Frozen pregnancy: can ultrasound be wrong

The expectant mother was told that the child’s heart no longer beats. However, she did not believe the ultrasound verdict and left the hospital. And after a year and a half she went to court. The doctors made a mistake with the diagnosis, and it almost cost the life of her little girl.

We continue the cycle of stories about supermoms, volunteers of the “Council of Mothers” who cannot put up with injustice and know how to defend their rights.

This story began three years ago.

In the winter of 2016, Elena became pregnant, and a few weeks later she was admitted to the gynecological department of a large hospital with bleeding.

Elena had an ultrasound scan and was sent to the ward. In the morning, during the round, the doctors told her that according to the ultrasound results, the pregnancy had stopped and now it was necessary to cleanse.

Of course, it was a shock. How to clean? Why? Is it all hopeless? Elena did not believe that her baby’s heart had stopped beating. She asked for a second ultrasound scan, but the doctors refused her. They said that there can be no doubts, it is necessary to sign documents for scraping.

Elena was not ready for such a turn. After all, she very responsibly reacted to the planning of the child. I took tests, ate right, calculated ovulation. And as soon as she was convinced of the onset of pregnancy, she registered with the antenatal clinic and at the same time began to be observed in a private clinic in which her first pregnancy, which ended with the birth of her daughter, was carried out.

Has she lost her baby?

Or maybe the doctors simply did not hear the heartbeat of the baby? After all, this happens in the early stages!

Elena was horrified. To allay her doubts, the doctors called the head of the department. She, too, did not want to hear anything about the additional ultrasound. I examined the patient on a chair and categorically declared that “there is nothing to keep here”.

They brought documents to Elena again for signature and began to put pressure on her. Like, we need to quickly, why wait, the anesthesiologist will soon leave for lunch. What? Do you want to have an ultrasound scan done elsewhere? As you wish, but then we will not accept you and we cannot vouch for your health.

Under such pressure, Elena was ready to surrender. But thanks to the support of a friend and an attending physician from a private clinic. They advised Elena to write a refusal to curettage and leave the hospital to do a second ultrasound.

Elena did just that. Less than an hour later, she heard her baby’s heart beating loudly and quickly.

Here it is, absolute happiness!

During pregnancy, Elena tried not to remember this story. But after the birth of his second daughter, the thoughts of those few days spent in Sklif did not give rest. Elena could not understand why they were so rude and cruel to her. Why was she under pressure? Why were they denied a second ultrasound and thus deprived of a chance for her child’s life?

Elena turned to a lawyer and began to sue. The hearings of the case lasted for a year. The defendants tried to distort the situation, but there were documents against them – impassive witnesses.

Elena tried to sue 600 thousand rubles. As she says, this is a notional amount. The life of every person is priceless, how can it be assessed in money? But since it was required to name some figure, Elena decided to summarize the bills received for the management of pregnancy and childbirth in a private clinic. It turned out 600 thousand.

The court awarded Elena a compensation of 200 thousand rubles. After the defendant’s appeal, the amount was halved. After paying for the services of a lawyer, Elena received even less money. However, this is not so important. According to Elena, she is glad that she has set a precedent, and hopes that Russian mothers in such cases will not hesitate to defend their rights in court, and doctors will become more friendly to patients.

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