Gallstone Diet – What Rules To Follow?

Learn about a few dietary rules to follow in the case of gallbladder stones.

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1/ 8 More and less

In the case of urolithiasis, it is good to eat meals regularly, preferably 4-5 times a day, but in small amounts. If possible, eat calmly and take your time. photo: Shutterstock

2/ 8 Animal fats

In meals, the amount of animal fats should be limited, i.e. fatty cold meats, meats, bacon, lard. When buying products, make sure they are lean. Photo Shutterstock

3/ 8 Vegetable fats

Ideally, fats should be added as a small addition to your food. It is worth using vegetable fats, including olive oil or rapeseed oil. However, it is recommended to spread the bread with soft margarines. photo: Shutterstock

4/ 8 Fiber

In asymptomatic urolithiasis, the daily diet should include fiber, which has a positive effect on intestinal peristalsis and regulates the proper contraction of the gallbladder. For this purpose, it is recommended to eat fruits, vegetables and also grain products that are rich in fiber. However, in the case of an exacerbation of urolithiasis, a more restrictive diet is necessary, requiring the restriction of products with a high content of insoluble fiber, i.e. whole grain cereal products, bran or legume seeds. photo: Shutterstock

5/ 8 Grain products

It is good that the grain products you eat come from coarse grind. It is worth consuming whole grain bread (dark, graham). It is also recommended to eat whole grain rice, wholemeal pasta, barley and buckwheat. However, if there is an exacerbation of gallstone symptoms, when pain occurs, eat light (wheat) bread. photo: Shutterstock

6/ 8 Egg yolks

In gallstone disease, it is recommended to limit the consumed egg yolks. These can have an adverse effect on follicle contractility. photo: Shutterstock

7/ 8 Products bloating

You also have to be careful with products that are bloating. They include, among others cabbage, cauliflower, leek, onion, as well as legume seeds. photo: Shutterstock

8/ 8 Cooking

It is a good habit to prepare food without adding fat. It is recommended to steam the food or bake it in foil. Fried foods should be excluded from the diet. photo: Shutterstock

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