Fundazole application: instruction
“Fundazol” refers to systemic fungicides. This drug has been assigned a second hazard class, which indicates its high toxicity. When used correctly, it destroys fungal pathogens and does not harm the plant.
The main effect of “Fundazol” is on the surface of the plant. A minimal amount of the drug is absorbed into the tissue. This prevents the occurrence of fungi in areas not in contact with the active substance. The fungicide has a therapeutic and prophylactic effect.
The use of “Fundazol” contributes to the destruction of weeds
The effectiveness of the drug does not depend on weather conditions. The site can be processed until late autumn. The maximum impact is achieved with a combination of watering and spraying. The external manifestation of the disease disappears within 3 days. Fungicide “Fundazol” is effective within a week. This prevents the recurrence of the disease. It can be used to treat:
- cabbage – 1 treatment;
- apple and pear – 5 treatments;
- gooseberries, currants, strawberries – 2 treatments;
- tomato and cucumber – 2 treatments;
- roses and houseplants – 4 treatments.
The protective effect of the drug lasts from 1 to 3 weeks. “Fundazol” can be combined with other agents for the treatment of crops that do not have an alkaline reaction. It is important not to allow sediment to appear in the mixture. He talks about the incompatibility of funds.
Instructions for the use of the fungicide “Fundazol”
“Fundazol” is used for watering the soil, spraying overground parts of plants and seed treatment. For processing plants during the entire growing season, you will need 1 g of the drug. The powder is diluted with water, gradually bringing the volume of the solution to 1 liter. Stir the mixture continuously during cooking. The soil is cultivated before sowing. Seeds must be watered for a month before planting. When a plant disease manifests itself, it must not only be sprayed, but also watered with a solution. For the prevention of fungus, spraying is enough. Fundazol is effective against:
- cabbage keels;
- powdery mildew;
- oidiuma;
- gray rot;
- scab.
Processing can not be carried out more than 2 times during the season. Otherwise, the fungi will develop immunity to the drug and it will lose its effectiveness.
It is necessary to use the drug according to the instructions. It not only destroys fungi, but also prevents their occurrence. Due to its high toxicity, “Fundazol” can be harmful if the recommendations for use are not followed.