Fungicide Topsin M

Fungicides help fight diseases of garden and field crops, fruit trees, shrubs, and vineyards. One of the most popular drugs is Topsin M, which is produced in the form of a powder or emulsion. Fungicide treatment of cultivated plantings is carried out before flowering, as well as at the end of harvesting.

What you need to know about the drug

Fungicide Topsin M

The fungicide Topsin is produced in the form of an emulsion or powder. The dosage of dry matter is more common in large packages weighing 1–10 kg. Such packaging of Topsin is convenient for farmers, as well as owners of large plots of land. For private use, there is a small dosage of fungicide of 10–25 g. However, the emulsion is more popular. For Topsin M 500 SC, the instructions for use are the same as for the powdered substance. The advantage of the emulsion is the readiness of the fungicide for use, as well as a convenient dosage for the private trader. The drug is sold in bottles with a capacity of 10 ml.

The main active ingredient of the drug is a pesticide called theophanate-methyl. The fungicide belongs to the class of drugs of medium toxicity, does not cause chemical burns of the skin, as well as the mucous membrane. For the drug Topsin M, the instructions for use provide for the treatment of plantings by spraying. The active substance of the fungicide is quickly absorbed by the entire tree or plant. The pesticide destroys fungal spores, prevents the awakening of the mycelium, and heals the affected areas. Additionally, the fungicide protects the green mass from aphids and other leaf beetles.

Important! The effectiveness of the drug Topsina extends to the root system, protecting it from damage by soil nematodes.

Main advantages and disadvantages

Fungicide Topsin M

Thanks to a complex of useful actions, Topsin M fungicide has many advantages:

  • the drug has a wide spectrum of action, which allows you to effectively deal with several types of diseases;
  • the action of the active substance Topsin begins on the first day of treatment;
  • the protective period of the fungicide lasts up to 1 month;
  • the fungicide is compatible with all preparations that do not contain alkali and copper;
  • along with protective actions, Topsin M is a growth stimulator of plant cells, and also improves the process of photosynthesis;
  • fungicide helps save trees and garden crops from mechanical damage by hail;
  • The pesticide is slightly toxic, safe for humans, bees and plants themselves.

The disadvantage of Topsin is the adaptation of pathogens of fungal diseases to the active substance. The problem is solved by alternating the treatment with the drug with other fungicides.

Attention! Topsin should not be used with Bordeaux liquid.

The action of the active substance

Fungicide Topsin M

The systemic action of the Topsin fungicide simultaneously consists in the prevention, treatment and destruction of the developing fungus.

Often the disease occurs in stone fruit varieties of fruit trees. The fungus in the spring affects the buds, foliage, appearing on the plates with brown spots. After 10-14 days, the areas dry up and crumble. The foliage becomes all in small holes.

Over time, the fungus passes to the fruit. The symptoms are similar. First, spots appear, turning into dry rot. The fruits fall off along with the foliage, keeping the fungus spores all winter until the next spring. With the onset of heat, the causative agent of the disease awakens. Fungal spores are activated at a temperature of +4оC. Infection of neighboring plantations occurs with the help of wind and insects.

The main method of struggle is burning in the fall, the affected fallen leaves and fruits. Dry and diseased shoots are cut from trees. In the spring, immediately after flowering, the first treatment with Topsin is carried out. After two weeks, the procedure is repeated.

The video talks about fake fungicides, including Topsin:

Application instructions

Fungicide Topsin M

If it is decided to use Topsin M fungicide, the instructions for use are written on the original packaging and must be followed. Regardless of the use of powder or emulsion, the solution is prepared on the day of its use. According to the instructions, the desired dose of Topsin is dissolved in water. The finished solution of the fungicide is thoroughly mixed, filtered, and then poured into the sprayer tank.

Advice! It is more efficient to fill the sprayer with Topsin solution for ¼ capacity.

Usually for Topsin M, the instructions for use say that 10 to 10 g of the drug is dissolved per 15 liters of water. Spraying is recommended during the growing season. Do not use fungicide during flowering. The best time is before buds appear or after harvest. There should not be flowers on a tree or garden crop. During the season, 2 treatments are carried out, otherwise the drug will not bring any benefit.

