- What is a gainer?
- Who is useful
- Benefits of Gainers
- Whey Protein, Casein, Gainer: What’s the Difference?
- Types of gainers
- Gainers and baby food
- How to use the supplement
- When is the best time to take a supplement?
- Recommendations for preparation and storage
- Gainer: benefit and harm
- At what age can you take
- How to cook on your own
- How to choose
- Gainer Review: Top 10 Firms
- Other manufacturing companies
The name of this sports supplement is translated from English as “promoting growth.” Gainer is the most high-calorie “dish” of sports nutrition, but very important for athletes. Do you know everything about gainers? Let’s look together for answers to the most common questions about this supplement: who is it useful for and who can be harmed, how and how long to take, what to combine with, how to choose the right one, and are there more affordable but effective analogues of expensive branded products?
What is a gainer?
Gainers are the supplements most commonly used by bodybuilders and powerlifters to gain muscle mass. Weight gain occurs due to the consumption of a large number of calories.
And here comes the first question. Why use supplements to increase the energy value of the diet, and not more high-calorie foods? First of all, due to the fact that getting such a high portion of healthy calories from food is very problematic. In addition, gainers allow you to significantly increase the calorie content of the diet without increasing portions of food and avoiding the so-called empty calories, unhealthy carbohydrates, and fats.
A gainer is one of those powders that athletes mix with water or their favorite drink. Its mission is by and large no different from other supplements, as it was also developed as a drug that promotes muscle growth.
What is included in the
One serving of powder-gainer contains approximately 50 g of protein. The source of these proteins, as a rule, are whey, casein, eggs, soy protein. All these products contain so-called high-quality proteins. What kind of protein (or mixture of proteins) is part of a particular gainer, the manufacturer usually indicates on the product label.
Some gainers are an excellent source of amino acids. Typically, these are branched chain substances known as BCAAs. Manufacturers of sports nutrition most often resort to the help of three amino acids from the BCAA group: isoleucine, leucine and valine, which are important as an energy source for muscles. In general, BCAAs contribute to the synthesis of proteins in muscles, and consequently, an increase in muscle mass and overall body weight.
Gainers designed to stimulate appetite often include substances derived from echinacea, known as isobutylamides.
The function of this component is to stimulate the part of the brain that is responsible for the feeling of hunger. However, it is worth noting that scientific disputes about the effectiveness of isobutylamides continue. But today at least 13 types of isobutylamides are known, but only two varieties can cause hunger. Moreover, the composition of isobutylamides may differ in different plant species. And this fact allowed some researchers to conclude: it is difficult to determine what kind of this substance was included in the composition of the gainer, and therefore it is difficult to predict how high the effectiveness of the drug will be in terms of stimulating appetite.
But in addition to the substance from echinacea, other components are also used in gainers as a hunger-inducing component. Most often – from the category of plants. Mint, ginger or gentian extracts often appear on the label of sports supplements, which stimulate the production of saliva and arouse appetite.
As for the vitamin and mineral composition of gainers, everything here is also quite individual. Each manufacturer himself determines which useful substances and in what concentrations to include in the composition of the drug. The same applies to fats. But it’s important to say right away that gainers contain only useful fatty acids, moreover, in an amount that is useful for athletes.
But to find out the full list of ingredients in the composition of the supplement, you will have to carefully read the product description.
Why do we need
When an athlete is trying to build muscle, they need a lot of calories. Depending on the weight of the bodybuilder, the nutritional value of the diet will be different (sports nutritionists advise consuming 40 kcal per kilogram of body weight). And gainers will help to achieve these indicators. But still, how does this supplement work in the body of an athlete and what does its use give?
So, a gainer for athletes is:
- excellent source of proteins and carbohydrates;
- an alternative to regular food (when the work schedule does not allow for a bite to eat on time);
- high calorie source.
Who is useful
Now that the effect of this supplement on the body is already more or less clear, it’s time to understand who and in what cases needs gainers. Now, many will probably be surprised, but sports nutrition is actually useful not only for athletes, although it was originally created for them.
For athletes
Gainers are useful for bodybuilders, and especially during the period of the so-called plateau, when the set of pure muscle mass slows down or stops completely. Bodybuilders who want to build muscle mass need a sufficient amount of BJU, amino acids and other equally important components daily. And if an athlete is faced with the task of consuming more than 3000 kilocalories per day, then it is useful to have a jar of a gainer on hand from a trusted manufacturer.
