Fruko Schulz (Fruko Schulz)

Fruko Schulz is the third largest absinthe producer in the Czech Republic. The products of this company are well known all over the world. For more than a hundred years, the plant in the vicinity of the city of Jindrichuv Hradec has been producing excellent absinthe, fragrant with the mountain herbs of South Bohemia.

In 1898, the Austrian businessman Moritz Schulz founded the first plant in the Austro-Hungarian Empire for the production of fruit wines and bitters. As it turned out later, the place for the plant was chosen ideal: South Bohemia is famous for its soft, crystal clear water. Thanks to the neighborhood

Germany, local residents by that time had long been acquainted with the recipes for making wormwood tincture. Absinthe was made here at the beginning of the XNUMXth century, during the time of Napoleon. Therefore, Mr. Schulz had no shortage of skilled workers.

The small plant eventually turned into a very impressive enterprise. Unlike most European countries, the Czech Republic has never banned the production of absinthe. Moritz Schulz’s company successfully survived the collapse of Austria-Hungary, the First and Second World Wars.

In 1948, the plant in Jindrichuv Hradec was nationalized, and the former owner emigrated to England. But the traditions, recipes and quality of drinks remained unchanged. As in the old days, absinthe was made according to the original Swiss recipe of the 1993th century. In XNUMX, Rudolf Schulz, heir to the founder of the company, regained ownership of the company and completely refurbished it.

In 2007, a 100% stake in Fruko Schultz was acquired by the Russian concern Ladoga, which also includes two Spanish wine companies and two French cognac producers. The new owners did not change anything at the plant. It is even still led by the General Director Jozsef Neyedly, who has been in office for the second decade.

It was under the leadership of Pan Neyedla that the Fruko Schultz company entered the world level and began to control 95% of the Taiwanese absinthe market. The general director of the company, not at all embarrassed, admits his incorrigible romanticism: more than anything in the world, Pan Jozsef loves to give people a fairy tale. For example, his company has been sponsoring Taiwan’s Spring Scream Music Festival for several years.

Fruko Schulz takes part in yet another romantic undertaking. The castle in Jindrichuv Hradec is one of the most majestic and beautiful in the Czech Republic. Today, weddings “with the taste of absinthe” are held here. By paying 2000 euros, those who wish can get married and celebrate the wedding in a real palace. And the famous Fruko Schulz absinthe takes pride of place among the drinks served to the table.

Types of absinthe Fruko Schultz

There are three types of absinthe with a strength of 70%:

  • Fruko Schulz is an emerald green absinthe with the aroma of wormwood and spices. Taste – pleasantly bitter, wormwood, with an aniseed note and a minty aftertaste;
  • Fruko Schulz Black is a dark, almost black absinthe with the smell of blackcurrant and spices. Noble wormwood bitterness in taste is set off by licorice sweetness;
  • Fruko Schulz Red is a red absinthe with a wormwood-pepper flavor and a soft, warming coriander aftertaste.

Fruko Schulz (Fruko Schulz)

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