With high humidity and frequent precipitation, many pathogenic microorganisms are activated on vegetables and fruit trees. Folk methods of dealing with them are laborious and ineffective. Therefore, summer residents treat plants with modern fungicides, one of which is Raek. It is used for both prevention and treatment of diseases. We will describe its characteristic features, get acquainted with the detailed instructions for the use of the fungicide and reviews.
Fungicide Raek is a highly effective drug that is designed to protect and treat fruit trees and vegetable crops from fungal infections. Also in small dosages, the fungicide can be used for indoor and garden plants. A feature of the tool is fast digestibility and duration of action. What is of great importance with high humidity and frequent precipitation.
Raek is effective against the following diseases:
- scab;
- septoria or white spotting;
- late blight;
- moniliosis or fruit rot;
- anthracnose;
- curly leaves;
- peronosporosis or downy mildew;
- clasterosporiasis or perforated spotting.
The product is produced in the form of a concentrated yellow emulsion, which must be diluted in water before use according to the instructions. For small plots and the private sector, Rayek is packaged in plastic containers of 100, 50, 10 and even 2 ml. For large agricultural producers, plastic liter bottles are offered.
Mechanism of action
The active substance of the fungicide Raek is difenoconazole, the concentration of which is 250 g / l. The active ingredient stops the development and reproduction of pathogenic fungi, has a negative effect on DNA synthesis in their cells.
The product quickly penetrates the stems and leaves, and two hours after spraying it spreads to all plant cells. With preventive spraying, the duration of the protective effect lasts 1-2 weeks. With the active development of a fungal disease, the therapeutic effect of the fungicide lasts about a week.
Fungicide Raek has a number of advantages:
- quickly penetrates into plant tissue;
- able to provide long-term preventive protection and rapid healing effect;
- a wide range of applications, as the product is suitable for many crops;
- prevents the formation and development of spores of pathogenic fungi, which significantly reduces the likelihood of re-infection;
- improves the quality and increase the size of the crop;
- reliably protects not only foliage, but also fruits;
- a bottle with a dispenser cap, which is convenient to store and use;
- the emulsion is economical to use;
- the drug is insensitive to weather conditions, as it is quickly absorbed;
- can be stored at temperatures ranging from -30 to +35ОC.
The drug Raek also has negative sides:
- With repeated use of the fungicide, parasitic fungi can get used to it and develop immunity to it, so Raek must be alternated with similar drugs.
- The substance is detrimental to fish, avoid getting the solution into water bodies.
- The drug is ineffective against powdery mildew fungi.
Raek has much less disadvantages than advantages, so the fungicide deserves attention.
Preparation of the solution
Preventive treatment is recommended in early spring, when the first leaves begin to bloom. For the entire season, the fungicide can be applied no more than 4 times for fruit trees and a maximum of 2 times for vegetables.
It is undesirable to store the working solution of the Raek preparation, therefore it is kneaded before the procedure. To do this, the required amount of emulsion is dissolved in a small amount of water. Then, stirring vigorously, gradually add the liquid to the desired volume. For convenience, it is better to prepare the solution immediately in the sprayer tank.
The consumption rate of the drug is selected separately for each culture based on the instructions.
Fruit trees
Fungicide Rayek protects plums, apple trees, pears and other fruit trees from moniliosis and scab lesions. To prepare a working solution, dilute 2 ml of the emulsion (one ampoule) in 10 liters of water.
With the advent of spring, the first two sprayings are carried out with an interval of at least 12-14 days. This must be done before the leaves open and buds form. With visible signs of infection, the culture can be processed again, but after the trees have faded.
The consumption of working fluid per hectare of plantings averages from 700 to 900 liters. And for one fruit tree from 2 to 5 liters.
Raek effectively protects:
- potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers from septoria, clasterosporia, curly;
- onions from peronosporosis and powdery mildew;
- beets from cercosporosis and other ailments.
For the treatment of vegetable beds, an increased concentration of Raek fungicide is required. According to the instructions for use, the emulsion is diluted in water in a ratio of 1 to 1. For spraying a garden with an area of 100 m2 it is necessary to prepare about 5-6 liters of working solution. And for one hectare of plantings, on average, 400-500 liters of finished liquid are required. Spraying should be carried out at intervals of two weeks.
Processing can begin after the appearance of the first sprouts. Plantings are sprayed in calm weather in the morning or evening, even if rain is forecast at night.
To protect indoor and garden flowers from various diseases, dilute 0,5-1,5 ml of fungicide in a liter of clean water. Processing is preferably carried out in the morning or in the evening, when there is no wind and direct sunlight.
To reduce the likelihood of adaptation of pathogenic fungi to the active substance of the drug Raek, it is alternated with the fungicide Quadris.
Compatibility with other drugs
Raek can be combined with most pesticides. The drug is especially effective in multicomponent mixtures. In the process of preparing a tank solution, a new pesticide is added when all substances are completely dissolved.
Before mixing the complex mixture, it is recommended to check each pesticide for compatibility with the Raek fungicide.
Safety Precautions
The drug has a third hazard class, non-toxic to birds and bees, but harmful to fish. Therefore, work should not be carried out near water bodies, bee hives and sources of drinking water. Keep the fungicide as far away from food, medicine and feed as possible.
When working with an emulsion, you must adhere to the following rules:
- Be sure to wear gloves, goggles and a respirator.
- Do not drink, smoke or eat during the procedure.
- In case of contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes or skin, wash the affected area with soap and water.
- If the fungicide enters the stomach, take activated charcoal and drink it with plenty of water. If the condition worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Raek should be stored out of the reach of animals and children. The temperature in the room should be between -30 and +35 degrees.
Reviews of summer residents
Fungicide Raek is an effective drug that prevents the development of pathogenic fungi, even with severe signs of the disease. It is suitable for many cultures and has a quick effect. Therefore, it is chosen by both experienced summer residents and novice gardeners. To avoid negative consequences, it is important to follow the instructions and safety rules.