Gala potatoes: variety description, characteristics
Bred by German breeders, this variety is versatile and suitable for any climate. Gala potatoes are resistant to diseases, unpretentious to the quality of the soil, and have a high yield. After harvesting the tubers, they are easy to store for a long time.
Gala potatoes: description
This is a medium-ripening variety that can be harvested 70-80 days after planting. The fruits are generally flat, oval, with a yellow skin and an average weight of 100 g. Its main advantage is its high yield. One bush gives on average 10-15 tubers, but maybe all 25.
Potatoes “Gala” – mid-season variety
“Gala” is perfect for cooking, it does not fall apart in the process and has a pleasant taste
Small fruits are used for planting. If the weather permits, 2-3 days before sowing, you need to put them in the sun to warm up. It is useful to treat the seeds with agents for the prevention of pests and diseases. We plant it to a depth of 15 cm, at a distance of about 70 cm from each other.
When young sprouts appear, they need to be covered with earth – this way the root system will develop better
This potato variety can be grown on any soil, but fertilization is advisable. It will be enough once – during the second hilling. For a more successful result, you can fertilize the soil before planting the seeds. The main condition for caring for these potatoes is abundant watering. Before harvesting, we remove the tops in 2 weeks – this way the fruits will be stored longer. If the right conditions are created, they will be suitable for consumption until spring.
Variety “Gala”: characteristics of fruits and potato diseases
This root vegetable has many qualities for which summer residents and farmers love it:
- the tubers have the correct shape, they are resistant to mechanical damage, which means they are well adapted for mechanical harvesting;
- it is convenient to clean it for cooking, you can rarely see eyes on the surface;
- fruits contain little starch, but a high content of nutrients – potassium and carotene;
- this versatile variety is suitable for all weather conditions. He loves moisture, but if the summer turns out to be dry, then the harvest will not suffer much.
Although Gala is resistant to many diseases, it is still sometimes worth taking preventive measures. Most of all, the plant is susceptible to rhizoctonia. It is a fungus that destroys the roots and the underside of the trunk. For prevention, you need to process the bush 2-3 times during the ripening period. For this, special means for combating fungal diseases of plants are suitable.
If the leaves of a potato are curled, then it is infected with a virus. The fruits of such plants can be eaten, but it is better not to use for seeds.
It is also desirable to carry out prophylaxis against late blight with special solutions. In general, this variety tolerates the negative influences of external factors such as weather conditions, poor soil and diseases.
It is suitable for personal cultivation in the country and for sale, the tubers are fully transportable. And the main thing is that it ripens early and is stored for a long time.