Fume smell
If you have a date or communication with your superiors, and the day before you went over a little, it is important to know how to get rid of the fumes at home. What do experts say about it, and what methods are effective?

Hanging out with friends or family is one of the most enjoyable moments in our lives. There will always be a reason. And what to drink too. But then morning comes, and it reminds of the frailty of being. Even if you stick to reasonable doses of alcohol and managed to avoid a hangover, you will definitely have a fume. And for sure it is on this day that you will meet – the law of meanness has not been canceled either. Is it possible to somehow get rid of the fumes? Are there reliable ways?

In general, any aromatic drink leaves a smell in the mouth – for a while. If you recently drank coffee, it will smell like coffee. Same with whiskey, cognac or vodka. But why, no matter what alcohol was the day before, in the morning the smell is always the same, unpleasant and so persistent?

The fact is that the fume does not occur in the mouth, as many people think, but … in the lungs.

Our body rightly considers alcohol a toxin, and as soon as we start drinking, the liver immediately begins to utilize alcohol, resulting in the formation of decay products, including acetaldehyde. It is this substance that gives a persistent smell of fume. But why does it last so long?

The fact is that the liver is able to process only 250 ml of beer or 1 shot of strong alcohol (30 ml) per hour. Does anyone drink a shot per hour? Of course not. We have “a small break between the first and second”, and then “well, away we go!”. Therefore, if you drink a bottle of vodka in the evening, and this is 10 shots, the liver will be able to process such an amount of alcohol only after 17 hours! And the decay products are excreted even longer, because the kidneys also have limited resources. And all this time, acetaldehyde will be in the blood, which carries it, including to the lungs. Hence the persistence of the fume.

But even if you don’t breathe on anyone, the amber “after yesterday” will still be felt, because the decay products are excreted not only with urine, but also through sweat, therefore, the skin will also have an unpleasant odor. Moreover, it is always the same and does not depend on the brand or type of alcohol. A glass of wine, beer or whiskey – it doesn’t matter. As a result, the liver will give us acetaldehyde, and it always smells the same.

And if we take into account that the smell of alcohol not processed by the liver is also mixed with the smell of aldehyde, the “aroma” will be even stronger.

– The problem is that when drinking alcoholic beverages, there may be a fume and the smell of alcohol. Simply, at different times, – says psychotherapist, narcologist Ilya Kisler. – Where the smell of alcohol comes from is quite understandable: alcohol is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and ultimately enters the bloodstream. And it is excreted through sweat, urine and breath. And this smell of alcohol in the exhaled air cannot be removed in any way, you can only try to quickly remove alcohol from the body and somehow neutralize the alcohol that has not yet been absorbed.

But that’s not all. Alcohol causes dry mouth, and as a result, bacteria begin to multiply faster. As a result, the “flavors” of the waste products of microorganisms are added to the fume and the smell of alcohol.

How to get rid of fumes at home

Any doctor here will say a universal phrase: “The best way to get rid of alcohol is to limit alcohol consumption.” But who will stop it, and even on holidays? Therefore, we turn to the experts for advice. And the first thing they recommend is to neutralize the effect of alcohol until it is completely absorbed into the blood. How exactly?

– Abundant alkaline drink and activated charcoal, advises narcologist Ilya Kisler. – Be careful with diuretics, I would not recommend taking diuretics on your own at all. But if you still decide – choose potassium-sparing diuretics. And remember, Furosemide is not a potassium-sparing diuretic, it is dangerous to take it without replenishing potassium! An alkaline drink is a mineral water without gas (not bottled water, but mineral water), milk with soda, or water with lemon.

In short, always start with preventive measures. That is, in the evening.

Tips for the evening

Skip the toast. No need to drink in a race with everyone – skip 3 – 4 glasses or a couple of bottles of beer. Give your body time to absorb the alcohol.

Drink light drinks. Alcohol with a low percentage (wine and beer) is more quickly utilized from the body, therefore, the fume will disappear earlier.

Do not mix different types of alcohol. A mixture of different alcoholic beverages can increase the fume. Especially beware of cocktails with sweet soda, juices, syrups and liqueurs – they are high in sugar, and it is food for bacteria. Microorganisms will begin to actively multiply and release their waste products, which will complement the unpleasant odor.

