
Philosopher Grigory Pomerants and Christian poet Zinaida Mirkina offer an overview of the world’s major religions.

Philosopher Grigory Pomerants and Christian poet Zinaida Mirkina offer an overview of the main religions of the world, in which they do not aim to consider each of them in all their complexity and inconsistency. They are interested in the «rush to the truth» — they primarily explore it, talking about the rituals and myths of primitive people, the legends of Ancient Greece, the Old Testament Bible and the Christian ideal, the prophecies of Muhammad, Sufi poetry, the religion of the Vedas and the Upanishads, about the «noble silence of the Buddha. This book is about the shrines that filled people’s lives with meaning, about how this meaning was lost and found again, a living story about how at any time in different parts of the earth people, seized by the longing of non-existence, made their difficult and special path to escape to the feeling of life.


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