Losing weight up to 7 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is 900 Kcal.
Eating fruits, you can lose up to 7 kg of unnecessary weight in 7 days. This food is a great way to make the most of the fruit season, lose weight and improve your health.
If you need to tweak the body quite a bit and get rid of a couple of kilograms, or just arrange a good unloading after the holiday feasts, you can go on a shorter three-day fruit diet.
Fruit diet requirements
If you choose the way of body modernization fruit three-day, be prepared to eat purely fruit products all these days. To make weight loss more noticeable, it is worth excluding the starchy and most high-calorie representatives of the fruit family (for example, bananas) from the menu. It will be good if you introduce apples and citruses into your diet. On a fruit diet, 3 main meals are prescribed, between which you can have a snack (also fruit). Even on this diet, the consumption of berries, except for grapes, is not prohibited (for the same reason as bananas).
There are no clear proportions of consumed foods. Based on the characteristics of your body. Eat until you are full, but do not overeat, even the lowest calorie fruit products. Ideal if the portion does not exceed 200-300 grams. Since fruits are digested rather quickly, there is no need not to eat after 18 pm, especially if you go to bed late. But not to consume anything at least two hours before the night’s rest is a very correct eating behavior in this case.
Drink a sufficient amount of non-carbonated water daily (you can melt). Unsweetened teas are also allowed (green or herbal teas are best). Coffee is undesirable. If it’s really hard to live without this invigorating drink, drink it occasionally and at the beginning of the day. You can drink fruit or berry (or fruit and berry) juices and fresh juices from approved products. But there is no place for sugar in their composition. It’s great if these drinks are freshly squeezed. This will help not only to lull the feeling of hunger, but also to supply the body with useful substances.
If you want to correct the figure a little more, the diet can be extended, but nutritionists do not recommend adding more than 1-2 days. Longer consumption of fruits alone can provoke a lack of vitamins and substances necessary for the body.
By the way, so that the diet does not get bored, from time to time you can eat fruits in a baked form. For example, a baked apple saturates much more and for longer than its raw counterpart.
If you talk about seven-day fruit diet, it is less strict and more varied. Those who decide to play by its rules are allowed to eat, in addition to fruits and berries, non-starchy vegetables and soups from them, low-fat dairy products, lean meat. You can even add whole grain toast for breakfast. This diet consists of four meals.
If losing weight is comfortable, but after a week, 1-2 kilograms still separate you from the desired figure, you can slightly extend the diet regime, but up to a maximum of 10 days. Further, if you do not want to strike a blow to the body, it is only worth achieving the result with a correct balanced diet with the addition of other useful products.
At the end of any variant of the fruit diet, to maintain the obtained result, you should not lean on high-calorie foods. If before that your diet was far from balanced, then you need to revise its rules and include sports. By the way, it is advisable to engage in them while following the rules of the diet itself. Be sure to leave room for fruit in your new diet. After all, they helped you transform, do not offend them now. Also, for the prevention of excess weight, you can spend a fasting fruit day or from time to time replace breakfast or lunch or dinner with a set of your favorite fruits and berries.
Breakfast: apple and orange fruit salad; a cup of green tea.
Snack: small green apple.
Lunch: salad of kiwi and orange with a handful of berries.
Afternoon snack: a glass of freshly squeezed juice from your favorite fruit.
Dinner: apple, tangerine and kiwi salad.
Breakfast: strawberry and cherry salad, seasoned with 1 tsp. sour cream of the lowest fat content; toast, greased with homemade yogurt, grated with fruits or berries; a cup of green tea or fruit juice (can be diluted with water).
Lunch: a portion of vegetable puree soup; 150-200 g of meat cooked without adding oil and salt; fruit of your choice; you can also have a glass of fruit juice for dessert.
Afternoon snack: fruit and vegetable salad (for example, grate apples and raw carrots), seasoned with 1 tsp. low-fat sour cream or homemade yogurt.
Dinner: salad of your favorite fruits, seasoned with low-fat kefir or yogurt; a glass of juice.
Contraindications fruit diet
- Fruit and berry products contain organic acids that can have a negative effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is not recommended to sit on a fruit diet for gastritis, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer.
- This diet is not suitable for people who are sick with pancreatitis or have any diseases of the biliary tract.
- Undoubtedly, diabetics and people with impaired carbohydrate metabolism cannot be on a fruit diet.
- Also, this technique is not recommended in any form for pregnant and lactating women, the elderly, children, adolescents and all those who have any functional changes in the body during this period.
- Such a diet is not desirable for allergy sufferers, since large quantities of fruit can push the development of diathesis.
Benefits of a Fruit Diet
- Fruits are great for satisfying hunger. After all, they are rich in fiber, which, penetrating into the body, swells, creating a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Therefore, eating a small amount of low-calorie fruit products, you feel like you have a hearty meal. Therefore, there is no desire to overeat, and you lose weight, since your diet weighs very few calories. It helps to practically avoid the feeling of hunger and the frequency of meals, because the fruit diet promotes fractional nutrition.
- Also, fruits drown out cravings for sweets, because most of them themselves have a sweetish taste. Thanks to this, this technique is perfect for those with a sweet tooth. Tip: if you don’t want to go on a fruit diet, but love for chocolate, ice cream and other high-calorie sweet delicacies does not allow you to lose weight, try at least sometimes replacing sweets with fruits. And you will notice how the weight slowly but surely begins to leave you. Dried fruits are also an excellent alternative to sweets.
- Eating fruit helps to strengthen the body’s immune system, making it more resistant to many diseases. In order not to meet any disease in winter, take care of saturating the body with useful substances in summer.
- Also, fruits help to improve the condition of hair, nails and appearance in general, due to the presence in them, in particular, of calcium. And iron helps to normalize blood pressure and regulates blood cholesterol.
- Many fruits contain enzymes that help fight the storage of excess fat. Fruit gently and carefully cleanse the body, naturally remove toxins and toxins from it that we do not need at all.
- Fruit is also very good at stimulating and normalizing intestinal peristalsis. The substances they contain contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular and other dangerous diseases, help in the work of the brain, increase concentration and have a positive effect on mood. And this helps to tolerate a fruit diet, as a rule, quite easily and without feeling acute psychological discomfort.
- Fruits are very useful for the fair sex. They help to quickly overcome such a nuisance as cellulite. In addition, due to the fiber content in fruits, the complexion becomes even and healthy.
- Eating fruit helps to speed up metabolism. And this increases the chances of preserving the results of losing weight when switching to the usual diet (of course, if it is no frills). So, as you can see, eating fruit is worth not only in order to gain a beautiful figure, but also to improve your health and appearance in a natural way.
- By following the rules of the fruit method, there is practically no need to waste time on cooking. Especially when it comes to a short fruit diet, there is no need to spend time at the stove at all (unless you want to bake fruit).
- An indisputable advantage of a fruit diet is its effectiveness. In just a few days, you can noticeably transform the figure, losing a few centimeters in the waist and other problem areas that separate you from the body of your dreams.
Disadvantages of a fruit diet
- Most people who have lost weight speak positively about the fruit diet. But still, one cannot but take into account that it is poor in protein products, so only people with good health can stick to it. Be sure to consider the above contraindications.
- When leaving the body of toxins, as discussed above, you may encounter some unpleasant manifestations such as plaque on the tongue, unpleasant odor from the oral cavity.
- Some develop muscle weakness and diarrhea. If these effects are acute and cause you discomfort, be sure to stop the diet and consult a doctor to check your health.
Repeating the fruit diet
Do not repeat the short fruit three-day diet for at least the next couple of weeks, and with the seven-day technique it is worth delaying at least 1 month.