Fruit flies – how to get rid of them from home? [WE EXPLAIN]
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Fruit flies are small, short-lived, but can be irritating, especially since they reproduce very quickly. When we see loads of little fruit flies in the kitchen, the first thing that comes to mind is where they came from and how we can get rid of them. Fruit flies are primarily pests, they contaminate food with bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms. Are there any effective and quick ways to get rid of fruit flies?

Fruit flies reproduction and life cycle

Fruit flies are tiny, yellowish, red-eyed insects that are part of a large family of small flies that numbers approximately 3 thousand species. Fruit flies are common in homes, restaurants, supermarkets, and anywhere food can rot and ferment. Most often it can be found in the kitchen. Adult specimens are approximately 2-3 mm in length. Fruit flies they lay their eggs near the surface of fermenting food or other moist organic materials.

Upon emergence, the tiny larvae continue to forage near the surface of the fermenting food. This larval feeding feature is significant because damaged or over-ripe portions of fruit and vegetables can be cut off without discarding the rest for fear of spreading the developing larvae. The reproductive potential of fruit flies is enormous – they can lay up to 500 eggs at a time. A fruit fly’s life cycle usually takes about a week to two.

Fruit flies are especially attracted to ripe fruit and vegetables in the kitchen. They also breed in sewage, landfills, empty bottles and cans, garbage cans, mops, and cleaning rags. All it takes to thrive is a moist, fermenting environment. Infections can come from overripe fruit or vegetables that have been previously infected and brought home. Adults can also make their way from the outside through partially closed windows and doors.

Fruit Flies – Are They Dangerous?

Fruit flies reproduce in ripe fruit as well as vegetables. It is also food for these insects. The appearance of the fruit fly should therefore raise our vigilance and motivate us to get rid of these insects from the kitchen as soon as possible. The problem should not be underestimated, but the fruit flies should be effectively removed, because they spread microorganisms that are harmful to health and contaminate the food we reach for.

You should consult your family doctor about ailments caused by fruit flies. You can do it online via the portal.

Check also: Fruits and vegetables can help treat specific ailments

Fruit flies – where do they come from?

Fruit flies attract ripe, rotting or spoiled fruits and dishes prepared from them, and fermented products such as beer and wine. Female fruit flies lay around 500 eggs at a time, and young fruit flies hatch in just 24 hours. Of course, this makes these insects almost impossible to control.

To isolate fruit flies from their food source and prevent them from living in your home, take the following precautionary measures:

  1. always throw it away overripe foods, especially fruits and vegetables,
  2. keep fruit and vegetables in the fridge,
  3. only wash these products when you return home after shopping to remove any potential eggs or larvae.
  4. regularly throw out the rubbish,
  5. if the fruit has run out of juice, wipe it off quickly,
  6. do not leave open alcohol,
  7. if you spilled beer or wine, wipe it off quickly and wash the area.

Also read: The most dangerous domestic pests

The method for fruit flies – apple cider vinegar

This method of fruit flies is very simple to do and is very effective in getting rid of these insects. It is enough to pour a little apple cider vinegar into a glass, cover the hole with foil and secure it with a rubber band. Then punch a few small holes so that the bow ties can go inside. The smell of vinegar will attract fruit inside, and thanks to the foil protection, they will not be able to get out of the trap. For better results, prepare several such traps and place them in several places in the kitchen.

Fruit flies – how to get rid of – vinegar and dishwashing liquid

Pour a little vinegar and a few drops of washing up liquid into a small bowl / jar / glass. The vinegar will attract the flies to the flies’ dish, and the soap will reduce the surface tension of the vinegar, allowing the flies to drown.

How to get rid of fruit flies – wine or beer

Like vinegar, fruit flies love the smell of red wine. Try to leave the bottle open with a little wine, preferably overnight, the smell will attract them and the narrow neck of the bottle will prevent them from escaping. Weathered beer is also an effective trap. For greater effect, you can add a little washing-up liquid to both of these liquids.

See: Does wine protect us from blindness?

How to fight fruit flies – candle flame

This method of removing fruit flies is very simple and requires only a candle. Place the candle in a tray or bowl filled with water, then place the tray close to the fruit or the area where the midges are located. Then turn off the light so that the only light in the room is a candle (also close the curtains to block external light sources).

This home remedy for fruit flies kills them in two ways. First, fruit flies that approach a candle flame will either set their wings on fire and fall into the water, or they will burn completely. Those flies that avoid the flame can drown in the water – if you add a few drops of dishwashing liquid, you will increase the desired effect.

Fruit flies – protective nets

If we do not want to let fruit flies into the apartment, we can install protective nets in the windows. These nets are easy to assemble on your own, so we can handle them ourselves. Thanks to them, we will have the first protection in the fight against fruit flies.

Also read: Bites by midges

Fruit flies – vacuum cleaner

When fruit flies appear in our home, we can overcome them in various ways. The first is to get rid of products that may attract insects, and the second is to use a vacuum cleaner that will draw in adults. However, this method may prove to be only partially effective, as we may not catch all of the fruit flies. Then take the next step in the fight against these insects.

Fruit flies and the composter

When you have a composter in your garden, it is good to plan its place so that it is as far away from the house as possible. Thrown out food scraps and peelings and skins should be disposed of at home, but placed on a composter near open windows, they will again save unwanted insects.

Read: How do I keep leftovers in the refrigerator?

How to eliminate fruit flies – first of all, prevention

The most effective form of combating fruit flies is prevention. First, check the source of the development of the midges, and then remove them. Here are some ways to prevent fruit flies from showing up:

Always clean and wash dirty dishes

Always clean up after you eat your meal. Do not leave dirty dishes on the table, counter or even in the sink. Ontake the habit of washing the dishes as soon as you finish eating. Make sure any leftover food is thrown into a sealed trash can. Fruit flies will start showing up if you leave food waste in the kitchen for too long.

Close litter bins tightly

Make sure the lid of the basket is tightly closed. Do not attract more midges to your home by letting the smell of garbage spread out. This will also cause other pests such as ants and cockroaches to appear.

Get rid of wet areas

Fruit flies are very fond of a humid environment. So check the kitchen and bathroom for potential leaks from pipes and taps. You should also check internal drains in the bathroom and reduce the humidity using a dehumidifier.

Replace the potting soil

Sometimes these insects may appear in poor-quality potting soil. Check if the source of the existence of flies is a potted plant, if so, replace the substrate with a soil of a higher quality.

If you follow the above-described methods of preventing fruit flies, you will get rid of them permanently from your home.

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