
The name is misleading: we associate “self-care” with creams, tanning salons and fitness clubs, while “history and modernity” evoke despondency left in the memory from acquaintance with academic works … But this is not at all about advertising “care” and dusty history.

G. Ivanchenko

The name is misleading: we associate “self-care” with creams, tanning salons and fitness clubs, while “history and modernity” evoke despondency left in the memory from acquaintance with academic works … But this is not at all about advertising “care” and dusty history. It is a pity that this rich, overflowing with fascinating quotes and concisely written book will not be overcome by the young. It would be especially important for them to think about what the author, philosopher Galina Ivanchenko is thinking about: how can we work on ourselves, change ourselves, find our own? How to be attentive not only to your body, but also to your thoughts, feelings, relationships with others? What is the price of choosing in human life, what will we gain and what will we lose by deciding to truly take care of ourselves — to live our lives, trusting the world and ourselves, enduring loneliness and appreciating relationships, developing and improving ourselves, without complicating or simplifying? It is impossible to retell the course of the author’s reasoning, but you can ask yourself similar questions. At least one of them — and life will never seem boring or flat …

Meaning, 2009

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