Fungus in the bathroom: how to get rid of? Video

One of the most common problems that every housewife faces is the appearance of mold in the bathroom. Since any of its manifestations can contribute to the emergence of a number of painful conditions, it is necessary to immediately select an effective remedy against fungus in the bathroom.

As a rule, the problem of fungus in the bathroom is solved only in complex ways. So, it is very important to create unfavorable conditions for the spread of the fungus, namely, to take care of good ventilation of the room, reduce the level of humidity, and prepare special means.

Highlights for tackling bathroom fungus

The very first thing you need to pay attention to when mold appears in the bathroom is the condition of the plumbing equipment: pipes, taps, bathroom. If a leak is found, it is very important to make repairs, which will exclude the appearance of condensation in the future.

Having got rid of problems with plumbing, it is necessary to clean the walls affected by the fungus, as well as the ceiling from plaster or paint. Since the mycelium has the ability to penetrate to a sufficiently large depth, it is very important, in addition to processing with special means, to mechanically clean the damaged surface.

The next step in the fight against fungus in the bathroom is to dry the room, which will require special equipment – heaters or heat guns. It is very important to ensure uniform heating in the room.

Only after carrying out repair work in the room, you can start treating the surfaces (walls, ceiling, joints of the bathtub and sink with the wall, etc.) with antiseptic agents in order to prevent the appearance of fungus in the future. When processing, special attention must be paid to places located in the immediate vicinity of pipes and taps.

In addition to using agents that prevent the reproduction of black fungus, it is necessary to take another preventive measure – to treat the surface with substances that prevent moisture from penetrating inside. It is also very important to remember that all materials used for construction and finishing work (including paint) must have moisture resistant characteristics.

When purchasing finishing materials and means for processing premises, be sure to check with the sales assistant for the degree of their moisture resistance

Folk remedies to combat mold in the bathroom

In addition to store-bought remedies, there are several popular recipes that are also effective remedies against fungus in the bathroom. Among them:

– treatment of the affected surface with creosote dissolved in alcohol, ether or water. When working with this solution, you need to take care of personal protective equipment – the presence of a mask and gloves;

– surface treatment with a solution of acetic acid, boric acid, hydrogen peroxide or soda. Each of the funds in a certain ratio (usually at the rate of 1 to 10) must be dissolved in water. A solution of hydrogen peroxide, boric acid, vinegars, water in a ratio of 2: 1: 2: 4 is considered one of the most effective in the fight against fungus. Before applying it to the surface with a sponge, the solution must be warmed up to 50 or 70 degrees, after which it is necessary to leave it on the affected surface for a certain amount of time. Then the surface is washed with warm water.

Chlorine-containing products guarantee getting rid of the fungus. That is why chlorine treatment has its widespread use in various institutions. So, you can also use bleach to clean your home, since it often contains the component necessary for such a case. Do not forget that during the work, your hands must be in gloves!

Tea tree oil is also used to fight fungus. So, it is necessary to dilute 2 teaspoons of oil with two glasses of water, after which the affected surface should be treated with a spray bottle. It is best to repeat the procedure several times.


The most reliable way to fight fungus in the bathroom is prevention. So, eliminating the causes of mold is many times easier than dealing with an already existing fungus. That is why it is necessary to constantly follow certain rules.

It is important to maintain an optimal humidity level in the room – about 30%. Always ventilate the bathroom. Ideally, it is recommended to run the fan into the hood. If this is not possible, just leave the bathroom door open, especially after the end of the water procedures.

It is important to periodically carry out preventive treatment of the surface of the room with antifungal agents.

You should take care of the condition of the pipes in the bathroom, eliminate the leak. It is recommended to replace the pipes with plastic ones, since such pipes exclude the possibility of perspiration.

It is better to use a balcony or other room to dry the laundry, as wet laundry also increases the humidity level.

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