Fruit and vegetable diet

Summer and autumn are a great time of year for easy weight loss. At this time, many fruits and vegetables ripen — sources of healthy fiber, vitamins, and minerals. A large number of plant products in the summer-autumn period makes it possible for those who want to lose weight. Fruit and vegetable diet is a useful and inexpensive way to lose weight, which is recommended even by doctors.

This diet is especially loved by women. Even without physical exertion, according to reviews of adherents of the diet on vegetables and fruits, in seven days 5-7 kg easily go. In addition, saturation of the body with fiber, vitamins and minerals improves the appearance: it makes the skin supple, clean and smooth, the nails strong and the hair shiny.

Principles of diet

The essence of the diet is to lose weight by cleansing the intestines and removing excess fluid. This is achieved by enriching the diet with plant fiber, which accumulates water and the harmful and toxic decomposition products of fats and proteins dissolved in it. Increasing in volume, fiber physically irritates the intestinal wall, stimulating the acceleration of its peristaltic movements. As a result, feces leave the body faster, taking away toxins and toxins.

The elimination of fluid from the body contributes to the lack of salt in the diet. Sodium, contained in salt, retains water in the tissues of the body, and when it is deficient, the fluid does not stay in the tissues and easily passes into the urine. The benefits of limiting sodium and salt intake are obvious for those who lose weight who suffer from hypertension: sodium stimulates the hormone vasopressin, which spasms blood vessels and increases blood pressure.

In addition to fiber, fruits and vegetables contain many minerals (potassium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, iron, cobalt, molybdenum), which play an important role in metabolism, the formation of blood cells, enzymes and hormones.

The vegetable and fruit diet is rich in vitamins that are not formed in the human body or are not synthesized in sufficient quantities: water-soluble (C, B, PP, biotin, carotenes) and fat-soluble (A, D, E, K). Vitamins of fruits and vegetables are bioavailable and are almost completely absorbed in the digestive tract.

Losing weight on fruits and vegetables is possible only by observing the basic principles of this diet:

  • alternate fruit and vegetable days;
  • consume up to 1,5 kg of permitted vegetables and fruits per day;
  • the number of meals can be set independently (recommended – 5-6);
  • vegetables can be eaten fresh, boiled, baked, stewed, steamed or grilled;
  • vegetables can be used to make salads, soups, stews, saute;
  • fruits should be consumed fresh or baked;
  • foods and dishes can not be salted or sweetened;
  • it is undesirable to add sharp seasonings to food;
  • you need to drink at least one liter of ordinary water and one liter of green tea without additives and sugar;
  • Alcohol should be excluded from the diet completely.

To replenish the diet with useful polyunsaturated fatty acids, a handful of nuts or seeds can be added to the diet menu.

In no case should you reduce the calorie content of the recommended diet. A sharp decrease in calorie will slow down the pace of weight loss in order to save the body energy. The strong feeling of hunger that occurs in losing weight while limiting the calorie content of food threatens to disrupt and prematurely terminate the diet.

Diet tolerated quite easily. Combining a diet menu with moderate exercise, you can achieve weight loss up to 8 kg per week. The state of health and activity of losing weight does not deteriorate, so he can lead a full life.

On a clean, protein-free diet, it is impossible to sit longer than 7 days, because the building material does not enter the body – high-grade protein. On the background of an unbalanced diet, amino acid deficiency may occur, which is fraught with the destruction of muscle proteins and a violation of protein metabolism. As a result, losing weight will feel weak, weak, depressed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Losing weight on fruits and vegetables brings good results: with a properly formulated diet and dosed physical activity, you can lose weight at a rate of 800 g to 1 kg per day. Fruit and vegetable diet has many advantages that make it useful:

  • cleans the intestines and blood vessels from toxins and slags;
  • makes vessels more elastic;
  • improves digestion and fights constipation;
  • restores the pancreas and liver;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves skin condition.

To improve the appearance of the skin, it is necessary to take into account its type. So, with dry skin type, ripe red fruits are preferable. For oily skin, it is advisable to eat sour vegetables and orange-colored fruits. Losing weight with normal skin type can eat all permitted vegetables and fruits without exception.

However, apart from the advantages, the fruit and vegetable diet has its drawbacks. A fiber-rich diet can cause weakening of the stool and even diarrhea in some slimming people.

When consumed large amounts of acidic vegetables and fruits increases the acidity of gastric juice. This is dangerous development of gastritis or peptic ulcer exacerbation. The first sign is a white bloom in the language of losing weight. Therefore, you should not eat only sour fruits and vegetables in the hope that they contain fewer calories than sweet ones.

Allowed and prohibited products

You should limit the use of starchy foods: potatoes, zucchini, squash, eggplant, cauliflower, green peas. These vegetables are best eaten no more than once a week. Of the vegetables, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, green leafy vegetables are preferred.