But it is important to note that, so to speak, the “territory” of gainers is not only bodybuilding, people who prefer aerobic exercise (for example, joggers) also receive benefits from the supplement.
However, the main rule for the use of this supplement is the presence of adequate physical activity, without training, a gainer can cause obesity.
For ectomorphs and people with impaired metabolism
People with very fast metabolisms not only find it difficult to gain weight, many of them find it difficult to simply maintain their own body weight. For this category, the use of a gainer will also be useful. This multi-ingredient product will help keep your daily menu at a level sufficient for weight gain. How to drink the supplement, what is possible after it and what should be the daily allowance for non-athletes with a weight deficit – the instructions for use and the nutritionist will tell you.
For women
People who do not have enough information about sports nutrition sometimes think that all these supplements are dangerous for girls. In fact, gainers, like many other sports nutrition products, on the contrary, can be very useful for women (and not only those involved in bodybuilding). Meanwhile, we must understand that women need fewer calories than men. A girl who is actively involved in strength training and follows the right diet usually has enough calories from food. But on the other hand, the body of women is less prone to building large muscles. And in order to activate this process, bodybuilders resort to the help of gainers, which they take before and after training. The female version of the gainer has a lower calorie content and a lower protein content. Foods with higher nutritional value are good for very thin girls.
For busy people
The benefits of gainers will be appreciated by people who cannot fully eat 4-6 times a day, as well as people who find it difficult to eat large amounts of food. But we must understand: a gainer is not a substitute for solid food. Liquid sports nutrition can replace one or a maximum of two meals out of six planned for the day. The use of a gainer instead of food is possible, for example, after a workout, when there is no time or desire to eat tightly.
For vegetarians
Vegetarian bodybuilders are much more common than some might think. And they, like meat eaters (if not more), need multi-type supplements to accelerate muscle growth, increase calorie intake and supply the body with energy. But while meat-eaters replenish their reserves of proteins and amino acids from beef, chicken, turkey, and also eat liver and other offal, for vegetarians all this is taboo. Thus, sports nutrition for many of them is almost the main source of healthy components. What’s more, there are manufacturers on the market who specialize in making specialty blends tailored to the needs of vegetarians. In particular, the protein matrix in such products consists of pea, rice, hemp, wheat protein. Their effect on the body resembles the properties of milk and meat proteins, supplying vegetarians with the necessary amino acids and other useful components.
Famous weight gainers for vegetarians include Multi-Food’s Power Gainer Vegan, made with oatmeal and potato starch. Vegetarians also know Dominant Waxy Amize Amilopectine, Vegan Gainer from Strong Protein, Complete Vegan Gainer from GNC Puredge.
Benefits of Gainers
A gainer taken along with intense strength training and proper nutrition can have a number of benefits for the body.
Safe increase in daily calorie intake
You should not even try to build muscle mass by increasing the daily calorie intake due to fast food and sweets. Nothing good will come of it. A smarter and safer way is to use a gainer. Its balanced chemistry is specifically designed to meet the body’s calorie needs to increase lean muscle mass.
Introducing Healthy Fats to Your Diet
This sports supplement contains only healthy fats in healthy amounts. Usually these are polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the proper development of muscle tissue. In particular, Omega-3s allow you to increase muscle mass without creating subcutaneous fat deposits.
Extra servings of creatine
In the composition of many gainers, manufacturers include creatine, moreover, in rather big portions. This means that in some cases it is possible to refuse separate consumption of creatine – a substance important for rapid recovery, increase in muscle size and strength.
Such a complex product is useful for beginners and professional bodybuilders, as it significantly improves the relief.
Whey Protein, Casein, Gainer: What’s the Difference?
Whey protein is a bio-product derived from milk. In the process of making cottage cheese, a liquid is separated – this is whey. But in this form, it is a weakly concentrated whey mixture containing no more than 1% of proteins. For use in sports nutrition, this liquid is dried to form a whey concentrate. 100 g of a typical ready-made sports supplement contains 75-80 g of whey protein.
Casein is again a milk protein. It is present in milk as a phosphoprotein. Through certain chemical reactions, casein is obtained from it, a product rich in amino acids that serve as building blocks for muscles.
A gainer is nothing more than a mixture of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The ratio of components in the supplement from different manufacturers can vary significantly. But as a rule, the amount of proteins in it is not higher than 35%.
