Gallbladder polyps: how to cure? Video
Gallbladder polyp is a benign formation that often occurs as a result of chronic inflammation of the organ. In most cases, the disease is treated surgically, but in the early stages, when the polyp is small and does not interfere with the normal functioning of the gallbladder, you can try to cope with it using folk methods.
Polyps in the gallbladder
Treatment of polyps of the gallbladder with folk remedies
In the early stages, polyps of the gallbladder do not manifest themselves in any way and are found by chance during routine examinations or during a medical examination conducted for a completely different reason.
Only in rare cases is the disease accompanied by:
- minor pain in the right hypochondrium
- heaviness in the stomach after eating
- heartburn
- other symptoms typical for most diseases of the digestive system (impaired appetite, problems with stools, etc.)
Often, gallbladder polyps are accompanied by stagnation of bile in the ducts, which is why treatment with alternative methods should be complex. St. John’s wort flowers mixed with the leaves of coltsfoot and crushed rose hips in equal proportions have a good choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Two tablespoons of the collection must be poured over 0,5 liters of boiling water, insisted for an hour and strain through a two-layer gauze. It is necessary to take the infusion 3-4 times a day after meals in the amount of 100-150 ml at a time. The course of treatment is three weeks. During this time, as a rule, it is possible, if not to get rid of small polyps in the gallbladder, then at least to stop their growth.
Treatment of polyps of the gallbladder with folk methods can be carried out only if the disease does not cause serious discomfort, and doctors do not see the need for urgent surgical intervention
Traditional treatment of polyps in the gallbladder
Traditional treatment of gallbladder polyps is carried out only when they grow rapidly, are initially large (more than 1 cm) or disrupt the function of the organ. In this case, doctors may suggest removing the formation by surgery. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. You can get rid of polyps only radically – by removing them together with the gallbladder.
It is better not to run the disease and regularly observe polyps, even if they are small in size. In this case, the progression of the disease can be detected in time and a laparoscopic, not abdominal, operation can be performed. It is much less traumatic, and recovery from it is much faster. After surgery, you must follow a therapeutic diet for life. Meals should be frequent and fractional (at least 5-6 times a day). It is necessary to exclude spicy, fried, fatty and smoked dishes from the menu, as well as alcohol.
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