Fungicides are used to cure fungal diseases of grapes, as well as other horticultural and horticultural crops. The safety of drugs makes them easy to use for prevention. According to the mechanism of action, all fungicides for grapes are divided into three groups, which determines their purpose.

The division of drugs into groups according to the principle of action

Fungicides for orchard and vineyard treatment

Vineyards are prone to various diseases, but most often the culture is affected by fungi. First, the crop is destroyed. Secondly, if you do not take any action, then the entire bush will disappear. Breeders are constantly breeding hybrids with increased immunity. However, the problem is only partially solved. During an epidemic, the fungus quickly spreads throughout the plantation, destroying even the most resistant grape varieties.

Preventive spraying with fungicides helps to destroy fungal spores, prevent them from multiplying and progressing. However, drugs are not universal. They cannot cure all diseases. For example, fungicides for processing Topaz or Tipt grapes will help prevent the spread of scab, as well as powdery mildew. These drugs will not cope with anthracnose. Prevention must be carried out in several stages, using means of different actions.

Attention! When used wisely, organic fungicides for grapes are harmless. Chemical components do not affect the taste of berries. Fungicides are harmless to bees and humans, and negatively affect only the spores of the fungus.

Contact medications

Fungicides for orchard and vineyard treatment

Fungus infestation in a vineyard begins with foliage. Gradually, the disease passes to berries and young shoots. When treating the garden and vineyards, contact or local fungicides form a protective film on fruits, leaves and branches. Preventive spraying prevents infection of green mass. Processing during an epidemic does not allow the fungus to multiply.

The spores of the fungus adhere to the film formed by the contact fungicide and are destroyed. A big plus is the lack of adaptation of pathogens to drugs. The protective film on the plant lasts an average of 12 days. The duration of the action of the contact agent is affected by weather conditions. Heat and heavy rains accelerate the process of destruction of the protective film. Sometimes the gardener himself becomes the culprit, exposing the processed grapes to irrigation by sprinkling.

For complete protection against the fungus during an epidemic, it is recommended to spray plantings every 10 days. During the season, the vineyard is processed up to 8 times. If it rained after spraying, the procedure is repeated unscheduled.

Attention! Contact fungicides are not able to destroy the developed mycelium. The drugs are more effective for the prevention or treatment of bushes, from which all affected areas have been previously removed.

Hom is an example of a contact fungicide. In action, it is similar to Bordeaux liquid. The remedy is not effective for treatment. It is used for prevention. Folpan is more suitable for treating infected grapes. The maximum number of fungicide treatments per season does not exceed 4 times.

Systemic drugs

Fungicides for orchard and vineyard treatment

According to the principle of operation, systemic fungicides for grapes differ from contact preparations. The active component is completely absorbed by the cells, after which, together with the juice, it spreads throughout the plant. The systemic fungicide does not form a protective film. The substance needs 6 hours for complete absorption. The drug acts from the inside of the plant, completely destroying the fungus.

From the moment of spraying, systemic fungicides for grapes are effective for three weeks. Moreover, the active substance spreads throughout the bush and root system, even if during processing the solution got only on part of the vine. After six hours after treatment, rain, heat or high humidity are not terrible. The number of treatments is reduced to three times a year.

The disadvantage of systemic remedies is the adaptation of the fungus to them. On one grape bush, the preparation of one group is used no more than twice.

Advice! Systemic and contact preparations are perfectly combined. Often they are used together.

Each systemic agent is designed to combat a specific disease. Falcon does an excellent job with oidium. If fungicides are needed from mildew on grapes, then Fundazol is preferred.

Preparations of complex action

Fungicides for orchard and vineyard treatment

In its composition, complex fungicides for grapes contain active substances of systemic and contact preparations. The action is carried out selectively on a certain type of fungus. A local systemic fungicide for grapes is characterized by increased toxicity, which requires careful handling.

Important! Preparations of complex action are used for the prevention, as well as the cure for fungal diseases.

