Ft4 survey – what does ft4 mean too high? Test standards and price

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Not sure what ft4 means? The ft4 test allows you to check how much thyroid hormone we have in the body. This hormone participates, inter alia, in the process of regulating metabolism. Typically, this test is done when your doctor suspects you have thyroid disease.

Ft4 research – which means

Ft4 is the main thyroid hormone – free thyroxine. Thanks to him, the nervous system functions well. It is ft4 that is responsible for regulating the metabolic process. Additionally, it stimulates the development and growth of tissues. Ft4 is one of the tests performed during the monitoring of hypothyroidism. The ft4 test should always be performed on an empty stomach. The material to be tested is a venous blood sample. Any type of hormone therapy can affect the test result, so be sure to tell your doctor about any medical conditions you are taking or any medications you are taking before you receive a referral. You should not go to an ft4 test after taking a thyroxine pill.

If you plan to visit a dietitian in order to choose a diet that suits your needs, it is worthwhile to carry out a study, among others ft4. At Medonet Market you will find the Pre-Nutrition Testing Package – Home Blood Analysis, where you can order a blood donation directly at your home or at one of over 500 locations in the country.

Ft4 test – standards

It all depends on the faction. There are two – free and total. The total value should be between 64,4 and 154,4 nmol / L. In turn, the norms of free thyroxine range from 9,1 to 23,8 nmol / l. Values ​​may vary. The standards are always determined by the laboratory. Therefore, the interpretation should be consistent with those appearing on the test printout. Your ft4 test result may be too low or too high.

Reduced ft4 value at increased TSH value informs us of primary hypothyroidism. In turn, a coincidence reduced ft4 value together with reduced TSH index could be secondary hypothyroidism. It is different when ft4 is increased and TSH is lowered. The primary form of hyperthyroidism is then diagnosed. However, if ft4 is elevated and TSH is also elevated, it is said to be secondary hyperthyroidism. Reading your thyroid hormone results isn’t easy at all. We should always leave it to the specialist. The thyroid gland is an unpredictable gland that can be complicated to treat.

Ft4 survey – price

The price of the ft4 test is not high. Usually, we will not pay more than PLN 20 for this examination. However, if we decide to visit a doctor under the National Health Fund, we can count on the fact that we will perform all tests free of charge. Tests monitoring thyroid dysfunction at certain stages of treatment should be performed very frequently. When deciding on private visits, we will have to bear all possible costs. It should not be forgotten that thyroid dysfunction can run alongside other diseases. Then the endocrinologist may order other specialized tests. Among patients with hypothyroidism, it is very often necessary to make a sugar curve, as well as an insulin curve.

On Medonet Market you will find a thyroid test package in which you can determine the level of TSH, FT4 and anti-TPO. Buy now and start acting quickly if the results are not correct.

Name of the study ft4
Introduction – what is this research / what the research is for The examination detects disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland
Indications for the examination Suspicion of thyroid disease, abnormal test results of other hormones.
Standards Free thyroxine – 9,1-23,8 nmol / l Total – 64,4 – 154,4 nmol / l
Interpreting the results (at least basic) The interpretation is made in conjunction with the determination of other hormones.
How is the test going The test involves taking a blood sample.
How to prepare for the test You should be fasting.
Information to be reported prior to testing Lack.
How to behave after the examination Apply pressure to the download site
Possible complications after the examination Bruise
Other important (if any) x

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