Fungus in the groin in men and women

Fungus in the groin in men and women – This is a lesion of the epidermis by mycotic organisms, localized in the area of ​​​​large skin folds. Synonyms of this disease are bordered eczema, inguinal athlete and true athlete.

The disease can affect both men and women, but the stronger sex gets sick more often. In childhood, the disease is rarely diagnosed, the increase in the frequency of occurrence occurs closer to the period of puberty. Flaky epidermophyton causes inflammation in 1,8% of cases, the culprits of diseases in other cases are trichophytons belonging to the group of dermatomycetes. The presence of a fungus in the groin allows you to make a diagnosis of “dermatomycosis”.

Symptoms of a fungus in the groin in men and women

Fungus in the groin in men and women

The disease is manifested by the following clinical signs:

  • Itchy pink spots appear in the inguinal folds. Their size does not exceed 10 mm. The spots are round, their surface is flaky. As the disease progresses, the spots increase in size and can reach 10 cm in diameter. The focus of inflammation has clear scalloped boundaries.

  • On the periphery of the spots, the skin is hyperemic, vesicles and pustules form on it.

  • Over time, the inflammation localized in the center of the spot disappears and clean skin remains in this place. However, the foci of epidermophytosis remain hyperemic and have the appearance of large rings as a result of the fusion of spots. The edges of such plaques are raised, often rashes go beyond the boundaries of the inguinal zone.

  • Itching always accompanies the fungus in the groin. It tends to increase during walking.

  • In addition to the inguinal folds, it is possible to involve the intergluteal folds, the skin of the inner surface of the thighs, and the axillary regions in the pathological process. In women, spots can form under the mammary gland. Less commonly, the process extends to the skin of the anus, to the interdigital spaces of the legs, to the scrotum in men.

When adequate treatment is not available, the disease can last for many years. In this case, periods of exacerbation and remission of the disease alternate. During a lull, the inflammation subsides, the itching disappears, but the peeling intensifies, the color of the spot has a brownish tint.

It is important to distinguish the symptoms of inguinal epidermophytosis from erythrasma (with this disease, the lesions do not go beyond the inguinal zone), from diaper rash and candidal skin folds (with these pathologies, a characteristic plaque forms and eroded zones appear), from psoriasis of large folds (in this case, the plaques have a rich red color, edematous skin). (read also: Psoriasis – stages, causes, symptoms)

Causes of fungus in the groin in men and women

The cause of the development of the disease is infection with mycotic organisms.

The transmission of the fungus occurs by contact-household way:

  • Infection is possible through bedding, through the use of shared towels, washcloths.

  • Wearing someone else’s underwear also increases the risk of infection.

  • Visiting public baths, saunas, swimming pools increases the likelihood of infection. Especially if in such places you neglect the rules of personal hygiene, walk barefoot on the floor.

  • The risks of infection increase in the presence of provoking factors: high air temperature, high humidity, increased sweating.

  • Another provoking factor may be the presence of injuries on the surface layers of the skin.

  • Excessive body weight and the presence of large folds greatly complicates full-fledged hygienic care.

Diagnosis of the fungus in the groin in men and women

If symptoms of the disease occur, it is necessary to contact a mycologist or a dermatologist. To confirm or refute the diagnosis, the doctor will perform a scraping examination for the presence of pathogenic fungi in it, take the material for inoculation on a nutrient medium and examine the affected areas of the body using a Wood’s lamp.

If necessary, scrapings are taken not only from the smooth skin of the inguinal folds, but also from the nails. In the presence of a fungal infection, short branching filaments of the mycelium of the fungus are found in the skin husks, as well as arthrospores that line up in chains.

With the help of a Wood’s lamp, it is possible to distinguish a mycotic lesion from erythrasma, contact dermatitis, and other diseases similar in symptoms.

Treatment of fungus in the groin in men and women

To get rid of the disease, most often there is enough local treatment.

For this purpose can be used:

  • Antifungal drugs. Local antimycotic therapy continues for a long period of time – up to 6 weeks. It is not advisable to complete it immediately after the disappearance of symptoms, as this threatens the risk of recurrence of the disease.

  • During an exacerbation of inflammation, antiseptic agents are indicated. If itching is severe, your doctor may prescribe aerosols with corticosteroids and antibiotics. 

  • When the foci of inflammation are eliminated, the skin that has undergone epidermophytosis must be treated with Iodine, a solution of Salicylic acid.

  • If, against the background of mycosis of the skin, the patient develops allergic rashes – mycides, then the use of antihistamines is indicated.

  • After the inflammatory process has completely subsided, the skin must be treated with milder disinfectants and non-irritating agents.

Most often, the inflammatory process can be eliminated within a week. However, for this, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules for applying antimycotic ointments:

  • The inflamed area is thoroughly washed with soap;

  • The ointment is applied to the affected areas with the capture of healthy skin;

  • The frequency of application of the ointment depends on medical recommendations;

  • When there is no effect after a week, a second visit to a specialist is necessary;

  • Linen for the duration of therapy should be chosen spacious from natural fabrics, its change should be daily;

  • In order to prevent an increase in humidity in the treated area, you should use powders or talc that can absorb liquid;

  • It is best to remove hair from the intimate area, if this is not possible, then they must be treated with shampoo with an antifungal component.

When diagnosing inguinal mycosis, women need to consult a gynecologist, as there is a risk of vaginal fungal infection.

Prevention of fungus in the groin in men and women

Fungus in the groin in men and women

Due to the fact that the disease is transmitted by contact-household way, it is advisable to perform the following preventive measures:

  • Disinfection of bedding and underwear must be thorough, especially after use by third parties. Need not only machine wash, but also careful ironing.

  • Do not use other people’s towels, washcloths and other personal hygiene items.

  • When in a bath or sauna, as well as in pools, careful body hygiene should be observed. Additionally, antiseptic aerosols can be used to treat the most vulnerable areas.

  • When visiting public places, you should wear bath slippers and avoid walking barefoot.

  • It is important to fight hyperhidrosis and carefully monitor the cleanliness of the inguinal folds. This is especially true for overweight people.

  • If you find the first symptoms of the disease, you should seek qualified help, and not engage in self-treatment.

  • If there is a sick person in the family, disinfection methods should be strengthened. He needs to use only his personal hygiene items, carefully clean the bath after himself using Hydrogen Peroxide.

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