Full examination: how often do you need to go to each doctor
A checklist for each person responsible for their health!
Over the years, the body of every person inevitably grows old. Protective functions weaken, immunity falls, a whole bunch of diseases accumulate, which are asymptomatic and develop into chronic ones. One ailment develops into a second, the second tightens up other ailments. As a result, the entire body suffers and needs help. But as is customary for most people: until I get sick, I will not go to the doctor! But many diseases show their signs when fighting them is at best more expensive than if treatment was carried out at an early stage, at worst – when it is too late. How to monitor your health correctly? Undergo a complete examination on a regular basis.
What doctors should a man and a woman visit regularly
How often do you need to see each doctor?
Many are skeptical about preventive medical examinations: they say, why pay money if nothing bothers you? Moreover, you have to spend a lot of time in queues, running from office to office. But if your health is dear to you, scheduled examinations must be completed! Each doctor has its own frequency of visits. Let’s figure it out in order.
Where to begin? Which doctors should I contact first?
Therapist. A trip to a clinic or private clinic should start with a therapist. It is he who knows how the body as a whole functions, which organs suffer from this or that disease, which narrow specialist to contact with your complaints, taking into account the history of diseases and hereditary predisposition.
Visit a therapist once a year… He conducts basic examinations, directs to delivery of general tests, compares your latest health scores to last year’s. This also includes a trip to the office. fluorography to exclude tuberculosis and other lung problems.
Ophthalmologist. In our time, vision problems are becoming more relevant. TVs, computers, smartphones and tablets are work, entertainment, and evening movie watching. Our eyes work non-stop, and gadgets do them significant harm. To avoid long and unpleasant treatments or operations, it is enough to visit a doctor once a year… He will examine the fundus, cornea, lenses, check the eye pressure and possibly reveal any diseases that were asymptomatic. These can be vascular disorders, lens opacity – it is also a cataract, glaucoma and others.
Gastroenterologist.Soda, fast food, snacks on the run, liquor, fried and spicy, salty and sweet – the diet of many of us is far from ideal. Hence, digestive problems and stomach ailments. Almost all of us have gastritis, you will no longer be surprised by them. And if there is no opportunity or desire to establish a diet and give up junk food, you should at least visit a doctor every 2-3 years… Of course, if something bothers you, then much more often. The doctor will perform the FGDS procedure – examination of the stomach by introducing a tube with a camera at the end.
Cardiologist. Problems of the cardiovascular system are among the most common in people over 35 years old. But all diseases tend to get younger, and more and more often young people are also susceptible to heart ailments. therefore annually you need to undergo an examination by a cardiologist, do an electrocardiogram (ECG) – a study of the heart rhythm, check the level of cholesterol in the blood, as well as the lipid profile – it will show the state of the vessels, reveal the likelihood of blood clots.
For women – gynecologist and mammologist.Twice a year to undergo a basic examination by a gynecologist and mammologist is an ideal solution for women. Ultrasound, smears for flora, coloposcopy, general tests – that’s what will give the doctor a complete picture of your health. From the age of 35, screening will also join this list, allowing to identify problem cells on the cervix, and after 45 – donating blood for tumor markers and mammography.
For men, a urologist or andrologist. Although men are less responsible for their health, they should be examined by a urologist once a year it would not be superfluous, because problems with the prostate gland are increasingly common, and the disease itself is asymptomatic. And from 45 years old, ideally, donate blood for tumor markers that will help identify prostate cancer.
A proctologist is for everyone! When there are problems in a delicate place, many prefer to hush them up and heal on their own. And this is fundamentally wrong. Doctors are tired of repeating that there is nothing shameful in receptions, examinations and illnesses, because specialists can quickly help. Rectal problems are important and need to be treated by a doctor and promptly. Yes, the procedures are not pleasant, but once a year or two did the job and forgot, instead of then treating ailments for a long time.
Dentist. At least once a year, and preferably two need to visit the dentist. Today, a beautiful and healthy smile is an expensive pleasure for those who suffer pain for years, do not pay attention to plaque and calculus, and do not restore lost fillings. But for those who visit the doctor on time, there will be no problems with expensive procedures, because treatment on time is a guarantee of health and budget savings!
Expert Tips
– Scheduled visits to the dentist are recommended every six months for a professional examination and occupational hygiene. The oral cavity is the primary link in the chain of the gastrointestinal tract, and the health of the whole organism depends on the condition of our teeth.
Even if the patient brushes his teeth perfectly at home, which is extremely rare, there are hard-to-reach places where it is very difficult to reach with a brush. In addition, tartar that forms on the teeth and which is an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic microbes is simply impossible to remove with a brush.
During a routine examination, the doctor assesses the condition of the oral cavity and this allows you to eliminate inflammatory processes in the early stages and prevent their complications. This will help save time, money, nerves and, most importantly, the patient’s health.
Remembering the history of the disease: what were the mothers and fathers sick with?
If someone in the family has serious illnesses, chronic ailments, suffers from problems with any organ, then you are a priori included in the risk group in these areas.
If your family member has diabetes, it is important for you to have your blood sugar checked and see an endocrinologist.
If you have a lot of moles on your body, and someone else has skin cancer in your family, then this is a reason to look more often at the dermatologist’s office.
If you are associated with hazardous production, then the check of the lungs should be more detailed.
If you spend most of your time on your feet, do not ignore a phlebologist who can help you examine the condition of your veins.
In any case, the therapist will tell you where to go first, and which doctors can wait. The main thing is to take a responsible attitude to your health and not ignore ailments.