Gall bladder surgery – how much does it cost? Indications and mileage

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The presence of stones in the gallbladder is an indication for surgery. This is more and more often performed using the laparoscopic method. What are the symptoms of gallstone disease or cystitis? What should I do after a gallbladder excision? These questions are answered below.

What is the gallbladder?

The gallbladder, also called a gallbladder, is part of the biliary system. Located in the upper right part of the abdomen, it collects bile produced by the liver. Bile plays an extremely important role in the digestive process, especially in the absorption of fats. When it is not needed, the liver does not drain it directly into the duodenum, but stores it in a pouch. Its reserve is used when, for example, a heavy, fatty meal is to be digested.

  1. What does bile in the stomach mean?

The bile in the sac is released due to the contraction of the follicle muscles. It then flows down into the duodenum. Unfortunately, it happens that this process is disturbed. Then we can deal with urolithiasis or cholecystitis.

Prophylactically, it is worth taking care of the bile ducts before they start to show disturbing symptoms. For this purpose, reach for the Premium ™ Sand Helichrysum supplement – support for the liver and gall bladder.

Gall bladder stones

When deposits form inside the gallbladder, it causes urolithiasis. Stones are formed as a result of a disturbed composition of bile or the appearance of bacteria in the bile ducts. Deposits obstruct the flow of bile and irritate the follicular mucosa. When they block its mouth, an attack of biliary colic occurs.

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A seizure is evidenced by a sudden sharp pain under the right costal arch. It most often occurs after eating a fatty meal and then gradually disappears. Additionally, nausea, vomiting and heartburn may appear.

The precipitation of deposits is favored by:

  1. high cholesterol
  2. diabetes,
  3. elevated estrogen levels (e.g. as a result of hormone therapy),
  4. reduction of bile acid secretion,
  5. disorders of bile acid absorption in the intestines.

Moreover, risk factors include gender (women get sick more often), old age, hereditary tendencies and obesity. In the symptomatic treatment of an attack of biliary colic, painkillers and antispasmodics are used. The next step is surgical intervention. An operation called a cholecystectomy can be performed classically or laparoscopically.

Are you planning a cholecystectomy? Institutions that offer this procedure can be found on the website

Inflammation of the gallbladder

The gallbladder is usually inflamed when stones are already present. Symptoms of acute cholecystitis include:

  1. severe pain under the right hypochondrium that radiates to the back and under the right shoulder blade,
  2. stomach pain when touching it,
  3. fever and chills.

Sometimes these symptoms are also accompanied by nausea, vomiting and jaundice. A seizure often occurs at night, as well as shortly after eating a heavy meal or drinking alcohol. It can take up to six hours!


The symptoms listed above should prompt us to contact a doctor, because acute inflammation of the gallbladder may lead to the development of serious complications, such as, for example, peritonitis.

Chronic cholecystitis can develop from the beginning in this form or change from acute to chronic. Usually it is related to the presence of bacteria in the vesicle. The symptoms are much less bothersome than with acute inflammation – they usually worsen in the elderly or pregnant women.

The symptoms include, among others bloating and a feeling of fullness, constipation, disgust on the mouth and belching. These ailments are exacerbated after eating heavy, fatty meals, drinking alcohol, intense physical exertion or severe stress.

Warning: Chronic inflammation can become acute.

Both types of cholecystitis can be treated with medication. It is also important to introduce a low-fat diet. If during the diagnostic process the physician finds the presence of gallstones, cholecystectomy will be the recommended procedure. The operation is not performed only in people with absolute contraindications, i.e. in the elderly and sick.

Gall bladder surgery

Excision of the gallbladder is a procedure that is much better to be carried out elective than urgent. In the case of acute inflammation, complications may arise, and surgery in such a situation is more risky.

It is worth knowing that gallstones are removed with the pouch – this is because the empty bladder would probably have precipitated deposits anyway, and its excision does not have serious consequences.

  1. How are kidney stones removed?

The gallbladder can be removed either classically or laparoscopically. Currently, the second method is used much more often, but the decision to choose the treatment technique is made by the doctor during consultations with the patient. The advantage of laparoscopic cholecystectomy is undoubtedly the fact that the surgeon gains access to the interior of the abdominal cavity without the need to cut open the abdominal wall. This shortens the patient’s stay in the hospital, as well as the entire convalescence process, and ensures better cosmetic results. Both procedures are performed under general anesthesia.

The preparation of the patient is no different from that required by other surgical procedures: one week before the operation, drugs that reduce blood clotting should be discontinued, it is also necessary to perform tests such as blood count and clotting times. The patient will receive a detailed list with recommendations during the qualification for the procedure.

The cholecystectomy itself usually takes about an hour. In the laparoscopic variant, a camera and micro-tools are inserted into the abdomen, thanks to which the operator cuts the gallbladder. He can track all his movements on the monitor.

  1. What is Laparoscopy?

Complications after cholecystectomy

Although surgical removal of the gallbladder is not a complicated procedure, it carries the risk of complications. Fortunately, these don’t happen often. They include mainly:

  1. damage to the bile ducts,
  2. infection
  3. bleeding,
  4. a hernia in the postoperative scar.

Gallbladder surgery – price

The average cost of a cholecystectomy is PLN 4800, with the lowest price for the procedure being PLN 3000, and the highest – PLN 7500. In most institutions, an operation performed using the laparoscopic method does not differ in price from the procedure performed using the classic technique. However, there are clinics where the difference is even several hundred zlotys.

Post-treatment recommendations

The most important recommendation for post-gallbladder surgery is to adopt a low-fat, easily digestible diet.

The products indicated are mainly lean meat and fish, lean dairy products, wheat or graham bread, potatoes, semolina, oatmeal and white rice. Vegetables and fruits should be eaten after cooking or baking them – without the skin.

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Dishes should not be fried. The preferred forms of processing are baking, stewing, and boiling in water and steaming. The volume of meals is also important. Better to eat smaller portions 5-6 times a day than 3 times a day hearty meals. Avoid:

  1. fatty meats and fish,
  2. fatty meats, bacon, lard,
  3. cheese: yellow, processed, blue,
  4. cakes and cookies with a lot of fat and sugar,
  5. bloating vegetables and fruits,
  6. hot spices,
  7. strong coffee and tea,
  8. carbonated drinks,
  9. alcohol.

Moreover, you cannot overdo it with the consumption of high-fiber foods. These include: whole grain bread, raw fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds and seeds.

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