Fungus on the feet: symptoms

Even synthetic socks or tight closed shoes that “don’t breathe” can provoke the development of a fungal infection. In India, for example, fungal diseases of the feet and nails are extremely rare, despite the low level of hygiene among the population and the widespread walking barefoot, and all because the skin of the feet breathes freely.

A special risk group, according to experts, is made up of representatives of certain professions. For example, because of tight shoes, the military is more likely to get sick with the fungus. And athletes often injure their nails, spend a lot of time in locker rooms and shower gyms, easily becoming infected and infecting others.

If you’ve been diagnosed with a fungal infection, don’t ignore the symptoms. A fungal infection does not go away on its own. And traditional medicine will not help here – it’s just a waste of time. And while you postpone the treatment, the disease progresses: the smell of feet can become extremely unpleasant and harsh, and the nails darken over time, can thicken or, conversely, become more brittle. Therefore, take action at the first sign of fungus. If about 1/3 of the nail plate on no more than two fingers is affected, it is recommended to be treated with external agents. To date, external preparations are represented mainly by creams and varnishes, which most often are not able to penetrate deeply into the lesion of the fungus. Therefore, the solution “Exoderil” occupies a special place in the market of antifungal drugs. Thanks to its unique shape, it penetrates deep into the nail and the skin around it, creating stable antifungal concentrations in its various layers. The active substance naftifine contained in Exoderil helps to destroy the fungus directly in the lesion, and also helps to relieve inflammation and eliminate itching.

“Exoderil” begins to act in case of fungal and bacterial skin infections within 24 hours after application. In more than 80% of cases, “Exoderil” cures patients in just 2–4 weeks of therapy (6), and in case of nail fungus, it demonstrates high cure rates in the first 3 months (7).

To achieve this effect, it is important to use the drug correctly. Before each use of Exoderil solution, the affected part of the nail should be removed as much as possible with scissors or a nail file. And remember that you need to cut the nail constantly until it grows healthy. And the solution itself must be applied to a cut of the edge of the nail, capturing about 1 cm of the skin around it. Apply Exoderil cream to the affected skin and adjacent areas, also covering approximately 1 cm of healthy skin.

And, of course, observe the terms of treatment – you can get rid of the fungus only after completing the full course of therapy: treatment with a cream lasts an average of 2-4 weeks, and with a solution – up to 6 months. This duration of treatment is associated with the rate of regrowth of the nail plate. Until the affected nail is completely replaced by a healthy one, the fungus cannot be considered destroyed.

The fungus must be treated! Be attentive to yourself and your loved ones!

There are contraindications for use. It is necessary to consult a specialist.

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1. Kotrekhova LP, journal “Problems of medical mycology”, 2006, No. 1, 2006.

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