And now how these substances affect the body. So, the main difference between whey and caseins is in the speed of assimilation. Whey protein is the so-called fast protein, casein is slow. And if whey is absorbed very quickly and is considered the ideal product of the post-workout complex, then casein is more often consumed on non-training days (rest days). It is slowly digested, but creates an ideal environment for muscle growth.
A gainer, like a protein shake, is important for gaining muscle mass, but its mechanism of action is slightly different. The main task of gainers is to provide the body not just with proteins, but with a very large amount of proteins, carbohydrates and calories. The task of gainers is to improve muscle growth, but it does it at the expense of an increased amount of calories.
Types of gainers
The common task of all gainers is to increase the caloric content of the diet. But this can be achieved in different ways. Considering how the gainer acts on the body, there are several types of sports supplements.
Amino acid
Weightlifters often use gainers containing proteins and amino acids. These substances not only provide the body with the necessary calories, but also contribute to an increase in muscle mass and strength.
Appetite stimulants
Some types of sports supplements may contain substances that stimulate the feeling of hunger. These types of drugs are suitable for people with poor appetite or with a very fast metabolism.
Stimulating the production of hormones
In the composition of gainers, you can see components that naturally increase testosterone. This hormone plays a key role in building and maintaining muscle mass.
Vitamin and mineral
Deficiency of vitamins and minerals can be a serious obstacle to muscle building. For this reason, many sports nutrition products contain a mineral-vitamin complex. Gainers are no exception.
Other classifications
In addition, it is important to note another significant difference between different gainers. While the formula of some makes it ideal for a post-workout supplement, others can be consumed throughout the day, between meals, without reference to physical activity.
According to another classification, gainers are of two types. The first type works on fast carbohydrates, contains maltodextrin or dextrose, and the glycemic index of such a drink is similar to sugar. The second type is a supplement with slow carbohydrates (for example, derived from starch), low or medium glycemic index. In practice, the difference between supplements is determined by the rate of glucose release. In gainers with complex carbohydrates in the composition, it is slower. But still, most sports supplements are gainers of the first type.
Gainers and baby food
How to replace expensive sports supplements and is there a cheaper analogue of a gainer? Beginning bodybuilders often think about these questions. And, as a rule, they don’t have to look for a long time – they quickly remember about baby food. It would seem that everything is logical: infant formula is a high-protein, moreover, high-calorie product. Just what athletes need. But is everything so easy, does baby food help athletes gain muscle mass and is the “baby” harmful for novice athletes? Let’s deal with these questions.
And for starters, it’s worth understanding where the practice of using baby food by adult athletes came from. And it all started in the already distant Soviet times of total deficit. Then bodybuilders “caught up” with everything they could – just to gain the necessary calories. The then “kids” in their composition most of all resembled sports gainers. In fact, baby food is far from the nutritional characteristics of mass gainers or protein blends. And that’s why.
Yes, infant formula is high in protein. It would seem that this is what bodybuilders need. But there is a significant difference in the types of proteins used in sports nutrition and in “babies”. And here it is important to understand how much one or another type of protein is absorbed.
Sports nutrition is, most often, a rapidly digestible protein in the form of whey, which begins to work in the body within an hour or two after intake.
In baby food, emphasis is placed on casein, which breaks down 8-10 hours after eating and does not contain many amino acids. For children, slow proteins are best, for bodybuilders, not so much.
And now about the quantity. If a 100-gram serving of protein isolate contains at least 90 g of protein, then the same amount of infant formula is about 20 g. The difference is significant, isn’t it?
If you compare the amount of carbohydrates in both mixtures, then this indicator will often be almost identical. But these types of foods contain different types of carbohydrates: in sports nutrition – fast and simple, in baby food – it is lactose and milk sugar, which are not suitable for the “carbohydrate window”.
Caloric value
This characteristic is one of the most important for children’s and sports nutrition. The fact that infant formula is a high-calorie product is known to many. And regular consumption of this porridge, for example, for breakfast for a mesomorph or ectomorph, is a great option for gaining mass. However, you should be prepared for the fact that on such a diet, the stomach is likely to increase in size. So at least those who tried to “catch up” with “kids” say so.
Some novice athletes believe that “babies” are safe natural products, and sports supplements are “chemistry”. But this is nothing more than a delusion. A comparison of both labels – baby and sports nutrition – will show that their composition is similar: BJU, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids. The difference is in the concentration and in the chemical varieties of substances.
