From the evil eye and migraine: why put stones under the pillow

In ancient times, people wore amulets made of stones and believed that they protect against diseases and other troubles.

And now it is believed that stones, especially precious ones, have healing properties. These abilities of stones are studied by lithotherapy (from the Greek lithos – stone, therapia – treatment). 

PhD in Biological Sciences

What is important to know

  1. It is believed that stones have an energy that affects a person: in some cases – on his general condition, in others – on specific organs.  

  2. In order for the stone to show its strength, it can be worn in the form of jewelry: earrings, rings, beads, bracelets; put in clothes, for example, in a pocket, apply to a sore spot or in a calm atmosphere hold it in your hand for at least 5 minutes. 

  3. Stones that have been gifted or inherited to you are especially powerful. A stolen stone will not only be of no use, but can also be harmful.

  4. Stones with defects: cracks, bubbles, cloudy areas – have harmful energy.

  5. You can check if the stone is right for you. Place it under your pillow before bed. If you have nightmares at night, then, alas, this is not your stone, but if your dreams are calm and joyful, feel free to use the stone as a remedy. 

Who is capable of what

Aquamarine drives away fears, protects the nervous system, kidneys, thyroid gland, bronchi from problems, helps to endure heat more easily.

Alexandrite strengthens blood vessels, pancreas, spleen, regulates blood formation.

Diamond (diamond) makes character harder, gives decisiveness and activity, protects from other people’s bad influences, protects the stomach, liver, nerves, relieves headaches, insomnia, bad mood, makes a person joyful. 

Amethyst soothes, supports immunity, relieves gout, headache, insomnia and alcohol cravings.

Turquoise can help with almost all diseases, but it is especially effective for diseases of the eyes, heart, thyroid gland, liver, lungs. This stone is considered an indicator of health: if a sick person picks it up, the mineral turns pale. Turquoise is considered a lucky stone, it fulfills the wishes of the owner, though only if the owner is a moral person. 

Garnet due to its rich “bloody” color, it improves the process of hematopoiesis, increases hemoglobin. It also tones the entire body, strengthens the immune system, helps to reduce fever, relieve inflammation of the throat and bronchi. Increases sexual potency. Not recommended for excitable people. 

Pearl harmonizes mental and physical condition, promotes longevity. Wearing a pearl string improves the complexion and condition of the complexion and cools the body in hot weather.  

Emerald – a magic stone, it was used for fortune-telling and divination. Protects pregnant women and babies by hanging it near the cradle. Strengthens vision, memory, drives away bad dreams. To relieve eye fatigue, just look at the stone or place it on your eyelids. 

Opal soothes, resists infections, bronchitis, asthma, allergies, heart and gastrointestinal tract diseases, reduces the seizure of epilepsy. 

Ruby – a very strong stone, but only helps honest people. Gives self-confidence, protects against ill-wishers. Relieves weakness, bad mood, depression, anemia, heart disease, kidney, liver, stomach. The stone requires attention to itself, therefore, to make it a friend, before putting it on, gently slide your fingers over it. 

Cornelian helps the whole body to be normal, especially strengthens the tone, nerves, blood vessels, heart, teeth, improves blood composition, heals wounds, stops the growth of tumors. Reduces panic attacks. 

Tourmaline improves mood, relieves stress, helps to concentrate, develops memory, strengthens the immune system, stops ailments of the heart and liver. 

Chrysolite useful for nervous, excitable people. This stone calms the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on the heart, eyes, hormonal system, lowers blood pressure. 

Amber – one of the very first stones, which was treated in antiquity. Amber necklace has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, protects the eyes, ears, throat, nose, skin from inflammation, reduces headaches, protects against the effects of magnetic storms and sudden changes in weather. 

Jasper gives strength, strengthens memory, drives away depression, protects the heart, blood vessels, liver, relieves inflammation of the prostate gland, gynecological organs and helps with infertility. 

In the 30s of the last century, biologist Evgenia Badigina created an unusual device. She attached a metal tube with carnelian to the hair dryer. Bagidina was sure that “irradiation” with heated carnelian helps to get rid of almost all diseases. This method was used to treat wounds during the Great Patriotic War in Siberian evacuation hospitals. 

Stone color

When choosing a stone, you need to take into account its color. Red stones excite, activate. Orange improve mood, add tolerance. Yellow contribute to the creation of inner harmony. Green soothe, increase the body’s defenses. Blue stop overly energetic and emotional people from rash actions. Purple increase the efficiency of creative people. White – evens out the mood, relieves stress. 

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