
Pranayama — breathing exercises from yogis.

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Hatha yoga with Olga Bulanova. Pranayama.

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The full breath of yogis is breathing when the inhale comes in a wave from the lower abdomen, then to the middle of the abdomen, then the chest is filled with air — a mini-pause — and the exhalation comes from the lower abdomen, then it is squeezed out of the entire abdomen and at the end is squeezed out of the chest.

What gives?

  • Good energy in the morning.
  • Helps to quickly recover after a run and physical activity (usually it takes a maximum of 2-3 minutes). It can also be done while jogging, because. attention shifts from fatigue to breathing.
  • Makes a natural massage of the internal organs.

Full breathing is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. perform the maximum possible full exhalation to remove stagnant air from the lungs;
  2. with an inhalation, stick out the upper abdomen, filling the lower part of the lungs with air;
  3. smoothly expanding the chest, fill the middle part of the lungs with air;
  4. slightly raise the shoulders and fill the tops of the lungs with air, while the stomach is slightly drawn in;
  5. do not allow effort at the end of inspiration;
  6. with an exhalation, draw in the stomach, lower the chest, lower the shoulders.

Breathing should be smooth and even, without tension and excessive effort. The transition from one phase of breathing to another is carried out continuously (without stops and jerks). Make sure that the wave of breath is visible from the side, the more the better.

If the safety rules are relevant to you, then here they are:

  • So that hyperventilation does not happen and you do not fall to the floor from dizziness, start mastering from a lying position on the floor.
  • Master it in stages — first from the lower breathing (stomach), then from the middle (thoracic) breathing, only at the end go to the upper (clavicular breathing).

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