From fruits, you need to reduce the use of their sweet types: bananas, kiwi, mango, grapes. Dietary fruits are apples, plums, apricots, peaches, berries, melons.

Prohibited for use during weight loss products are:

  • meat and meat products;
  • oily fish;
  • whole milk products (hard cheese, butter, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, pickled cheeses);
  • cereals (except oatmeal);
  • vegetable oils;
  • canned food;
  • smoked products;
  • pickles;
  • confectionery and sweets;
  • drinks with gas;
  • strong black tea and coffee.

Alcoholic beverages are banned: they stimulate the appetite.

Contraindications for weight loss

A fruit and vegetable diet, like other diets, is contraindicated during pregnancy, breast milk feeding and before 18 years. These are the periods of life when the body requires a lot of energy and the presence in the food of all the necessary body substances. Their deficiency can lead to impaired development and growth of the young body.

To avoid exacerbations, people suffering from diseases of the digestive organs or kidneys, before starting to lose weight with this diet, you should consult a doctor.

Fruit and vegetable diet for a week

To properly plan your weight loss, you need to develop a weekly menu. When developing it, you need to ensure that the daily calorie content of the menu is approximately the same and amounts to 1000-1200 kcal (depending on the physical activity of the losing weight). To determine the calorie content of products, you can use any calorie tables.

To compile a weekly, you can use the approximate diet. Option on fruits and vegetables might look like this:

Day one (vegetable):

  • breakfast – a salad of grated carrots and celery (150 g), a cup of green tea;
  • the second breakfast – two fresh tomatoes (200 g);
  • lunch – boiled broccoli and cauliflower with a tablespoon of raw pumpkin seeds (400 g), a glass of tomato juice;
  • afternoon tea – a salad of bell pepper, cherry tomatoes and lettuce (300 g), a cup of green tea;
  • dinner – a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with herbs (200 g), a cup of mint tea.

Salads can not be seasoned with vegetable oils, but you can sprinkle with soy sauce and lemon juice. It is necessary to ensure that soy sauce is natural. It should be a real fermentation product, not a mixture of chemical components. Vegetable juices should not be industrially produced: they must be squeezed out independently before consumption. It is impossible to salt dishes or juices.

Day two (fruit):

  • breakfast – fruit salad of apples and strawberries (200 g), a glass of fresh oranges;
  • the second breakfast – one apple and one peach (300 g);
  • lunch – melon (600 g), a cup of green tea;
  • afternoon snack – half a grapefruit (250 g), a glass of apple fresh;
  • dinner – half pineapple (200 g), a cup of green tea.

Fruits must be fresh or fresh frozen: no canned fruits and berries should be consumed. Apples can be baked in the oven without sugar. As a dressing for fruit salads, you can use natural fruit or berry juice.

Third day (fruit and vegetable):

  • breakfast – cabbage and cucumber salad (200 g), a glass of carrot-apple juice;
  • lunch – 6 apricots, a handful of raspberries (350 g);
  • dinner – vegetable soup made from broccoli, bell pepper and potatoes (400 g), a cup of mint tea;
  • afternoon snack – a few slices of watermelon (350 g), a glass of cabbage-celery juice;
  • dinner – orange (200 g), a cup of green tea.

All three days need to alternate in the order indicated and repeat from the fourth to the sixth days. The seventh day of the diet is desirable to make lightweight, unloading. It can be a juice day when the diet consists only of 1,5 l freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices.

Fruit and vegetable diet with proteins

If it is difficult for a slimming person to follow a purely fruit and vegetable diet, you can include lean fish (twice a week in an amount of no more than 150 g per serving), low-fat cottage cheese (four times a week in an amount of no more than 100 g per serving) and oatmeal .

This version of losing weight does not require alternating days. Every day during the week you need to adhere to this menu:

  • breakfast – oatmeal (or 150 of boiled fish twice a week), a cup of green tea;
  • the second breakfast – one tomato, one cucumber (or a salad of them, seasoned with lemon juice);
  • lunch – vegetable soup, cream soup or stew, a glass of any fruit juice;
  • afternoon snack – one pear, 2-3 apricot (or 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese 4 once a week), a glass of any fresh vegetable;
  • dinner – two baked apples, a cup of mint tea.

Such an expanded menu is very well perceived as losing weight, as it is varied and tasty.

Out of the diet

So that after the end of the vegetable-fruit diet the result of weight loss is preserved, it is necessary to get out of it correctly. It is recommended once a week to do fruit or vegetable fasting days. A good fixative effect is brought by physical education, jogging, swimming.

A useful and effective way to lose weight can be applied several times a year, while it is necessary to withstand pauses between diets for at least two months. More frequent stay on such a diet can disrupt the metabolic processes in the body losing weight.

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