Frozen cherries: what you can cook. Video

Frozen cherries: what you can cook. Video

Properly frozen cherries retain all their useful properties and taste, and therefore you can prepare a variety of dishes from them, both everyday and festive: cakes, desserts, pies.

Frozen cherry dessert: recipe video

When choosing dishes from frozen cherries, you can start with compote, since its preparation requires a minimum of ingredients and only a quarter of an hour. It will require: – 3 liters of water; – 0,7-1 kg of frozen cherries;

– 300 g of sugar. The water must be warmed up with sugar and berries must be added to the boiling one. You do not need to defrost cherries before making compote. After the water boils again, the compote can be turned off, since during this time the berry will have time to give up all its juices. You can cook pure cherry compote, or add other berries in the freezer, for example, strawberries or currants, to it, which will allow you to get a new taste every time.

For cooking, both cherries with pits and without pits are suitable, this circumstance does not affect the taste of the finished compote

Among the things that can be prepared with frozen cherries, this recipe stands out for its simplicity and allows you to enjoy delicious food without any effort. To prepare it, you need: – 200 g of ice cream; – 50 g of pitted cherries; – 50 g of canned pineapples; – 50 g of seedless grapes; – 100 g of tangerines; – 20 g of chocolate. Ice cream must be mixed with pieces of fruit and berries, defrosting them in advance and drain the excess liquid. Sprinkle the dessert with grated chocolate on top. From this amount of products, two servings of ice cream are obtained.

According to a similar recipe, you can prepare a dessert with cottage cheese, which must be whipped with sour cream and sugar until a homogeneous consistency, and then mixed with fruit. It will turn out to be no less tasty

Frozen cherries in a cake with chocolate sponge cake are no less tasty. For the dough you need: – 3 eggs; – 150 g of sugar; – 300 g of flour; – 1 tbsp. l. cocoa; – 1 bag of baking powder. For cream, filling and decoration you need: – 300 g sour cream; – 100 g icing sugar; – 200 g pitted cherries; – 100 g chocolate. Eggs need to be beaten with sugar, flour and cocoa, add to baking dough and bake two cakes from it. For baking, you need a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius and 20 minutes of time in the event that the oven was preheated. At this time, you need to defrost the cherries and drain the juice from it into a separate bowl. They should lightly soak the bottom cake after it reaches room temperature, then grease with a cream, whipped from sour cream and powder. Put the cherries on the dough in an even layer, cover with a second cake, that also coat with cream on top and cover with grated chocolate.

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