

What are gainers?

Today it is already impossible to imagine sports nutrition without gainers. Many sports manufacturers regularly advertise this product, although not every athlete knows what gainers are for and how they work on the body. Until now, many people are convinced that sports nutritional supplements are “chemistry”, and some confuse protein and gainer. So, what is a gainer and what is it “eaten” with?


Gainer (from the English gain – “gain, increase”) Is a special food supplement with a high protein content (15-30%) and carbohydrates (50-80%). Protein is an essential material for muscle growth and contributes to its rapid recovery after intense workouts. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, make it possible to receive the maximum amount of energy for the athlete’s body and give strength during heavy physical exertion.

Weight gainers stimulate energy in the body and increase performance during training, which leads to a powerful impulse for muscle growth and strength. Therefore, gainers are designed for people who want to quickly increase weight precisely due to the growth of muscle mass.

Usually, vitamins, minerals and special substances are also added to gainers that stimulate protein synthesis and calcium deposition in tissues. The fat content in gainers is minimized and, more often than not, is close to zero. Such a balanced composition in this food supplement provides the athlete with the necessary energy potential and actively contributes to the growth of muscle mass without fat deposits.

How do gainers work?

Gainers belong to carbohydrate-protein mixtures and are simply necessary for athletes whose body regularly expends a large amount of energy and strength. Carbohydrate-protein mixtures are recommended for people with a lean physique, those who are slowly gaining muscle mass, as well as athletes who cannot adhere to a strict diet.

  • Gainers restore energy balance and reduce fatigue.
  • Due to the large amount of complex carbohydrates in their composition, gainers allow you to increase the supply of amino acids in the body.
  • Gainers increase intracellular energy and restore muscle tone in the shortest possible time.
  • Gainers help to increase muscle mass by an average of 2-6 kg per month.

Weight gainers. Harm and side effects.

A gainer is a product of sports nutrition, so it cannot harm the body – it can only not bring the desired effect, if used incorrectly and if the dosage is not followed.


If you are taking gainers, the following facts should be considered:

  • daily dosage of protein-carbohydrate mixtures depends on the state of the nervous system and the level of your loads;
  • the calorie content of the gainer increases if the mixture is diluted in juice or milk;
  • people who quickly gain excess weight, it is better to stop taking gainers (you can replace them with protein).

In any case, remember that a gainer is not a substitute for your diet and nutrition – it is a complete nutritional supplement that will help you increase your muscles, so you need to correctly approach its use.

Which gainer to choose?

Weight gainers come in a variety of carbohydrates and proteins. It all depends on your physique and metabolic processes. For lean people with a very fast metabolic rate, it is better to take a gainer that is high in carbohydrates. Thus, you will provide yourself with excess calorie intake, which will lead to faster muscle growth.


People with a high body fat should take a gainer with a high concentration of protein, as a high carbohydrate content will promote fat storage. In this case, it would be wiser to replace the gainers with protein.

You should also pay attention to the content of carbohydrates and, especially, proteins in gainers, since not all proteins are equally useful for the body. And it’s best to immediately decide for yourself whether you need various additional substances in the gainer, for example, creatine. They may be best taken separately. Thus, when purchasing a gainer, evaluate the content of all nutrients in it. And with this you can always help the specialists of sports nutrition stores.

How to take a gainer?

Before you start taking gainers, it is best to consult with specialists who will help you develop a specific methodology aimed at achieving your goals as quickly as possible.


In sports nutrition, the most optimal is considered to be a portion of 100-150 grams per 300-500 ml of liquid (of course, it all depends on the specific gainer). All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed using a mixer or shaker and taken throughout the day according to the following scheme:

  • in the morning, after the usual breakfast – you will receive an unprecedented boost of energy for the whole day;
  • before training, 1-2 hours in advance, to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients for better performance;
  • after the end of the workout – the gainer will be an excellent replenishment of the “protein-carbohydrate window” after heavy loads;

If the intake of regular food is impossible for any reason, but you still need to observe the sports regimen, then the gainer can be taken during the day in order to replenish the number of missed meals.

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