Ingredient | Amount in baby food (per 100 g) | Quantity in sports supplement (per 100 g) |
Proteins | 10,7 g | 15 g |
Carbohydrates | 58 g | 75 g |
Fats | 27 g | 1,4 g |
Zinc | 3,8 mg | 5 mg |
Hardware | 4 mg | 3 mg |
Calcium | 390 mg | 180 mg |
Selenium | 11 mg | 23 mg |
Copper | 0,3 mg | 0,5 mg |
For comparison, we took the popular Nutrilon infant formula and the Protein Mass supplement from Optimum. In addition to the above components, the powders contain many vitamins, but the set for children and athletes is different. It is also important to say that in a sports supplement, the source of carbohydrates is maltodextrin, which is useful for athletes, and whey protein is the source of proteins. The infant formula contains casein protein, whey, slow carbohydrates and a lot of fat.
To summarize, it becomes clear: a pharmacy or a baby food store is definitely not suitable for searching for effective analogues of a gainer.
How to use the supplement
It is difficult to generalize about all the gainers on the market. Each of them is a unique set of components in a certain concentration and each has its own way of using it. But still, we have collected some of the most common tips on how to properly take a sports supplement.
The dosage of the drug is unique for each bodybuilder, as it is determined based on the need for daily calories. As a rule, for effective muscle building, it is enough to increase the daily calorie content by 500 kcal. Depending on the manufacturer, a gainer can contain up to 1000 kilocalories per serving. Many of them contain digestive enzymes that improve the digestion of food and promote the absorption of large portions of calories.
Any liquid is suitable as a “solvent” for a cocktail, but most often athletes choose water or milk. You can also prepare a cocktail on kefir or juice. You can get rid of lumps with a blender or if you shake the vessel with a cocktail vigorously for a while.
By the way, a high-quality gainer, as a rule, does not dissolve well in a liquid (according to this characteristic, you can check the product for authenticity).
When is the best time to take a supplement?
Usually gainers are taken in portions (250-300 ml each) – three times a day. In this case, the doses should be the same daily (the calculation of the powder for a certain amount of liquid is indicated in the instructions for the product). But when to drink the supplement: before or after training – its composition will tell you. A high-carb, sugar-filled gainer is great after a workout, although ectomorphs can benefit from a carbohydrate drink before a workout. For thin people, any gainer is suitable, for those inclined to be overweight – low-carb and no fat.
Sometimes you can hear the question: “Which is better: a gainer or a protein?”. So, when it comes to overweight people, then it is more expedient to use casein or protein mixtures instead of a gainer. This method will help you gain lean muscle mass, not subcutaneous fat.
The course of admission is also an individual characteristic. Some people need a month to gain weight, some more.
When | How many | Why | Some notes |
Before training | 1 portion | It will provide the body with the necessary energy, improve muscle growth, and stop catabolic processes. | The cocktail should be drunk half an hour before the start of classes. |
After training | 1 portion | Promotes recovery, provides amino acids and proteins for muscle building. | Take within an hour and a half after training (while the “carbohydrate window” is open). But not earlier than half an hour after training. |
Instead of one of the meals | 1 portion | Provides the energy necessary for the body BJU. | Suitable for cases where there is no opportunity to fully eat. But this is more the exception than the rule. |
Along with food | 1 portion | Increases the calorie content of the daily diet. | Suitable for underweight people. |
At night | 1 portion | A cocktail taken before bedtime contributes to rapid weight gain. | Suitable for thin girls and underweight men. |
On non-training days | 2 servings | Needed for energy. | Best taken in the morning or between breakfast and lunch. |
Recommendations for preparation and storage
Proper preparation of a cocktail significantly affects the quality of the finished gainer. With what to combine the powder, how to stir and the exact proportions of the dry mixture and liquid are indicated in the instructions for use. It is important to consider that the instructions for sports supplements differ from different manufacturers (since the chemical composition of the mixture is different). But most often, manufacturers advise diluting the powder with water, juices, milk, yogurt. In any case, the base liquid should be cool. It is forbidden to dilute the gainer with boiling water (under the influence of high temperature, the benefits of proteins are lost).
