Garden and indoor plants are often attacked by insect pests or fungal diseases. To cope with the problem, gardeners turn to fungicides – chemical agents that effectively eliminate pathogens. Instructions for use “Fundazol” will provide the novice gardener with the necessary information about the drug.
Features of the drug
“Fundazol” is a non-volatile substance that has a white color. A characteristic feature of the tool is its geographical versatility. In other words, the drug can be used both in the northern regions of Our Country and in the southern ones.
The main benefits of the fungicide are:
- Resistant to temperature changes. A tool with the same efficiency will work both in summer and in winter. This makes Fundazol a relatively universal drug.
- Gentle attitude to soil structures. Despite the fact that the fungicide belongs to the category of phytotoxic substances, it does not violate the quality characteristics of the soil. That is why the tool is actively used in soil cultivation. This type of treatment is considered the most effective way to supply the crop with the necessary substances.
- Extensive impact. Active components have an effect on all parts of the plant.

“Fundazol” has acaricidal, bactericidal, nematocidal and fungicidal properties.
Forms of release
“Fundazol” is produced in the form of a white or milky powder. The drug is packaged in small volumes – 10 or 20 g each. This dosage is convenient to use, since the open package of the powder is not stored for long.
Compatibility with other means
The drug, as a rule, is well compatible with many top dressings, fertilizers, growth stimulants. However, this does not exclude the need for careful combination of substances. The main rules in the use of fungicide in parallel with other means are:
- Substances belonging to the group of benzomidazoles are incompatible with the fungicide.
- Means that, when in contact with water, behave neutrally, can be combined with Fundazol.
- It is not recommended to use “Fundazol” with alkaline compounds at the same time. Alkali completely neutralizes the components of the fungicide and it loses its properties.
Video “Fundazol drug: application features”
This video shows how to dilute and apply the drug.
The agent has acaricidal, bactericidal, nematocidal and fungicidal properties. The drug is used for various types of crops, which include garden and indoor plants.
Main purpose
“Fundazol” has gained the authority of an effective drug, the mechanism of action of which is based on blocking the process of cell division of pathogenic fungi. In addition, the components adversely affect the cell itself, destroying it.

“Fundazol” is used to protect plants from a wide range of diseases.
The active substances of “Fundazol” penetrate into the diseased plant through the root system and leaves. Separate chemical elements, transforming within the culture, become carbendazims, which intensively suppress the development of infection.
In addition, the tool also has a surface effect. When the first symptoms of a fungal infection appear, the gardener should spray the affected plant with a solution of Fundazol. This procedure will prevent the spread of pathogenic microorganisms.
Seed dressing
This event prevents fungal diseases, which are often carried by seeds. The process of processing planting material is characterized by the following activities:
- Bathing seeds. 20 g of powder must be dissolved in 0 liters of water. After that, the seeds are dipped in the prepared solution for 5 minutes. After this time, the planting material is well dried.
- Spraying bulbs. The solution for spraying is prepared from 20 g of the product and 2 liters of water. Irrigation is recommended to be carried out 3-4 hours before planting in the ground.
- Immersion. This method is applicable to almost all types of planting material, which is immersed in the prepared solution for a few seconds. After that, the material must immediately be planted in the soil.

Treating seeds with a systemic fungicide guarantees a high percentage of germination
On-site processing
Applying “Fundazol” at their summer cottage, it is important to determine the allowable dose for each individual crop. A neglectful attitude to the dosage and consumption rate of the drug can lead to serious complications in horticultural crops.
For each crop, the dosage of the fungicide is determined individually:
- Tomatoes and cucumbers. For the treatment of powdery mildew and similar diseases, it is necessary to dilute 10 g of the product with 10 liters of water. The prepared solution should be sprayed on the plants twice a season. The first treatment is carried out during the growing season, and the second – 2 weeks before the fruit is harvested.
- Cabbage. Even if the cabbage plantings are perfectly healthy, it is recommended to carry out preventive treatments. The root zone is watered with the prepared solution. For 20 sq. m is spent, as a rule, 10 liters of liquid.
- Fruit trees. To prevent the development of fungal diseases, 5 treatments should be carried out. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 1: 1. For seedlings, 2 liters of liquid are needed, and for mature trees – about 5 liters.
- Fruit bushes. The dosage of the fungicide is similar to fruit trees. Preventive treatment is recommended to be carried out twice – before flowering and after harvesting.
- Garden flowers. At the first sign of infection, the plant must be sprayed with a fungicide solution. If the symptoms do not go away after 2-3 days, the procedure is repeated.
It is important to remember that the duration of the drug on the plant is about a month. If after this time the culture has been attacked by the fungus, the treatment should be extended.

