Fungicide Triad

Cereal crops occupy large areas. Without them, the production of cereals and bread, flour is impossible. They form the basis of animal feed. It is very important to protect them from diseases and collect a decent harvest, to create food supplies. Fungicides help with this.

Fungicide Triad

Why are fungicides needed?

Most often, cereal crops are harmed by parasitic fungi. Not only does the harvest decrease, the grain becomes poisonous to humans, causing serious illness and poisoning. The following diseases are considered the most dangerous.

  • Smut. It is caused by basidiomycetes. Rye, wheat, barley, millet, oats are affected by them. With a strong defeat, the crop is lost almost completely.
  • Ergot. It is caused by fungi from the genus Ascomycetes. Instead of grains, black-violet horns are formed on the ears, which are sclerotia of the fungus. If such a grain is ingested, it causes serious poisoning, sometimes even fatal.

    Fungicide Triad

    In Europe and Our Country, there were many cases of diseases that sometimes took the form of an epidemic.

  • Fusarium. Caused by fungi of the genus Fusarium. It can be distinguished by a pink coating, which is a mycelium. Bread baked from grain affected by fusarium is called drunk, as it causes poisoning similar to intoxication.
  • Rust. It does not affect the grain itself, but significantly harms all the vegetative organs of cereal crops. The process of photosynthesis in them slows down and there is no need to wait for a good harvest.
  • Root rot. Outwardly, they are almost invisible, but plants from the cereal family are harmed very much. Root rot is caused by the same fungi.

There are many other diseases of cereal crops that are fungal in nature.

Fungicide Triad

Fungicides will help to cope with fungal diseases.


These antifungal agents are classified according to the mode of action. Important! When choosing a fungicide, you need to remember that fungi are not only on the surface of the plant, but also inside it.

  • Contact. They are unable to penetrate the plant or spread through it. Contact fungicides work only in places of application. They are easily washed off by precipitation; repeated re-treatment of plants will be required. For humans, they are less dangerous than systemic fungicides.
  • systemic fungicides. They are able to penetrate inside the plant and spread through the vessels. Their action is quite long, but the harm to humans is much greater. For grain treated with a systemic fungicide to become safe, the drug must be deactivated. Most often, this period is up to 2 months.

Fungicide Triad

The composition and properties of the drug Triada

It is to systemic fungicides that the new drug Triada, created using nanotechnology, belongs. It is issued by the closed joint-stock company Agrokhim in the city of Shchelkovo. The drug was registered at the very end of 2015.

Fungicide Triad

This fungicide has a telling name. The triad consists of 3 main active components:

  • propiconazole at a concentration of 140 g per liter;
  • tebuconazole at a concentration of 140 g/l;
  • epoxiconazole at a concentration of 72 g / l.

Nano-formulation of 3 triazoles made it possible to create a preparation with unique fungicidal and growth-stimulating properties.

  • Fungicide Triada enhances the processes of photosynthesis in plants.
  • The conductivity of the vessels improves, which improves the supply of nutrition from the root system to the leaf apparatus.
  • The balance of growth hormones is normalized, which accelerates the movement of nutrients to the vegetative organs.
  • The root system and vegetative mass grows better.

    Fungicide Triad

  • The growing season is extended
  • Grain ripens faster, has better quality.
  • The harvest is increasing.
  • The adaptability of plants to adverse climatic and weather factors improves.
  • The drug adheres well to the leaves and is resistant to washing off.
  • There is no resistance to Triada fungicide.
  • The colloidal formulation is perfectly absorbed by all vegetative parts of the plant, quickly spreading through them. Thanks to this, it is possible to destroy pathogenic bacteria and fungi even inside seeds and grains.
Important! The use of nanotechnology has made it possible to reduce the concentration of active substances without loss of efficiency.

Mechanism of action

Triazoles inhibit the biosynthesis of styrenes, reducing the cell permeability of the membrane of pathogens. The cells stop reproducing because they cannot build membranes, and the pathogen dies.

From what diseases is active

The triad is used to process barley, spring and winter wheat, rye and soybeans. The drug is effective in the following fungal diseases:

  • powdery mildew;
  • all types of rust;
  • septoria;
  • rhynchosporiosis;
  • various spots.
Important! Fungicide Triada also copes with ear fusarium.

How and when to process

The fungicide triad, the instruction for which is quite simple, does not require a large number of treatments. From fusariosis of the ear, wheat is sprayed in the phase of the end of heading or at the beginning of flowering. One hectare consumes from 200 to 300 liters of working fluid. For its preparation, only 0,6 l of Triad fungicide is required. One treatment is enough.

Warning! The waiting time from spraying to harvest is a month.

For all other fungal diseases, crops are sprayed with the Triada fungicide during the growing season, from 200 to 400 liters of working fluid will be required per hectare of crops. For its preparation, it will be necessary to spend from 0,5 to 0,6 liters of fungicide. Multiplicity of processing – 2 times. Before harvesting, a month should pass from the last spraying.

Important! The working solution of Triada fungicide can be stored for a long time without losing its quality.

Soybeans are treated once in the budding phase or at the beginning of flowering, spending from 200 to 400 liters of working fluid per hectare, prepared from 0,5-0,6 liters of Triada fungicide.

A windless day without rain is suitable for processing. The temperature range in which the Triad is effective is from 10 to 25 degrees Celsius.

Important! The drug has a hazard class 3 for humans.

The time of the protective action of the Triada fungicide preparation on all crops is 40 days.

Form of issue

Fungicide Triada is produced in polyethylene canisters with a capacity of 5 and 10 liters. The drug can be stored for 3 years in a special room designed for the storage of fungicides and pesticides. The temperature in it should not be below minus 10 degrees and above plus 35 degrees.

Advice! Before preparing the working solution, the drug must be mixed.

Fungicide Triad

What drugs can be combined with

Fungicide Triada gives good efficiency without additional means of protection. If necessary, tank mixes with other fungicides can be made. Before this, it is necessary to check them for physical and chemical compatibility.

Advice! The product is not phytotoxic, but if the plants are under stress due to frost damage, heavy rain or pests, it should not be used.

The use of Triada fungicide requires compliance with all precautions:

  • you need to wear special clothes and gloves;
  • use a respirator;
  • do not eat or smoke during processing;
  • after it, rinse your mouth and wash your hands and face with soap.


With a low concentration of active ingredients, the drug has several advantages.

  • Thanks to propiconazole, the number of chloroplasts in cereals increases, and the quality of chlorophyll improves, which increases photosynthesis and contributes to the growth of the vegetative mass.
  • Tebuconazole inhibits the production of ethylene in the leaf apparatus, thereby prolonging the growing season.
  • Epoxiconazole works the fastest, stopping the progression of the disease. It enhances the effectiveness of other azoles. It is his merit in increasing the resistance of grain crops to stressful situations. They tolerate drought without problems. Epoxiconazole stimulates photosynthesis in plants, the flow of juices through the vessels, increasing the amount of growth hormones. As a result, this increases the yield.

The advantages of the drug can also be attributed to the fact that fungal organisms do not get used to it.

Important! The drug not only positively affects the yield, but also improves the quality of the grain.

The price of the Triada drug is quite high, due to the complexity of manufacturing and the technologies used. However, many large farms are switching to its use. The reason is the highest efficiency of the fungicide.

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