And now a few words about how to properly store the gainer. Dry powder storage should be in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions on the label. First of all, you need to understand that a good gainer is one that has not expired. Also, do not allow moisture to get into the packaging with the powder. This promotes the growth of bacteria. And of course, many are interested in how long a cooked gainer can be stored. Any sports nutritionist will explain: if a protein isolate or hydrosol is present in the supplement, then it is important to take it immediately after dilution. In other cases, the finished product should be drunk within 2,5 hours.
Gainer: benefit and harm
Although the gainer is a natural product, its overdose can have negative consequences for the body. Side effects can manifest themselves in various forms, including disruption of the digestive organs, liver and kidneys. A fake or poor quality product often provokes indigestion. If after taking the supplement you feel sick, have diarrhea or bloating, it should be discarded. Also, a poor-quality product can adversely affect the liver and pancreas, and hives or itching are a signal of an allergy to the product.
Side effects
Gainer is a high-calorie sports nutrition supplement containing a high concentration of BJU, as well as vitamins, minerals, amino acids and some other components. It is not surprising that the abuse of these substances can cause potential harm to the body. It is also important to understand that a gainer is a nutritional supplement, not a meal replacement.
Even the best drug will not give an effective result if the athlete’s daily diet does not contain the necessary nutrients.
Excess weight. If the daily requirement is calculated incorrectly, the risk of developing obesity increases. Unused calories obtained from the gainer will be deposited on the body with subcutaneous fat.
Allergy. Despite the fact that the risk of an allergy to a gainer is very small, it still remains. For example, a gainer with vegetable protein (for example, from wheat flour) is more than dangerous for people with celiac disease. It is also a potential source of soy or milk, which are some of the most common allergens. In addition, plant extracts contained in the supplement can also cause unwanted reactions. Urticaria, itching, indigestion are signs that you may need to stop taking the gainer.
There are a number of diseases in which the gainer is contraindicated. In particular, this supplement is prohibited for people who are diagnosed with:
- diabetes;
- hepatitis;
- hypertension (you can not take a gainer in combination with creatine);
- bleeding disorders;
- food allergies;
- lactose intolerance;
- obesity;
- kidney failure (if gainer with a combination of creatine).
In some cases, the problem can be solved if you take gainers without sugar, maltodextrin, lactose, creatine, and for people with celiac disease, it is important that the supplement is gluten-free.
The presence of creatine in the composition of the drug is a good reason to refuse to take a gainer for people with kidney disease, since this component can aggravate the painful condition. The dangerous effect on diseased kidneys may increase while taking certain medications (cyclosporine, ibuprofen, naproxen, tobramycin).
Gainer is the most high-calorie sports nutrition product. Therefore, with diabetes, it is not only undesirable, but strictly prohibited. Take with caution with gastritis (you can not drink on an empty stomach) and with pancreatitis. It is undesirable to use the supplement for adolescents, pregnant women, during lactation.
What is not affected
Contrary to popular myths, a real high-quality gainer does not cause acne, does not affect the hormonal background, does not disrupt the menstrual cycle in women, and does not provoke premature menopause. It is also worth noting that the potency of this supplement will also not suffer. But again, all this is provided that the rules for taking the supplement are observed. And of course, before using the gainer, it is advisable to check for quality.
Combination with other substances
Pairs well with:
- creatine;
- protein;
- pre-workout complexes;
- amino acids (with tryptophan, lysine, carnitine and others);
- vitamins;
- minerals.
Do not add to the gainer:
- preparations for “drying”;
- fat burner;
- slimming capsules;
- alcohol.
At what age can you take
Experts say that the human body can be fully formed only by the age of 23-25. But gym teens are rushing to take different supplements as quickly as possible to speed up muscle growth. Is it correct?
If a guy or a girl started working out in the gym at the age of 16, this does not mean that you should take gainers at the same time. Many manufacturers on the packaging of sports supplements write that its use is allowed only after 18 years. And many coaches agree with this. If a teenager does not suffer from a significant mass deficiency, he does not need a gainer – let the body get the opportunity to develop properly. And only by the age of 23-24 you can think about taking sports supplements.
How to cook on your own
If you don’t want to spend money on branded gainers, you can try making your own supplement at home. Some believe that a homemade gainer may not bring the same effect as a purchased one, but this is a delusion. In addition, often a product from the Internet may be far from the desired quality. And the “home” option is always 100% confidence in the composition, good taste and tangible money savings.
