Fungicide Strekar

Diseases of a fungal and bacterial nature can slow down the development of plants and destroy the crop. To protect garden and agricultural crops from such lesions, the Strekar drug, which has a complex effect, is suitable.

The fungicide is not yet widely used. The manufacturer recommends the use of the drug to gardeners and farmers.

Description of the fungicide

Fungicide Strekar

Strekar is a contact-systemic fungicide that protects horticultural crops from harmful bacteria and fungi. The fungicide is used for the treatment of planting material, spraying and watering during the growing season of crops.

One of the active ingredients is phytobacteriomycin, an antibiotic that is highly soluble in water. The substance penetrates into plant tissues and moves through them. As a result, the immunity of cultures to various diseases increases.

Another active ingredient is carbendazim, which can stop the spread of pathogenic microorganisms. Carbendazim has protective properties, adheres well to the shoots and leaves of plants.

Strekar fungicide is used to protect and treat the following diseases:

  • fungal infections;
  • root rot;
  • blackleg;
  • Fusarium wilt;
  • anthracnose;
  • bacterial burn;
  • spotting on the leaves.

Fungicide Strekar is available in packages of 500 g, 3 and 10 kg. The drug has the form of a paste, which is diluted with water to obtain a working solution. In 1 st. l. contains 20 g of the substance.

Strekar is compatible with other fungicides and insecticides. An exception is bacterial preparations.

The protective effect of the solution lasts for 15-20 days. After treatment, protective and healing properties appear after 12-24 hours.

Fungicide Strekar


The main advantages of the fungicide Strekar:

  • has a systemic and contact action;
  • effective against bacterial and fungal pathogens;
  • does not accumulate in shoots and fruits;
  • long period of action;
  • promotes the appearance of new leaves and ovaries in plants;
  • increases yield;
  • wide scope: processing of seeds and adult plants;
  • suitable for spraying and watering;
  • compatible with other drugs;
  • lack of phytotoxicity, subject to the consumption rate;
  • possibility of use at any stage of development of cultures.


Disadvantages of the drug Strekar:

  • the need to adhere to safety regulations;
  • toxicity to bees;
  • prohibited for use near water bodies.

The order of application

Strekar is used as a solution. The required amount of fungicide is mixed with water. Plantings are watered under the root or sprayed on the leaf.

To prepare the solution, use a plastic, enameled or glass container. The resulting product is consumed within a day after preparation.

seed Processing

Treating seeds before planting avoids many diseases and speeds up seed germination. The solution is prepared a day before planting seeds for seedlings or in the ground.

Fungicide concentration – 2%. Before dressing, seeds are selected without sprouts, cracks, dust and other contaminants. The processing time is 5 hours, after which the planting material is washed with clean water.


In greenhouses, cucumbers are prone to fusarium, root rot, and bacterial wilt. To protect the landings, a working solution is prepared.

For preventive purposes, the first treatment is carried out a month after planting the plants in a permanent place. The solution is applied by watering under the root. The consumption rate of Strekar paste per 10 liters is 20 g.

The procedure is repeated every 4 weeks. In total, it is enough to complete 3 treatments per season.

The solution is used for drip irrigation of plants. Consumption of fungicide Strekar per 1 sq. m will be 60 g.

Fungicide Strekar


The drug Strekar is effective against bacterial wilt, fusaoriosis, root rot, spotting of tomatoes. In the greenhouse, tomatoes are sprayed with a 0,2% fungicide solution. For tomatoes in open ground, a solution is prepared at a concentration of 0,4%.

First, the treatment is carried out a month after landing in a permanent place. Repeated spraying is performed after 3 weeks. During the season, 3 tomato treatments are enough.


With high humidity, the onion is susceptible to bacterial and other rot. Diseases quickly spread through plants and destroy crops. Preventive spraying helps protect plantings.

The consumption rate of the Strekar fungicide per 10 liters is 20 g. The plantings are sprayed when the bulb is formed. In the future, the treatment is repeated every 20 days.


If signs of fusarium, black leg or bacterial wilt appear on potatoes, serious medical measures are required. Plantings are sprayed with a solution containing 15 g of paste per 10-liter bucket of water.

For preventive purposes, potatoes are treated three times per season. Between procedures stand 3 weeks.


Wheat, rye, oats and other crops suffer from bacteriosis and root rot. Protective measures are carried out at the stage of seed dressing.

In the tillering stage, when lateral shoots appear in the plants, the plantings are sprayed. According to the instructions for use, 10 g of Strekar fungicide is required per 10 liters of water.

Fruit trees

Apple, pear and other fruit trees suffer from scab, fire blight and moniliosis. To protect the garden from diseases, a spray solution is prepared.

In accordance with the instructions for use, the fungicide Strekar is taken in an amount of 10 g per 10 liters of water. The solution is used in the formation of buds and ovaries. Repeated processing is carried out in the fall after harvesting the fruits.

Fungicide Strekar

Safety measures

When interacting with chemicals, it is important to observe safety precautions. Fungicide Strekar belongs to the 3rd hazard class.

The skin is protected with long sleeves and rubber gloves. It is not recommended to inhale the vapors of the solution, so you should use a mask or respirator.

Important! Spraying is carried out in dry cloudy weather. It is better to water the plantings with a solution in the morning or evening.

Animals and people who do not have protective equipment are removed from the place of processing. After spraying, pollinating insects are released after 9 hours. Processing is not carried out near water bodies.

If chemicals come into contact with the skin, wash the contact area with water. In case of poisoning, it is necessary to drink 3 tablets of activated charcoal with water. Be sure to consult a doctor to avoid complications.

The drug is kept in a dry, dark room, away from children and animals, at a temperature of 0 to +30 °C. Do not store chemicals near medicines and food.

Reviews of gardeners

Fungicide Strekar

Raisa, 54 years old city ​​of Saratov
I got the Strekar drug in a garden store. The tool is quite new, so I decided to try it for pre-sowing seed treatment. I prepared a solution and placed tomato seeds in it for a day. When growing seedlings, no signs of diseases were noticed.
Natalia, 37 years old, Ryazan
Last year, root rot was a real disaster for my tomatoes. Therefore, this season I decided to pay special attention to preventive treatments. I chose a fungicide of complex action. Of the new products interested in the drug Strekar. I processed tomatoes several times per season: at the seedling stage, after planting in the ground and during flowering. It is very convenient that the plantings can be watered with a solution, since there is not always time for spraying. Strekar was very pleased with the fungicide, the tomatoes never got sick all summer.
Vladimir, 42 years old, Stavropol
In the summer I found signs of scab on the apple tree. Before the disease spread throughout the garden, I decided to treat the trees with fungicides. Used the drug Strekar in the form of a solution. Spraying helped stop the disease. In the future, I plan to use Strekar for preventive treatments.


Strekar is a two-component fungicide with a complex effect on plants. The product is effective against fungus and bacteria. It is applied by spraying the plant or added to water before watering. The consumption rate depends on the type of culture. To protect seedlings from diseases, a fungicide-based preparation is prepared for seed dressing.


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