Fruit and vegetables are healthy, we know that. What to eat if you suffer from hypertension or osteoporosis? Check what properties specific delicacies have.
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1/8 Grapefruit
A study conducted on a group of 58 patients with chronic gum disease proved that eating this fruit can help with this type of ailments. This is because grapefruit has a high vitamin C content. Eating these fruits regularly can also help prevent the development of diabetes. Important note: immediately after eating the fruit, you should not brush your teeth, because the acids contained in it can weaken the enamel. The mouth should then be rinsed with clean water.
2/ 8 Beets
Beets are fantastic at fighting hypertension. Drinking one glass of the juice of this red vegetable can reduce blood pressure by up to 10 units. This effect lasts up to several hours after drinking the cocktail. This is because beetroot contains many nitrates which dilate the blood vessels, which allows the blood to flow more efficiently.
3/ 8 Cranberry
It is well known that eating cranberry or drinking cranberry juice prevents urinary tract infections. It turns out, however, that this is not the end of cranberry’s advantages – it may also increase the effectiveness of drugs used in the treatment of ovarian cancer. Cranberry also inhibits the development of caries. This is because the compounds contained in it deactivate the bacterial enzyme glucotransferase, which transforms simple sugars in the oral cavity into a sticky polysaccharide which is the building block of caries.
4/ 8 Carrots
Some time ago, there were scientific reports that carrots can prevent the development of prostate cancer and inhibit its development once it has appeared. This is because the vegetable is rich in vitamin A. This compound regulates the activity of two human genes, which are “turned off” in the process of cell carcinogenesis. Vitamin A turns these genes back on and the cells lose their “aggressiveness”.
5/ 8 Strawberries
This summer treat protects against diabetes and heart disease. Eating strawberries activates the Nrf2 protein in the body, which is responsible for protective processes. Nrf2 helps lower blood cholesterol. In addition, a team of researchers from Spain and Italy claims that eating strawberries protects our skin from UV radiation. However, these studies still need to be confirmed.
6/ 8 Plums
Prunes can help prevent osteoporosis. This mainly affects postmenopausal women. This thesis was proved thanks to a year-long study conducted on a group of 100 women. Ladies who consumed 100 g of prunes daily had a much higher bone density. Plums likely suppress the breakdown of bone tissue.
7/ 8 Bananas
Bananas are a great source of potassium. This makes them perfect for people with hypertension. Scientific research has shown that introducing bananas into your diet can reduce blood pressure and thus minimize the risk of stroke.
8/ 8 Parsley
Green parsley is a rich source of apigenin – a compound belonging to the group of flavones. Studies have shown that apigenin can help fight breast cancer. Significant tumor shrinkage was observed in the treated mice. Although you still have to wait for the studies that will confirm the effectiveness of the drug in humans, eating parsley or drinking parsley infusion will not hurt.