Before you start “shamanizing” in the kitchen over a “potion” for muscles, you need to remember that a good gainer is a product that is 65-70% carbohydrates. It should contain 1 part of proteins and 3 parts of carbohydrates.
So, what is a home gainer made of, the property of which is similar to the purchased one? The easiest way to make a super muscle supplement is to combine protein powder and a few tablespoons of flaxseed oil. You can also add some peanut butter and egg whites to the smoothie. But why were these particular products chosen?
So, as a carbohydrate part, you can use:
- maltodextrin;
- dextrose;
- fructose;
- honey;
- jam;
- oatmeal (oatmeal, crushed “hercules”).
A protein “matrix” can be created from:
- cottage cheese;
- dry milk (skimmed);
- whey protein;
- egg whites.
Then the protein-carbohydrate mixture should be diluted with liquid. As a rule, the ingredients are mixed with juice, yogurt, kefir or milk.
Home Gainer: The Best Recipes
Recipe 1
- 500 ml of low-fat milk;
- 2 tablespoons of rapeseed oil;
- 3 tablespoons of peanut butter;
- 1 banana;
- 1 serving of whey protein (or egg white).
The approximate energy value of such a gainer is 820 kcal. It also provides 95 g of carbohydrates, 48 g of fat and 53 g of protein.
Recipe 2
- 50 g of oatmeal;
- 10 g bran;
- whey protein (measuring spoon);
- 250 ml of milk;
- a handful of sweet berries;
- 10 g fructose.
This is the so-called gainer of the second type – with slow carbohydrates. Suitable for use one hour before training.
Recipe 3
- 3 st. l. honey;
- 60 g peanut butter;
- Xnumx curd;
- Xnumx g of milk;
- 2 banana.
This is a high-calorie type XNUMX gainer with fast carbohydrates.
Recipe 4
- 100 ml orange juice;
- 1 banana;
- 200 ml of milk;
- 100 Mr. low-fat cottage cheese;
- 2 tbsp. l. fructose.
Recipe 5
- 150 ml of milk;
- 2 tbsp. l. blueberry jam;
- 2 Art. l dry milk;
- 2 st. l. Sahara.
Recipe 6
- a glass of 10% sour cream;
- 200 ml of milk;
- six quail eggs;
- 2 tbsp. l. rosehip syrup;
- 2 banana.
Recipe 7
- 150 ml of yogurt;
- 2 Art. l cocoa;
- handful of berries;
- a handful of walnuts;
- 2 tbsp. l. vanilla.
Recipe 8
- egg white (from 2 eggs);
- a handful of raisins;
- a handful of dried apricots;
- 2 tbsp. l. peanut butter;
- 200 ml of milk.
How to choose
Among the huge number of sports supplements, it is important not to miscalculate and choose the best quality. Only in this case, you can count on gaining weight and be sure that the money was not thrown away. But how not to miscalculate? What is important to pay attention to when choosing a supplement. Which gainer is the best – Polish, American or German? Here are some tips from the experts.
Regardless of whether the manufacturer of the additive is the USA, Germany, Poland or Russia, it is important to pay attention to the ingredients first of all. What is included in the product, in what concentrations and proportions? It is also worth considering the amount of other ingredients that you plan to receive from other supplements – how they are combined with each other, whether the daily norms for these substances are maintained. It is also important to consider what will be in the diet after the gainer – dietary porridge or high-calorie cookies.
For people with a high percentage of fat, it is better to buy a gainer in which there are more proteins than carbohydrates. Thin fit classic version of a sports supplement with a lot of carbohydrates. It is also important to pay attention to the composition of the protein matrix. Vegetable protein is not the best for muscle growth. Many gainers, in addition to proteins and carbohydrates, contain other components, and this must also be taken into account.
A manufacturer with a good reputation is already a great sign.
As a rule, experienced bodybuilders know the names of companies whose products in the world of sports nutrition are reference. So before going to the store (or accessing the Internet), it would be nice to ask what experienced people advise. However, this is not yet a reason to discard the principle of an individual approach.
What is not good for one athlete may be the most effective for another.
Price and quality
A good price is not the cost of a whole package of a product. It is important to calculate the cost of one serving of the supplement, taking into account how many grams it takes per dose. And here it is important to make a remark: a suspiciously cheap product, as a rule, turns out to be far from good quality. But on the other hand, too high a price is sometimes also not an indicator.
