Furry Union: the friendship of a cat and a meerkat conquered the Internet

From the first day they met, these two cannot live without each other.

In the wild, particularly in Africa, meerkats hunt snakes and scorpions. But the main concern of the meerkat Suri from St. Petersburg is to have his friend, the British cat Nice, by his side.

A meerkat and a cat live in the same apartment and spend 24 hours a day together. Surya loves to tenderly chew Nice’s ear, and Nice’s ear growls in response. At the same time, the animal is very jealous. If suddenly the hostess decides to stroke the cat, Surya grabs her friend, driving away the violator of their privacy.

“When I take the cat in my arms, Surya is very nervous. She starts jumping, trying to get Nice back, ”says 45-year-old Yekaterina Kuraeva, who took the risk of settling an African animal and a domestic cat in the same house.

Inspired by the friendship of the pets, Ekaterina started a personal page for them on Instagram. There are already more than 39 thousand subscribers. And the other day, the fame of the couple reached the foreign media.

“Surya appeared when Nice was already living with us. Friendship began immediately. The cat accepted Surya from the first minute of their acquaintance, ”says Ekaterina.

Since then, these two have been doing everything together: eating, sleeping, playing, washing. Unless they go to the toilet in different places. Surya does not accept a cat’s tray, he has his own “study” – on a warm balcony.

“Surya is a very sensitive boy and will never relieve himself if someone is nearby,” the hostess assures.

But to dine from one plate – please. Well, Suri and Nice’s favorite place in the house is a soft rug by the radiator.   

“If there is silence at home, it means that Surya has gone to Nice to bathe,” Ekaterina comments on the video where the cat licks the meerkat.

“They often ask how Marmot behaves with people, he is a wild predator. Our Surichka is affectionate, tame and very kind, – assures the hostess. – When it gets colder, Surya becomes tenderness itself and asks for hands. Sly: knows where it is warmer.

When I claim that meerkats have feelings and emotions, they laugh at me. But Suresha and I know the truth. When I leave on business and take out my suitcase, Suresha gets upset, offended. Surichka hates the suitcase. For him it is sadness, separation. “

And last summer Nice’s cat fell seriously ill, and it became a great stress for Suri.

“Surya is hysterical. Doesn’t leave the cat. He tried to drive me away from the carrier when Nice and I were going to the hospital. He jumped up like a kid and let’s butt. Doesn’t want to let him go. He does not let him approach Nice, all the time around him, ”says the hostess.

In the wild, meerkats often change their dwellings, and therefore they constantly dig holes. Small animals are able to dig housing at a depth of one and a half meters or more. The call of the ancestors awakens in Suri too. Therefore, they no longer dream of perfect repairs in the house.

“You can’t find a normal plinth in our house. Suresha dug them all up long ago. Our attempts to spank them back onto glue only amuse Suresh, ”says Ekaterina.

Sleeping in the house where the cat and meerkat live is also a big problem.

“If we sleep a little longer on weekends, then the cat will be the first to check out. A meerkat must crawl behind him. Then they both get bored and start playing war games. Right over the heads of the owners. “

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