Fruits from A to Z
Fruits are one of the richest sources of vitamins and minerals. They are often used in various diets, because they are not too high in calories, help dull the feeling of hunger and have the properties of products – “fat burners”

Learn more about the health benefits of fruits

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Fruits are an essential element of proper nutrition. For a complete diet, it is important to eat plant-based foods. We will find out what the benefits of fruits are and how to avoid possible harm to the body.

The benefits of fruits

Fruit is a good substitute for sugar and unhealthy sweets. In addition to fructose, which gives the fruits a sweet taste, they contain fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. 

Some fruits help maintain a good mood and make it easier to get out of depression due to special substances in their composition. 

In the peel of fruits, the concentration of fiber and vitamins is higher than in the pulp. Therefore, many fruits are healthier to eat with the skin on. 

Fruit harm 

Fruit should be consumed in moderation. Otherwise, hyperavitaminosis, allergies, and indigestion may develop. The abuse of citruses leads to the destruction of tooth enamel and can provoke gastritis or ulcers due to the high concentration of acids. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, fresh fruits should be replaced with thermally processed ones – this reduces the acid in their composition and facilitates the process of assimilation. When preparing compotes, baked fruits, jams, sugar should be added sparingly. 

Fruits are often included in the diet of various diets, but some of the fruits are extremely high in calories. For example, bananas contain a lot of protein, and sour lemon has a higher concentration of sugars than strawberries. With excessive consumption of fruits, especially acidic ones, the secretion of gastric juice increases, which can, on the contrary, increase the feeling of hunger. Long-term fruit diets can harm the body, so fruits should be alternated with other foods so that the diet remains complete. 

Simultaneous ingestion of fruits and other foods can lead to fermentation processes in the stomach and intestines, causing bloating and pain in the abdomen. It is best to consume fruits separately from other meals and in the morning. 

You should also be careful about drinking fruit juices. Due to harmful preservatives and additives in packaged juices, it is recommended to replace it with freshly squeezed juice. But its use should also be limited. Concentrated juice contains much more vitamins and acid than could be consumed in the form of whole pieces of fruit, so there is a danger of imperceptibly exceeding the daily allowance and provoking allergies or gastritis. 

How to choose the right fruits 

The most useful seasonal fruits ripened naturally on the ground. In greenhouse fruits, the concentration of nutrients is lower, and the level of various toxins is higher due to the active use of fertilizers. It is also dangerous to buy fruits from highways or grown in unfavorable environmental conditions, as the fruits absorb toxins from the soil, water and air. 

Choose ripe fruits, unripe ones can provoke indigestion. The fruits should be even, without damaged areas and signs of disease and rot. 

In addition to fresh fruits, frozen and dried fruits without sugar, dried in the sun or in a special dryer, are useful. In this form, most of the vitamins are preserved. 

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