Fungus on the penis in men

A fungus on the penis in men is an inflammatory process that captures the head and foreskin, and sometimes the urethra or even the entire organ. Most often, the disease is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. This disease in medicine is called mycotic (candidal) balanitis or, when the foreskin is included in the process, mycotic balanoposthitis.

The disease can be transmitted sexually, as well as develop against the background of a decrease in the immune forces of the body. With the progression of the process and the absence of therapy, it is possible for the pathology to spread to the inguinal zone and the scrotum, as well as the development of such urogenital mycosis as candidal prostatitis and urethritis. See also: urethritis – symptoms and causes.

Symptoms of a fungus on the penis in men

During the acute stage of the disease, a man will be disturbed by the following symptoms:

  • Swelling, burning and itching in the region of the glans penis and in the area of ​​the foreskin;

  • Redness of the skin and mucous membrane of the penis, while hyperemic areas do not have clear contours;

  • Increased sexual desire. This symptom is due to the fact that multiple nerve endings and receptors located in the tissues of the glans penis will be constantly irritated. However, sexual intercourse does not bring pleasant sensations. During intimacy, a man experiences a feeling of discomfort, burning and pain;

  • Soreness can also occur during urination;

  • An unpleasant sour smell comes from the glans penis, caused by the vital activity of fungi;

  • When the disease is not treated for a long time, then lymphangitis joins. In this case, the formation of red stripes on the back of the penis occurs;

  • A white coating appears on the surface of the penis in the region of the foreskin, a gray-white mass forms like a film. If the film is removed, bleeding ulcers, erosions and wounds can be visualized.

Causes of fungus on the penis in men

Possible infection with candidal balanitis from a woman suffering from thrush. The development of the disease occurs after unprotected intercourse. However, when a man has no health and immune problems, he most likely will not even notice the infection that has occurred, since the disease will go away on its own and asymptomatically. Therefore, if there are signs of candidal balanoposthitis, you should look for other hidden infections and check the functioning of the immune system.

Factors provocateurs of the occurrence of a fungus on the penis in men are:

  • The presence of diabetes mellitus or other endocrine pathologies. Most often, it is metabolic disorders in the body that lead to the development of symptoms of fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes. Favorable conditions for mycotic organisms are increased sweating and excess body weight;

  • With prolonged use of corticosteroids, as well as with their local use, a persistent decrease in immunity occurs. Similarly, antibacterial drugs affect the body;

  • Gastrointestinal diseases and hypovitaminosis can also lead to the development of symptoms of mycotic balanitis or balanoposthitis;

  • Provoking factors are bad habits and nervous strain.

Treatment of penile fungus in men

During the course of therapy, it is necessary to abandon intimate life. If there is a permanent sexual partner, then she should definitely contact a gynecologist. Without parallel treatment of a woman, therapy in a man will be performed in vain, since re-infection will occur in the future.

When contacting a doctor, the doctor prescribes antifungal drugs for systemic treatment. The dosage regimen is determined by the attending physician. Do not self-medicate, as antimycotic agents have serious side effects.

Systemic therapy is always supplemented with local treatment. For this, patients are recommended to use ointments with an antifungal effect.

With frequent relapses of the fungus of the penis, it is possible to undergo pulse therapy, when the drugs are taken for a short time, but the number of courses increases. It is worth preparing for the fact that the duration of treatment can reach 6 months.

It is also necessary to carefully observe intimate hygiene. It is worth getting rid of old underwear and replacing it with products made from natural fabrics. It is important not to take a bath during an exacerbation of the disease. Hygiene procedures should be carried out under the shower. After washing, the penis must be thoroughly wiped, since it is the humid environment that is most favorable for the development of pathogenic flora. It is necessary to take a shower at least once a day, but it is better to refuse gels, foams and other hygiene products containing chemical additives.

Diet is an important part of therapy. Confectionery, pastries and fast food should be abandoned, since the fast carbohydrates contained in these products are food for fungal organisms. Sharp, smoked, fried and salty dishes should also be excluded so as not to irritate the inflamed head of the penis when urinating.


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