Gainers have to be consumed often and in large portions. Therefore, it is important that the nutritional supplement does not cause nausea, but has a pleasant taste and aroma for the athlete.
Gainer Review: Top 10 Firms
Optimum Nutrition
Pro Complex
Included in the ranking of the best-selling gainers of 2016. Each serving contains 60 g of protein, 85 g of carbohydrates, 24 vitamins and minerals. Nutritional value – 650 kcal. is an ideal multi-component post-workout supplement for those wishing to increase body mass, and is also suitable for use between meals. It is considered one of the best mass gainers for women. Among the advantages of this product is the fact that in a relatively small portion a rich chemical composition is presented. Easily diluted in liquids without a blender.
Serious mass
An excellent carbohydrate-protein product that is in demand in the sports nutrition market. One serving of the product is 1250 calories, 50 g of protein and 252 g of carbohydrates. In addition, the composition includes creatine, glutamine, vitamins and minerals. In particular, it contains vitamins A, C, D, E, as well as zinc, iron, calcium and some other elements. All in all, a good product for men and women. Cons: contains quite a lot of sugar (about 40 g), quite an expensive product, quite a lot of powder per serving.
true mass
One of the best weight gain supplements, the red color of this pack is known to bodybuilders all over the world. The composition includes 50 g of high-quality protein, consisting of whey protein concentrate, casein, egg white, as well as 222 g of carbohydrates, 23 g of essential amino acids, 12 g of BCAAs, fiber, vitamins, minerals and glutamine. This formula is considered one of the best for active weight gain.
A serving of the supplement is a guaranteed plus of 200 kilocalories in the diet. In addition, one scoop of the powder contains 22 g of protein, 15 g of carbohydrates, as well as calcium, sodium, phosphorus and potassium. The protein complex is represented by 6 different types of protein. The drug can be used on training days and during the rest period. Better for women.
elite mass
High-calorie powder (600 kcal) with 55 g of proteins and 77 g of carbohydrates per serving. Among other useful components, the manufacturer announced vitamins A, C, D, E, almost all of group B, iron, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, sodium, chromium, potassium. The protein matrix consists of several types of protein, including whey (isolate and concentrate), milk protein, casein, egg white, leucine, valine, isoleucine and glutamine. Also contains lipid anabolic complex, creatine.
Elite Mega Gainer
One of the best weight gainers with a balanced composition. One scoop of powder contains 550 kcal, 89 g of carbohydrates and 30 g of protein, as well as potassium, calcium, sodium and vitamin D. The protein matrix consists of 3 components: whey protein isolate, concentrate and hydrolyzate. In combination with 700 g of milk, one serving of the powder will provide 1000 kcal. Presented in different flavors (vanilla, chocolate, strawberry).
Super Mass
It is a combination of high quality protein, amino acids, creatine, carbohydrates, glutamine and other useful substances. Each serving contains 1280 kcal, 52 g of protein and 528 g of carbohydrates. The amino acid complex is represented by glutamine, glutamine peptide, leucine, isoleucine, valine. Suitable for healthy weight gain and faster recovery, and as an alternative to solid foods. It is available on the market in two flavors – vanilla and chocolate. With many advantages, it is one of the leaders in the sports nutrition market.
Universal Nutrition
Real Gains
It is a development of one of the leaders in the sports nutrition market. Each serving contains 610 kcal, 52 g of protein, 87 g of carbohydrates and 5 g of fiber. Easily mixes up with water, possesses high bioavailability. Helps build muscle mass and speed up recovery.
Up Your Mass
It is a supplement containing a large amount of proteins, carbohydrates, BCAAs, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids necessary for gaining muscle mass. One serving provides 510 calories, 58g carbohydrates, 46g protein, 5g fiber. Among the disadvantages are the high price, the large consumption of powder per serving, the presence of soy protein in the composition.
Ultimate Nutrition
Muscle Juice Revolution
This gainer contains 56g of protein in the form of an exclusive blend of 8 key proteins, almost 170g of carbohydrates. Two servings of powder with milk will provide 2600 kcal.
Gain Fast
It is a drug with a special formula for weight gain. One serving is 5 scoops of powder. Each serving contains 868 kcal, 162 g of carbohydrates, 37 g of protein, as well as rich reserves of vitamins A, C, D, E, group B, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, selenium. In addition, the composition includes metabolic optimizers, anabolic, essential fatty acids, a set of amino acids. A cocktail made with the addition of milk, honey and bananas will give a total of more than 3000 calories.
