Wipe the skin with an apple or pear slice? Why not, if it’s fruit season. But as a full-fledged beauty product, homemade fruit masks for regular day care are not suitable. And that’s why.
The benefits and effectiveness of fruit masks for facial skin
Seasonal fruits are a favorite ingredient for anyone who prefers to make their own masks. Such funds cost almost nothing, especially if all their components grow in their own garden, and the effect is not bad. Therefore, the ranks of fans of home beauty creativity in summer and autumn are always growing.
Fruit-based masks give a noticeable effect of skin rejuvenation and exfoliation.
Fruit masks have several abilities at once:
smooth out fine wrinkles;
combat dryness and flabbiness of the skin.
A similar effect is achieved due to the beneficial substances that make up the fruit, such as:
vitamins A, C, group B;
minerals: zinc, potassium, magnesium, etc.;
fruit acids.
The latter have a remarkable effect on the skin, helping to more effectively get rid of the layer of dead cells. Thus, the skin becomes smoother and acquires a natural radiance.
Fruit-based masks not only exfoliate and renew, but also tone, moisturize and energize the skin. But to maintain the effect requires a systematic approach.
The mechanism of action on the skin of different fruits
Seasonal fruits have a variety of skin benefits.
Apple tones and exfoliates, thanks to the high content of malic acid.
Pear activates the recovery and update processes.
Peach – An excellent ingredient for hydration and nutrition.
Apricot Fights dullness and evens out skin tone.
Plum mattifies oily skin prone to inflammation due to overactive sebaceous glands.
Banana moisturizes, nourishes, smoothes wrinkles.
Kiwi exfoliates, cleanses pores, moisturizes and gives a fresh look.
Orange refreshes complexion, fights dullness.
Lemon has a pronounced exfoliating effect.
Mango nourishes and moisturizes tired skin.
Persimmon nourishes, moisturizes, makes the skin tone more uniform.
Homemade mask or purchased: expert opinion
Making a fruit mask or eating them is an eternal beauty dilemma.
No one argues with the fact that the fruit mask contains vitamins. But unlike cosmetics, the ratio of vitamins and minerals, which makes the product effective and safe, is not verified in it. And without this, the result is unpredictable, up to allergic reactions and skin damage.
The same can be said about efficiency. Perhaps the percentage of vitamins in the finished product is lower than in a homemade mask, but on the other hand, extracts and useful substances are included in the factory products in optimal concentration, and the effectiveness of the product is confirmed by tests and laboratory tests.
Not everyone can afford to make homemade masks. This requires at least three components:
desire to create;
necessary ingredients.
The finished product contains everything the skin needs. We just have to properly prepare the skin and apply a product that works more efficiently and faster than a mask mixed in the kitchen.
Fruit face mask: choosing recipes and products
Before making a fresh fruit mask, do a tolerance test.
fruit mask for oily skin
cherry mask
Act: evens out skin tone, tightens pores.
4-5 ripe cherries;
1 tsp chopped buckwheat.
How to prepare and use:
mash or scroll cherries in a blender (pitted);
grind buckwheat in a coffee grinder;
mix the ingredients until a thick slurry;
apply the mixture on cleansed skin;
soak for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water.
Contains fruit acids derived from bitter orange and lemon extracts. It also contains mineral-rich thermal water from the Vichy springs.
fruit mask for dry skin
Cloudberry and sour cream mask
Act: moisturizes dry and flaky skin, tones and fills with radiance.
2 tbsp. l. cloudberries;
1 st. l. sour cream.
How to prepare and use:
mash the berries;
mix with sour cream until thick;
apply to cleansed skin;
wash off after 10 minutes.
Re-Plasty HD Peel Mask, Helena Rubinstein
Fruit acids (glycolic, lactic, phytic) smooth the skin, HEPES renews the epidermis, urea softens. Apply the mask for 5 minutes once or twice a week, and in a month the skin will become noticeably more elastic.
Fruit mask for problem skin
Honey and orange mask
Act: provides an even tone, tightens pores, mattifies.
1 st. l. orange pulp;
1 st. l. honey;
1 Art. l. grain cottage cheese.
How to prepare and use:
peel the orange and mash the pulp;
combine with honey and cottage cheese;
apply the mask on cleansed face, avoiding the area around the eyes;
keep on the skin for no more than 15 minutes;
Rinse thoroughly and treat the skin with a tonic, and then with a moisturizer.
Facial scrub with pineapple and papaya extract Pineapple Papaya Facial Scrub, Kiehl’s
The bromelain enzyme found in pineapple extract promotes exfoliation. Its action is enhanced by papaya extract and apricot kernel powder. As a result, the scrub effectively removes dead cells from the surface of the skin, promoting its renewal.
Turmeric & Cranberry Seed Energizing Radiance Masque, Kiehl’s
Turmeric and cranberry seeds give an instant boost of energy, freshness and radiance to dull skin with signs of fatigue, give it a healthy look and visibly reduce pores. Crushed cranberry seeds help gently exfoliate for visibly smoother skin.
Rules and recommendations for use
Before you start making a homemade mask, read our tips.
All ingredients must be fresh.
Fruit must be washed well.
It is better to mix the ingredients in a plastic bowl.
Before the first use, check the product for tolerance. In case of an allergic reaction, a mask cannot be made.
Safety measures
Speaking of home masks, you should always remember that the reaction to them can be unpredictable. Therefore, always use only fresh mixture, it is not worth storing it. Even in the refrigerator.