Drink more water. This advice will never get old. Alcohol leads to dehydration, and when the mouth becomes dry, more bacteria begin to accumulate in it, which increases bad breath. Water after drinking strong drinks will help to avoid problems. A good rule of thumb is to take every alcoholic drink with a glass of water. Have another glass before bed.

Tips for the morning

Brush your teeth. Brushing your teeth with a toothpaste, preferably with a mint or cinnamon scent, will significantly reduce the fume. And be sure to brush your teeth before bed after a party so you don’t wake up with a bad taste on your tongue.

Use mouthwash. Dentists recommend using mouthwash after brushing your teeth. The most important thing is to rinse your mouth for 20 to 30 seconds. This will help you get rid of the alcohol smell and leave a pleasant aroma in your mouth. It will also help clean your mouth to eliminate bacteria and prevent further growth.

But! Use a mouthwash that does not contain alcohol!

Take a shower or bath. The fume comes not only from the lungs. Your sweat also gives off an alcoholic odor, which can make your body smell bad. A bath or shower will help cleanse the pores of sweat that accumulates on the skin during feasts (you probably also danced?). Be sure to use soap to cover the smell and leave you feeling fresh and clean. As an extra measure, after showering, use a scented lotion and spritz yourself with perfume or cologne to cover up any hint of a fun-filled night.

You make coffee. The strong smell of coffee can mask the smell of alcohol. Black coffee without sugar and milk gives good results in seconds. Especially if you rinse your mouth with it before swallowing the drink. Plus coffee is a stimulant and alcohol is a depressant. A cup of coffee will make you feel energized and better. But remember that coffee is a diuretic, just like alcohol. Therefore, after a cup of coffee, drink a glass of water to make up for the loss of fluid.

Use chewing gum. Chewing gum can be helpful too, but it’s not the best solution. Gum can only temporarily suppress the smell of alcohol. The taste of chewing gum quickly decreases. On the other hand, it kills some bacteria, promotes the production of saliva, which cleans and moisturizes the mouth.

Suck on mints. Breath-freshening lozenges, like chewing gum, are not the most effective solution, but they will mask the fumes for a while. You can keep a pack of chewing gum or a can of lollipops in your pocket for fresh breath in case of an emergency, such as communicating with your superiors.

Eat peanut butter. It gives a pleasant and strong smell that masks the fume.

Add spices to your breakfast. Fragrant herbs and seasonings will also help reduce bad breath in the morning:

  • parsley – it has antibacterial and deodorizing properties that help get rid of the smell of fume, but it is important that it is fresh parsley, not dried;
  • mustard – also eliminates the fume, but in no case should you eat it with spoons – add it to any dish;
  • cinnamon – it contains essential oils that help reduce bacteria in the mouth – just add it to tea or coffee.

Drink tomato juice. It is known for its ability to mask the smell of fumes. Have a glass of juice or prepare a tomato dish like soup or salad.

Spray on perfume. Perfumes, colognes, eau de toilette, and deodorants won’t eliminate the smell of your breath, of course, but they will help mask bad skin odor. It is better to apply fragrances to the following areas of the body:

  • both wrists;
  • on the sides of the neck;
  • on the chest;
  • below the navel.

Popular questions and answers

Answered typical questions about the fumes psychotherapist, narcologist Timur Mammadov.

How long does the fumes last?

This is individual, largely depends on the amount of alcohol consumed, the characteristics of the body. But most often – about a day.

How can you mask the smell of fumes?

Fume can be masked by the same pungent odor. Many people use menthol cigarettes, mints, and candies for this. But they don’t cover much. Just gives the smell of acetaldehyde a hint of mint.

Is it possible to quickly and completely get rid of the fume?

To quickly get rid of the fumes, you need to swim, actively breathe fresh air in order to maximize the return of vapors through the lungs and from the mouth. It will be useful to brush your teeth, eat – this also has a positive effect. You need to drink more water, go to the toilet more often in a small way, that is, to cleanse the body of acetaldehyde as much as possible. It will be a kind of home detox.

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