Spraying with fungicide is carried out in clear, calm weather. Repeated action is performed no earlier than 2 weeks later. It should be noted that Topsin is addictive. From frequent use, fungi adapt to the drug and acquire immunity. For the best effect, adhere to the annual alternation using analogues. Tsikozin, Peltis have proven themselves well, but in such matters an individual recommendation of a specialist is needed.

Compliance with safety measures when treating plantings with fungicides

Fungicide Topsin M

Topsin’s instructions for use state that when working with the drug, precautions are required. According to the danger to humans, the fungicide belongs to the second class. Topsin will not bring much harm to the skin and mucous membranes, but spraying cannot be done without a respirator and rubber gloves. It is advisable to wear glasses when processing trees. From a height, the atomized mist will settle and may get into the eyes.

A feature of Topsin is an effective action aimed at increasing the yield by almost two times. Farmers take advantage of this. When processing your plantations, you need to take into account that there will be no particular harm to bees and birds. However, fish do not tolerate the fungicide entering the water. Topsin should not be used near water bodies. It is strictly forbidden to pour out the remains of the solution, and wash the equipment in water.

The use of the drug for different types of crops

Fungicide Topsin M

Before use, read the instructions for use on the packaging of Topsin fungicide, where the recommended dosage is indicated. It will be different for different garden crops and trees. If spraying is needed for treatment, the degree of infection is additionally taken into account.

Topsin dry powder is dissolved until the crystals disappear completely. The fungicide emulsion can be dissolved in a small amount of water directly inside the spray tank. The container is tightly closed with a lid, shaken several times, opened and topped up with water to the required rate. The closed tank is shaken again, pumped up and sprayed. During the procedure, periodically shake the balloon to avoid the formation of sediment.

Spraying cucumbers

The fungicide effectively protects cucumbers from powdery mildew. Planting is processed twice a season. With an open method of cultivation, spraying is allowed to be carried out with the emergence of seedlings and before the formation of the ovary. Flowering time is excluded. It is better to spray early. The drug is valid for 1 month, and at the time of harvesting this period should preferably end. 1 m2 beds are usually enough 30 ml of solution. The concentration of the active substance reaches approximately 0,12 g / 1 l.


Most often, the fungicide is in demand for beets, but is also suitable for other root crops. The drug protects against powdery mildew, as well as manifestations of cercosporosis. During the season, 3 treatments are carried out every 40 days. It is this time that Topsin effectively protects root crops. The consumption of the finished solution per 1 m2 is about 30 ml. The concentration of the active substance is brought to an indicator of 0,08 g / 1 l.

Fruit trees

All fruit-bearing trees are sprayed twice a season. The best period is considered to be early spring before the buds begin to appear and the end of flowering, when a young ovary appears. The protective effect lasts a maximum of 1 month. The consumption of the finished solution depends on the size of the tree and can reach from 2 to 10 liters. The optimal concentration of the active substance is 1,5%. The action of the drug extends to the destruction of pathogens of scab and powdery mildew.

Vineyards and berry bushes

Spraying of berry bushes and vines is carried out before the appearance of flower stalks, as well as after harvesting. During the pouring of berries, processing is prohibited. Rapid maturation does not make it possible to completely neutralize all substances that are undesirable for ingestion.

Protective actions extend to the opposition of gray rot, as well as the occurrence of anthracnose. Vineyard fungicide protects against oidium. The consumption of the finished solution depends on the size of the bush and can reach 5 liters. The optimal concentration of the active substance is 1,5%.


About the effectiveness of Topsin M, reviews of summer residents are bifurcated. Some gardeners assure of usefulness, while others are wary of chemicals.

Valentina Igorevna
I really don’t like using chemicals. There was no choice, since the currants began to disappear and nothing helped. Spraying with Topsin saved the bushes. Young shoots grew the following year. I processed it again, but did not eat the berries just in case. Now all the bushes are cured.
Elizaveta Andreevna
I save cucumbers with Topsin from powdery mildew, but only at the initial stage before the appearance of buds. I do not want to spray later to eat clean vegetables. The drug is effective, but I can’t say anything about its harmlessness yet.

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