
Calling his cookbook «Fast Food», Gordon Ramsay — TV presenter and one of the most titled chefs in the UK — of course, was joking. The recipes he collected under one cover are the least reminiscent of those hamburgers and chips that we used to correlate with this concept.

Calling his cookbook «Fast Food», Gordon Ramsay — TV presenter and one of the most titled chefs in the UK — of course, was joking. The recipes he collected under one cover are the least reminiscent of those hamburgers and chips that we used to correlate with this concept. And at the same time, this is really “fast food”: all the dishes described by Ramsay — even the most exquisite and original ones — can be prepared quite quickly. Holiday dinners and family breakfasts, hearty sandwiches to take to work, and light snacks for a cocktail party — the author is convinced that preparing all this should not take too much time. However, speed is not at all the opposite of the highest quality, and the beautiful photographs of Gordon’s culinary masterpieces are the best confirmation of this.

CookBooks, 255 p.

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