Scitec Nutrition
A popular mass building supplement suitable for athletes of all body types (ectomorphs, endomorphs, mesomorphs). A portion of the powder is 915 kcal, 150 g of carbohydrates, 50 g of protein, as well as a rich vitamin and mineral complex and some other components useful for athletes.
Mass Fusion
It is a combination of slow carbs, a protein blend with creatine and a complex that improves metabolism. The gainer is suitable for professional bodybuilders and beginner bodybuilders. Improves protein synthesis, provides the necessary calories, increases endurance, increases muscle volume. Serving (3 scoops) has 950 kcal, 170 g of carbohydrates and 47 g of protein.
Monster Mass
It is a powder for gaining muscle mass. One serving of the product will provide 280 kcal, 50 easily digestible proteins and 12 g of carbohydrates. In addition, the composition includes BCAAs, fatty acids. The disadvantage is very low calorie content. Meanwhile, it is a good supplement for those who wish to increase portions of protein intake.
Mutant mass
Gainer designed for fast mass gain. Presented in different flavors. One serving of the powder is 1050 kcal, 52 g of protein, 170 g of carbohydrates, as well as all essential amino acids. The protein matrix is made up of 10 types of protein, which ensures the maximum increase in muscle mass. It is very popular among professional athletes and beginners.
Other manufacturing companies
You should also pay attention to the following companies:
- SAN: Mass Effect Revolution.
- Further: Mega mass.
- FitMax: Mass Active, Easy Gain Mass, Bulk Mass.
- Gaspari Nutrition: Real Mass.
- MuscleTech: Mass Tech.
- Mutant (PVL): Mutant Mass.
- Power Pro: Gainer Power Pro.
- Ronnie Coleman: King Mass XL.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger: Arnold Iron Mass.
- Twinlab: Super Gainers Fuel.
Well, in order for the information to be complete, let’s name the rest of the companies producing gainers:
- Activevites (Whey Weight);
- Performance (Turbo Mass Gainer);
- R-line (Titan Creatine);
- aTech Nutrition (Start Mass, Professional Mass);
- Maxler (Special Mass);
- OstroVit (OstroVit Mass);
- ActiWay (Nutrition Active);
- PureProtein (Multi Gainer);
- MEX Muscle Excellence (Mex Nutrition);
- Muscular Development (MD) (MD MASS);
- Syntrax (Matrix);
- Trec Nutrition (Mass XXL, Magnum);
- ActivLab (Mass Up);
- Sportpit (Mass Pit);
- VPLaboratory (VPLab) (Mass Builder);
- Scitec Nutrition (Jumbo);
- Olimp (Gain Bolic);
- Dorian Yates Nutrition (ForMass);
- Sportline (Dynamic Mass);
- Cult (Cult Mass Protein);
- Muscle Pharm (Arnold);
- Hard Mass (Inner Armour) (Anabolic Peak, Turbo Mass);
- 4UZE (Multicomponent Gainer);
- Tekhmolprom (Gainer);
- BioTech (Hypper Mass, Nitro Gain, Max Gain Plus);
- Cybermass (Gainer);
- Danabol (Gainer);
- Genetic Lab (Mass Gainer);
- Giant Mass (Gainer);
- QNT (Muscle Mass, Weight Gain);
- Ironman (Turbo Mass Gainer);
- Kevin Levrone (Levro Legendary Mass);
- KFD Nutrition (X-Gainer);
- King Protein (King Mass Gainer, Ultra Mass Gainer);
- Megabol (Gainer 737);
- Multipower (Professional Mass Gainer, Mass Gainer Multipower);
- Myprotein (Hard Gainer Extreme, Impact Weight Gainer);
- Power System (Weight Gainer);
- Real Mass (Weight Gainer);
- RPS Nutrition (Premium Mass Gainer);
- Steel Power (Multicomponent Gainer, For Mass);
- VitalMAX (Gainer);
- XXI Power (Gainer Pro Formula).
As you have already noticed, many companies produce goods of the same name, but their composition is different. Therefore, it is important to always read the label carefully.
When people start exercising, everyone has their own goals: lose weight, increase stamina, build muscle. And achieving this goal is much easier if you choose the right assistant in the face of sports nutrition supplements. Gainers are the best friends of those who dream of a “mountain of muscles”, but even with regular training they cannot achieve the desired result.