Frozen pregnancy: causes and symptoms in the early stages
Carry a baby under your heart and one day wake up with an empty chest. Do not believe that there is no longer that beloved lump that was supposed to please the whole family and mommy in the first place. Today, about 20% of Russian women know firsthand what a frozen pregnancy is.
Obstetrician-gynecologist of the Dialine network of multidisciplinary clinics
Optimism and kindness are the keys to good luck!
“In today’s world, filled with multitasking women, stress, overwork, night shifts, alas, for many, a long-awaited pregnancy suddenly stops developing.”
Why does it happen
In 70-80% of cases, missed pregnancy occurs in the early stages, somewhere up to 8 weeks.
It happens that a woman does not even know that she is pregnant. For example, a delay in menstruation of 1-2 days for many remains unnoticed, but if you take a pregnancy test at this time, then in some it may show two stripes. This phenomenon is called biochemical pregnancy by gynecologists: 1-3 days of delay – and heavy menstruation has gone.
From the 3rd to the 8th week of pregnancy, the baby’s internal organs are laid, and the fetus at this time is very sensitive to any external and internal factors. He can die for the slightest reasons.
Causes of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester
Natural selection. In the process of fertilization, the genome of the fetus is incorrectly formed. Due to some genetic error, the embryo turned out to be unviable. Every third conception, alas, ends so sadly.
Inflammatory diseases of the mother’s pelvic organs. These reasons include both acute and chronic processes in the uterus, appendages, changes in flora in the cervical canals.
Inflammatory diseases of the whole body of the mother. Often, in the early stages, mommy gets the flu, and most often it leads to the death of the fetus. In theory, ARVI can also terminate a pregnancy, but this happens less often. Dangerous diseases leading to fetal loss are caused by: primary infection with herpes viruses, cytomegalovirus, and the Epstein-Barr virus.
Endocrine disruption of reproductive hormonal levels and thyroid function. The presence of these problems does not allow carrying the fetus without taking additional hormones.
Physiological features of the uterus and pelvic organs.
Mutation of the blood coagulation system.
Immunological factor.
If a woman has a history of a frozen pregnancy, then when preparing for a new pregnancy, the doctor must take this into account.
Causes of a frozen pregnancy in the second trimester
Genetic disorders.
Disease of hemostasis.
Causes of a frozen pregnancy in the third trimester
Concomitant diseases of pregnant women: liver preeclampsia, diabetes mellitus in pregnant women.
Any inflammatory disease. Influenza, ARVI, diseases of the pelvic organs, venereal diseases.
At any stage of pregnancy, it is necessary to take into account social factors that can lead to sad losses: night shifts, work overload, frequent business trips, constant stress, smoking and alcohol.
Sometimes a frozen pregnancy occurs due to previous abortions, miscarriages, IVF, operations on the pelvic organs, cesarean section.
In some cases, the age also does not allow to maintain pregnancy: up to 16 years, when there is no readiness to bear a healthy fetus, and after 35 years, when there is a history of diseases.
Signs of a frozen pregnancy
Pulling pain in the lower abdomen.
Less commonly, bloody discharge.
Sudden relief of toxicosis.
If you feel any of the above, see your doctor immediately. But most often, a frozen pregnancy is diagnosed on a scheduled ultrasound scan.
Prevention of a frozen pregnancy
6 months before the expected date of conception, you need to undergo treatment and examination by a gynecologist. Your doctor may prescribe you:
treatment of inflammatory diseases of the whole body and pelvic organs;
correction of the immunological status, disorders of the hemostasis system and metabolism;
restoration of hormonal disorders.
What examinations need to be done:
TORCH infections and sexually transmitted infections;
hormonal status;
extended coagulogram, if necessary, a clinical blood test for platelet count, platelet aggregation, lupus anticoagulant;
diagnosis of hyperhomocysteinemia and other metabolic disorders;
genetic tests: karyotype analysis for both spouses, hemostasis gene mutations;
instrumental studies to identify the uterine factor: hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, MRI of the pelvic organs, ultrasound.
Even a few cases of frozen pregnancy do not mean that you are doomed to childlessness. If you prepare correctly, then the chances of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby will definitely be there. And your family will be the happiest in the world!