Fundus examinations – indications, preparation for examination, course

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Fundus examination, also known as ophthalmoscopy, fundoscopy or fundoscopy, is a method that allows you to detect changes in the organ of vision. They include, among others hypertension or diabetes. The proposal to do this test does not have to come from the ophthalmologist alone. They are also directed by diabetologists or cardiologists because they are helpful in monitoring the progress of the disease.

Fundus examinations – indications

The main indications for ophthalmoscopy are reduced visual acuity or disturbed color vision. It often happens that the patient begins to see incorrectly. Lines may appear or vision with one eye is much impaired. Some also complain about black spots and flashes of light. All these symptoms should prompt the doctor to refer the patient for fundus examinations.

The fundus examination will also be necessary in the case of vascular diseases, especially hypertension and diabetes. An indication for the examination of the fundus is also atherosclerosis. Many doctors refer patients who have had a stroke to undergo this examination. In addition, imbalances and the use of certain medications may be direct indications for the test.

Fundus examinations are recommended for people of all ages. Before the age of 40, they should be performed once every 3 years, and between the age of 40 and 50, once every 2 years. Every year, the test should be performed by people over 50 years of age.

Patients who have had a family history of glaucoma patients should go for a fundus examination after the age of 35. In the group that should have the fundus examined, there are also people with visual impairment over 3,5 diopters – this is the best way to ensure that the retina does not start to detach.

Also check how to recognize glaucoma

When examining the fundus, the following can be detected, first of all:

• eye diseases, including glaucoma, as well as neurological disorders;

• retinal dysfunction (eg macular damage);

• a brain tumor;

• anemia;

• hypertension;

• diabetes;

• atherosclerosis;

• leukemia.

Fundus examinations – preparation for the examination

Preparation for the fundus examination is not particularly complicated, but to perform it well, it is necessary to administer atropine drops. Atropine dilates the pupil of the eye, which causes worse vision. This is why you should always come to a fundus examination with a companion.

On sunny days, it may be necessary to wear sunglasses as atropine can cause temporary hypersensitivity to the sun’s rays. Side effects of the fundus examination may also include headache, as well as nausea and vomiting.

The examination always precedes the interview. The patient provides information about his age and profession. The doctor also asks about medications and diseases.

It should be remembered that atropine drops must not be used in patients with glaucoma.

Fundus research – course

Wait about 15 minutes after using atropine. Only after this time does it start working. There are 3 ways to conduct a fundus examinationand its course varies depending on the one chosen:

• ophthalmoscopy, also known as direct colonoscopy – thanks to this type of examination, we can diagnose macular or uveal diseases. The examination is performed using a special device – an ophthalmoscopewhich on one side illuminates the pupil and on the other has an eyepiece that allows the ophthalmologist to see the eye image magnified fifteen times;

• Indirect Ophthalmoscopy called Indirect Scope – can be performed using a Fison speculum. The light source is on a special helmet, which is put on by the ophthalmologist. There are also lenses on it that show an enlarged and at the same time inverted image;

• Non-Mydriatic funduskamer – the third and the newest method which does not use eye drops to widen the pupils. This test can only be performed on people whose pupil is not less than 2,5 mm wide. The doctor obtains a color photo, thanks to which he is able to determine the condition of the eye. However, the perimeter of the retina and the vitreous body are not shown in the photograph, so the fundaskamer is mainly used for screening.

In addition, there is also a complementary examination – angiography, which consists in injecting a contrast agent into a vein in the arm and taking pictures of the fundus of the eye.

It is worth consulting the result of the fundus examination with a specialist. At Medonet Market you can buy an appointment with an ophthalmologist at the Eyemed clinic.


After the fundus examination, you cannot drive a car, operate machinery, and work at a computer for at least 4-6 hours.

A fundus examination can be performed by a pregnant woman because ofatlmoscopy is safe for both the mother and her baby. Often times, a colonoscopy is performed to detect abnormalities in the retina that can lead to serious health problems.

Women who have myopia (especially with a defect above -8 diopters) should also undergo the examinationas retinal detachment may occur during childbirth. This is often the reason for a cesarean section.

In infants and children, it is also possible to perform a fundus examination. The test is especially performed on premature babies during the first month of life. The main indication is the detection of retinopathy at an early stage. The test is then repeated at 8 and 12 weeks of age.

Children undergo ophthalmoscopy in the case of strabismus, as well as abnormal color vision and sudden deterioration of vision. Although the examination itself is painless, atropine instilled into the eyes may cause an unpleasant burning sensation.

Important information

It often happens that children have to start taking the drops on time, even a few days before the 45-minute test.

Fundus tests – price

The price of the fundus examination depends on the clinic in which we decided to conduct it. Moreover, its cost will depend on the chosen method. For this reason, we can pay from 50 to 200 PLN for the test. We get the results of the fundus examination during the examination, as is the case with ultrasound.

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