemble it yourself.
Video “Detailed video instruction for making a greenhouse”
In this video instruction, you can see a detailed description of the algorithm of actions during the creation of a greenhouse.
Advantages of galvanized profile pipes
We recommend paying attention to galvanized greenhouses, which are easy to assemble with your own hands. The frame of such greenhouses is assembled from a galvanized profile (square or rectangular in section) pipe. Such an approach has a number of advantages. The galvanized profile is practically not subject to corrosion, which automatically means a long service life of the greenhouse. Such a pipe can withstand serious weight loads, which means that it will be possible to lay a heavy film on the frame of the greenhouse, but denser polycarbonate. At the same time, the profile pipe has a small dead weight, which means that the frame from it can be easily and quickly assembled or disassembled with your own hands, transported from place to place, and stored for the winter.
Drawing and calculation of the amount of materials
For example, let’s take an ordinary greenhouse-house, measuring 3 by 6 meters. You will need a 40 * 20 profile for the horizontal and vertical corner parts of the frame and 20 * 20 for the vertical ones. The total number of profiles is 40 * 20-18 (lower perimeter) + 18 (upper perimeter) + 6 (ridge beam) + 6 (with a wall height of 1,5 meters) meters – a total of 48 meters of a profile pipe. Vertical racks must be fixed at least every meter, that is, 16 cuts of one and a half meters – on the wall frame. For the roof frame, another 14 cuts of two meters each will be required, for a total of 52 meters of a 20 * 20 profile. This is a minimum, if desired, the frame can be strengthened with additional diagonal ties and horizontal guides – the amount of material must be calculated additionally.
To fasten the profile, you will need crabs of the appropriate section: 8 corner, 52 T-shaped. Where pipes are not connected at right angles, bolts will be needed. Other necessary materials: sand, cement and reinforcement for the foundation, polycarbonate for sheathing. You can also use a polyethylene film with a thickness of at least 1 mm.
The construction of the greenhouse is carried out on flat ground, on a well-lit area, orienting the structure from north to south along the length – this will maximize the use of daylight hours. The first step in building a greenhouse with your own hands is marking the foundation. Along the perimeter of the future greenhouse, you need to dig a narrow trench with a depth of 20-30 centimeters. This volume is filled with concrete. Reinforcement is driven into the ground before the concrete is poured.
After the concrete has hardened, you need to weld a profile to the reinforcement for the base under the frame – a rectangle 3 by 6 meters. Vertical racks are mounted to it with the help of corner and T-shaped crabs.
The roof frame is assembled partly with crabs, partly with bolts. If a year-round greenhouse is planned, it is better to weld all the joints of the profile pipe. The next important step is polycarbonate sheathing. You can attach polycarbonate sheets to profiles with your own hands using metal screws. At the same time, experts recommend using thermal washers as a gasket element – due to the different degree of thermal expansion of the self-tapping screw and polycarbonate.
Although a more common and cheaper way is ordinary rubber washers. The film on such a frame can be attached with a cord. But, given its fragility, it is more logical to choose polycarbonate after all. The film will have to be removed for the winter, or even changed every season.
Gable, door and window
For sheathing the pediment in the greenhouse-house, you will need to cut the polycarbonate with a triangle. At home, with your own hands, this can be done with an ordinary knife or jigsaw. It is advisable to mount the greenhouse door in the end wall and the size of the door should be at least 90 by 180 centimeters. It is advisable to fasten the door to the frame using remote hinges. For ventilation, it is necessary to provide a window in the roof, through which the hottest air will come out of the greenhouse in hot summer. For the influx of fresh air, you can open the door or provide an additional window in the wall during installation.
Video “Creating a greenhouse with your own hands”
This video shows how to quickly make a greenhouse from a galvanized pipe with your own hands.