Gabrielle Chanel and her secret symbols

Mystical signs, fortune telling and Chanel talismans that can affect your life.

Domineering and fragile, brave and lonely, legendary and mysterious… From a young age, Gabrielle Chanel had to pave the way to the fashionable Olympus with her work and talent, fight numerous fears, go against the odds and steadfastly accept the blows of fate. It is not surprising that she found her support and support, patronage and protection in mysterious symbols, numbers that bring good luck, and talismans, which she introduced into her collections and into her life with a light heart.


Lion head or lion heart? The image of a majestic predator runs through the whole life of Chanel. The first and most obvious metaphor is her zodiac sign. She was born on August 19 under the constellation of the rebellious and passionate Leo. Being a fan of astrology, she believed in horoscopes and predictions and carried this symbol through her whole life.

“I am a lioness, so when I feel danger, I release my claws. But believe me, it is better to suffer from wounds than to hurt, ”chanel liked to say.

Lions not only patronized, but also consoled Chanel. After the death of her lover – Arthur “Boy” Capel – in 1919, fleeing depression, she left for Venice: a city whose heraldic symbol is a lion. Here, the inconsolable Gabrielle found the strength to live and create further. Later, in a Parisian apartment on the Rue Cambon, Mademoiselle installed several statuettes of lions. One of them, her favorite, always stood on her desk next to cigarettes and scissors. The image of a lion was engraved on the buttons of her tweed suits. The lion is Mademoiselle’s source of inspiration, a favorite image used in CHANEL’s jewelry designs. The lion is the spirit of the House of CHANEL.

Magic numbers

In addition to astrology, Chanel believed in numerology and sincerely believed that her lucky number was 5. This figure became another talisman of the House of CHANEL. So the stars ordered: her zodiac sign Leo is the fifth in the cycle. The history of Chanel No. 5 is also twisted around the sacred “five”. To create the debut fragrance, Chanel invited Ernest Bo, a perfumer of the royal court, who was tasked with creating “perfume for a woman that smells like a woman.” The perfumer put together a bouquet of 80 ingredients and created one of the most abstract, mysterious and innovative fragrances in the history of perfumery. He presented Chanel with several ready-made options in numbered bottles. It is easy to guess which bottle under which number Chanel chose without even touching it. Chanel said that “a woman should apply perfume to those places where she is waiting for a kiss.” Women’s intuition and the “numbers game” worked brilliantly: Chanel No. 5 is still one of the best-selling fragrances in the world.

Coco Chanel idolized the five. It is known that she had five favorite colors – white, black, beige, gold and red. Her first jewelry collection “Bijoux de Diamants” in 1932 had 5 main themes: comet, ribbon, bow, fringe and feather. So the classic Chanel bag – 2.55 (the date of its creation is encrypted in the name – February 1955) – the number 5 brought good luck.

Camellia flower

An ancient Greek legend says: the angry goddess Aphrodite turned insensitive beauties with a cold heart, who refused Cupid, into camellia flowers. That is why beautiful white plants have no smell. The ancient symbolism of these laconic colors (not red, necessarily white) was close to Chanel. She said that the camellia, an odorless flower, was the only one that did not distract from the fragrance of Chanel No. 5, and drew inspiration from the aesthetics of English dandies, who pinned camellia flowers to the lapels of jackets. There is a version that it was from white camellias that the first bouquet from the Duke of Westminster was made, with whom Chanel had a beautiful affair. Chanel made Camellia her talisman, and in her jewelry collection the line of the same name, Camelia, is dedicated to her.

You can talk endlessly about the talismans for good luck of the great Mademoiselle. What contributes to your success in life?

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