Table: norms and schemes for the use of the drug for open ground plants
For indoor plants
The tool is actively used not only in garden practice, but also for indoor plants. “Fundazol” perfectly manifests itself in the case of orchids. The first signs of infection are considered to be a kind of “softness” of the leaves and stem. At this stage, it is very important to take immediate action, because the next stage in the development of the disease is blackening. The main protection procedure is watering the plant with a special solution. If the situation is running, it is recommended to replace the substrate with a new one and moisten it with a fungicidal composition.
It is impossible to spray the aerial part directly, as the chemical components can “burn” it.

The scheme of application of the drug for the treatment of indoor flowers and horticultural crops
Instructions for use
The drug effectively fights the following diseases:
- anthracnose;
- gray rot;
- fusariosis;
- late blight;
- Phomosis;
- septoria;
- powdery mildew.
However, the effectiveness of the product has a negative side – the risk of severe consequences due to the chemical composition and high degree of toxicity of the fungicide. That is why Fundazol is banned in the USA.
Safety measures
When deciding to resort to the help of a strong fungicide, the grower must understand that a frivolous attitude with such substances is fraught with severe poisoning. Therefore, before starting processing, it is necessary to study the instructions in detail.
In addition, it is important to observe the following precautions:
- Before preparing the solution, wear protective clothing that covers all areas of the skin.
- To protect your eyes and respiratory tract from the harmful effects of toxins, you must use goggles and a respirator.
- Processing is recommended to be carried out outdoors. Procedures carried out indoors will cause significant harm to health.
- The solution must be prepared in a specially designated container. In the future, it must be disposed of.
- During the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to eat, drink, smoke.
- After handling, wash your hands thoroughly, and then your eyes and mouth.

When working with a fungicide, do not forget about personal protective equipment
Solution preparation and dosage
The issue of dosage is key in the process of combining the ingredients of a fungicide solution. An incorrectly set dose of the drug, at best, will not produce the desired effect, at worst, it will cause the death of the plant and the poisoning of the gardener.
Requirements for water for diluting the drug
To dilute the powder, you must use warm water, infused for 12 hours. In such a liquid, the composition will dissolve as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Shelf life of the finished solution
The prepared solution retains its acaricidal, insecticidal, fungicidal properties for 2-4 hours. After that, it becomes completely useless.
Some inexperienced gardeners use a fungicide at a higher dose than indicated in the instructions. This is quite dangerous, not only for the plant, but also for the gardener himself. An overdose of the drug can destroy delicate crops such as roses, orchids. It is important to understand that the manufacturer has determined the dose in accordance with the level of toxicity of the drug, which means that it makes sense to listen to the instructions.

White plaque on plants after fungicide treatment is a sign of an overdose
Analogs and Substitutes
If for some reason the use of “Fundazol” is impossible, you should turn to analogues. The most similar in principle of action and composition are such drugs:
- “Vitaros”;
- “Derosal”;
- “Topsin-M”;
- “Ferazim”;
- “Fitosporin”;
- “Fundazim”.
Gardeners who are afraid to work with toxic agents use organic fungicide substitutes:
- “Fitosporin”;
- “Bioreid”;
- Trichodermin.
If the gardener is categorically against the use of chemicals, you can use folk methods. One of the most popular options for fighting fungal infections is to water the plant with an activated charcoal solution. As a powerful sorbent, it absorbs all toxic substances and has an antiseptic effect on the soil.
Reviews of those gardeners who used a strong fungicide in their practice will allow a more complete picture of the drug to be formed.
Great tool! Helped me a lot when my orchid was almost dead. The leaves began to turn black and wither, and the stem lost its former elasticity. I thought that the plant was completely dead, but no. Two treatments with “Fundazol” gave an instant effect.
My father has known Fundazol for a long time. He keeps a vineyard that gets sick from time to time. The tool is very effective. One spray is enough to completely kill the fungus. The only negative is that the product is quite toxic, you need to carefully measure the doses. But experienced gardeners have already, as they say, filled their hands.
I am an avid florist, I built a real greenhouse in the apartment. To prevent the plants from picking up the fungus, I regularly spray the top layer of soil with a fungicide solution. This is a preventive measure, so one package of powder is enough for a long time. Flowers are always in order, so I am completely satisfied with Fundazol.
“Fundazol” is a very effective drug – this is due to the presence of toxic substances in the composition. Reasonable handling of the fungicide will allow timely destruction of the pathogenic fungus without harming the plant and grower.