Fungicide Delan

In horticulture, one cannot do without the use of chemicals, since with the advent of spring, phytopathogenic fungi begin to parasitize on young leaves and shoots. Gradually, the disease covers the entire plant and causes significant damage to the crop. Among the variety of drugs, many gardeners choose Delan fungicide. It has a complex effect on fungal diseases and is suitable for both grapes and some fruit trees.

Fungicide Delan

Let’s get acquainted with the description, instructions, advantages and disadvantages of the Delan fungicide. We will learn how to use it correctly and in what dosages.


Fungicide Delan is a contact preparation that effectively affects fungal spores, regardless of the stage of their development. The substance is not intended for application to the ground or for soaking seeds. The agent is sprayed on the leaves and stems of cultivated plants, it is characterized by resistance to low temperatures and precipitation.

Summer residents use Delan fungicide for the prevention and treatment of fungal infections. It is effective for various diseases:

  • scab;
  • clasterosporiasis (perforated spotting);
  • late blight (brown rot);
  • curly leaves;
  • mildew (downy mildew);
  • rust;
  • moniliosis (fruit rot).

The fungicide is available in the form of granules that dissolve easily in water. For large-scale farms, you can purchase a bag weighing 5 kg, for small summer cottages, a bag weighing 5 g is enough.

Fungicide Delan

Important! Fungicide Delan should not be used together with preparations that contain oily substances.

Mechanism of action

The drug contains the active ingredient dithianon, the concentration of which is 70%. The active substance acts on the virus in a contact way, envelops the leaves and stems with a dense layer that is not washed off by rain. The compound is resistant to water, but is destroyed by acids and alkalis. The fungicide is evenly distributed over the surface of the plant tissue and provides long-term protection to the plant.

Dithianon inhibits the growth and spread of fungal spores that die under its influence. The rest of the plant is not affected by the virus.

The active substance has a versatile effect on the fungus, so the likelihood of pathogens getting used to Dithianon is minimal.


Fungicide Delan is used by many gardeners and gardeners, because it has a number of positive aspects:

  • is not washed off by rain, and remains on the treated surface for a long time;
  • protects fruit trees from fungal infections for up to 28 days;
  • economical, one package is enough for a long time;
  • does not have a toxic effect on the treated plant;
  • not dangerous for humans, insects and animals;
  • convenient and easy to use;
  • there is no addiction and adaptation of pathogens to the active substance of the drug;
  • after repeated use, the “net” does not appear on the fruits, the commercial qualities are preserved.
Attention! For greater effectiveness, Delan fungicide is best used before the first signs of the disease appear. For prevention, the plant is recommended to be sprayed every spring.


The fungicide has no major drawbacks. Despite the wide range of effects against fungal diseases, the product can not be used for all crops. Delan is only suitable for grapes and fruit trees. It also does not provide protection to plants from the inside.

Preparation of the solution

A solution of the Delan fungicide is prepared immediately before processing, since it is not subject to storage. To prepare the working fluid, 14 g of granules must be poured into a bucket of water with a volume of 8-10 liters and dissolved. According to the instructions for use, spraying is carried out with an interval of 15-20 days. If the weather is rainy, then the interval is reduced to 9-10 days. The total number of treatments is from 3 to 6, depending on the type of crop.

Fungicide Delan

One medium tree will need 2 to 3 liters of solution. The aerial part of the plant is evenly sprayed with a fungicide solution from all sides. For convenience, a spray gun and a small-drop mode are used.

Apple tree

Many gardeners observe such an unpleasant phenomenon as scab on an apple tree. The disease is manifested by the appearance of yellow and dark spots on the leaves and fruits. Greenery dries up and falls off. This parasitic fungus can significantly reduce the yield and harm it.

Fungicide Delan will help to cope with the disease in a short time. Prepare a standard solution according to the instructions and process the fruit tree 5 times with an interval of 8-11 days. The first spraying is carried out during the period of leaf blooming. 100 ml of working solution or 0,05-0,07 g of dry matter is consumed per square meter of plantings.


The most common fungal diseases of peach are scab, clasterosporium and leaf curl. Fruits, bark and greens are affected. To save the crop and protect the fruit tree, you need to carry out prevention with Delan fungicide in time, following the instructions.

To do this, prepare a standard solution: 14 g of dry matter is diluted in 8-10 liters of water. In dry weather, three treatments are carried out with an interval of 10-14 days. The first spraying is carried out during the growing season. 1 m2 100-110 ml of working solution or 0,1 g of dry matter is consumed.

Fungicide Delan

Attention! Fruits can be harvested no earlier than 20 days after the last treatment with the drug.


One of the most dangerous fungal diseases of grapes is mildew. First, light spots form on the foliage with a white coating on the reverse side, then the shoots dry up, and the ovaries rot and fall off.

In order not to lose the crop and berry bushes, the vine should be treated with Delan fungicide. The plant is sprayed 6 times during the entire season, with each subsequent procedure being carried out after 8-11 days. According to the attached instructions for 1 m2 plot consumes 0,05-0,07 grams of fungicide or 90-100 ml of working fluid. The protective effect lasts up to 28 days.

Fungicide Delan

Compatibility with other drugs

For maximum effect and complete exclusion of the adaptation of parasitic fungi to the active substance of Delan, it is alternated with other fungicides and pesticides. The tool has good compatibility with drugs such as Fastak, Strobi, Bi-58 New, Poliram and Cumulus.

Delan is forbidden to use with oil preparations. The interval between treatments should be at least 5 days.

Important! Before mixing different chemicals, they must be checked for compatibility.

Safety Precautions

Subject to the instructions and norms for applying the fungicide, Delan will not harm animals. It is moderately toxic to bees and fish. Therefore, it is not recommended to spray trees and shrubs within a radius of 1-2 km from water bodies and places of accumulation of bees.

For humans, the drug is not dangerous, but can cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes of the eye. When it enters the ground, the compound decomposes into safe substances after 2-3 weeks. It does not enter groundwater, as it concentrates at a depth of up to 50 mm.

Safety rules while working with fungicide:

  • be sure to wear goggles, thick gloves and a respirator;
  • knead the solution preferably in the open air or on the balcony;
  • after spraying plants, it is recommended to change clothes and take a shower;
  • if accidentally swallowed, drink several glasses of water;
  • in case of contact with the skin, wash it with a stream of running water.

If you feel unwell, call a doctor. The drug should not be near food.

Reviews of summer residents

Mikhail, 31 years old, Krasnodar city
This year we have had a rainy and damp spring. Usually, diseases in such weather are activated, and fruit trees suffer. I have a peach growing in my garden, its leaves began to curl, turn yellow and dry out. Usually Delan fungicide always rescued me. I breed the drug according to the instructions, and process the tree during the growing season. I’m glad it doesn’t wash off in the rain. After spraying, the peach came to life, new, healthy leaves appeared. The tool fights mildew well and ensures healthy growth, even in such cloudy weather. I also use it for grapes.
Svetlana, 53 years old, city ​​of Saratov
Every spring I breed Delan fungicide and carry out preventive treatment of trees and shrubs in my garden. I choose it because it is effective even at low temperatures and frequent precipitation. Apple tree and Peach have not been sick for several years. Sometimes I alternate it with other drugs. But it is still a chemical, so you need to use it carefully and do not exceed the dosage indicated in the instructions.


Fungicide Delan is a very effective, modern and antifungal drug that is suitable for the treatment of fruit trees and vines. It inhibits the development of many parasitic fungi on the plant surface. If after spraying the disease continues to develop, consult a specialist.

Diseases and pests of peach

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