Among the popular complex drugs are:

  • Mikal is a preventive and therapeutic agent against fungal diseases. Processing must be carried out no later than three days after the discovery of the affected areas of the grapes.
  • Shavit destroys all types of rot and pathogens of infectious diseases. The product is highly toxic. Apply a maximum of two times per season. Plantings are sprayed in protective clothing, gloves, goggles and a respirator.
  • Flint copes well with mildew, oidium, as well as the manifestation of rot. The product is not highly toxic and can be used up to three times per season. The duration of action after spraying is about two weeks.
  • Cabrio Top is able to heal a vineyard during a massive outbreak of mildew and oidium. The tool helps well against anthracnose, destroys pests. The active substance accumulates in grapes and acts for a month. Any weather conditions are not able to neutralize the drug.

Most complex remedies additionally help fight leaf spot and infectious drying.

Overview of popular drugs

It is impossible to choose the most effective fungicide for grapes, since the active substance of each product is aimed at combating a specific disease. Beginning growers prefer complex preparations because of the difficulty of independently identifying the disease. Experienced gardeners who know how to correctly diagnose can accurately select a systemic or contact fungicide.

Top 1. Consento, CS

Fungicides for orchard and vineyard treatment
A particularly effective means for protecting grapes is Consento. It is distinguished by a combined effect that allows you to fight mildew, and also protects a number of vegetables from late blight, alternariosis. The mixture strengthens the immunity of the shoots, contributing to their rapid growth. The exposure time of the finished Consento solution is a week. However, in case of favorable weather conditions, this period is extended to a couple of weeks.
After spraying, it creates a kind of barrier that prevents the development of pathogens. It is allowed to use Consento at different stages of the growing season of crops.
Among its advantages, it is also necessary to highlight:
  • antisporular qualities;
  • resistance to rain and water;
  • toxicological safety;
  • affordable cost.
With the formation of fungal infections, the treatment of plants should be carried out regularly, at intervals of fourteen days. And to fight infections, this period is reduced to ten days.


Considering the best fungicides for grapes, you should pay attention to Strobi. A systemic agent completely destroys the mycelium, prevents spores from multiplying, and effectively heals bushes from mildew and oidium. Additionally, Strobi fights against the formation of rot.

The fungicide is used even with significant damage to the vine, leaves and bunches of grapes. The maximum number of treatments is 2 times per season. A package of powder weighing 2 g is diluted with 7 liters of water, poured into a spray bottle and treated with bushes. The active substance is non-toxic to bees, animals and humans.


Fungicides for orchard and vineyard treatment

Falcon has three components. The remedy is considered complex, and effectively fights oidium, mildew, and also prevents the appearance of spotting. Falcon can be used at any time, even when the grapes are in bloom. The drug is popular among private gardeners and large farms.

For prevention, a working solution is prepared from 5 ml of Falcon and 10 liters of water. For treatment, an increased concentration of the active substance is required. The working solution is made from 10 liters of water and 10 ml of Falcon.


Fungicides for orchard and vineyard treatment

A popular systemic drug is used not only for processing grapes. Topaz effectively protects garden trees and shrubs from fungus. A combination of the drug with contact fungicides is allowed, due to which the protection of green mass and fruits is enhanced.

Topaz is recommended for use at the initial stage of a fungal disease of grapes. The active substance copes well with mildew, as well as oidium. To prepare a working solution, use 2 ml of Topaz per 10 liters of water. The number of sprays depends on the type of disease. The duration of action of the active substance is from 2 to 3 weeks. However, during an epidemic of oidium disease, with severe damage to the bushes, the next spraying is repeated after 7 days.

Important! Topaz is used only during the growing season of grapes.

Is fast

Fungicides for orchard and vineyard treatment

A systemic fungus remedy protects grapes for 7-21 days. During the season it is allowed to spray up to four times. The best effect is observed when used together with contact fungicides. The drug does not cause toxic poisoning of plants, bees and humans.

The working solution is made from 2 ml of Skora per 10 liters of water. The tool is often used for prevention. Skor will help from rot and scab, but only at the initial stage.

The video provides an overview of popular fungicides used by winegrowers:

Preparations for the fight against diseases of grapes, treatment scheme, foliar and root top dressing


Any fungicide is a chemical agent. Its safety is due to the correct use according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

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