From scratch: remove toxins from the body

A sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, poor environment and bad habits lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body. It is because of them that the skin becomes dull, and you feel a breakdown. However, the situation can be corrected.

In spring, you want lightness, freshness and new life. But the toxins accumulated over the winter prevent “updating the system.” Of course, the body has a mechanism of self-regulation, with the help of which it gets rid of unnecessary things. However, today he is increasingly confronted with substances for which he is not genetically prepared: heavy metals, pesticides, preservatives and dyes. Add to this stress, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of sleep – the excretory system is simply not able to perform such a volume of work.

keep face

Numerous beauty products with the words “detox” and “antipollution” in the name effectively cope with the external manifestations of the problem – an earthy complexion, micro-inflammations, sagging skin and oily sheen.

Concentrates and creams improve cellular metabolism and strengthen the protective barrier, helping to fight against environmental aggression. To enhance their effect, add facial peels and scrubs, as well as masks with white clay (kaolin) to the ritual. This time-tested ingredient draws out impurities from pores and absorbs excess sebum.

Take care of the body

In order for the body to quickly deal with toxins from the inside, it is important first of all to stimulate the work of the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system. This will help sauna, bath, body wraps and lymphatic drainage procedures.

At home, exfoliate your skin regularly with a scrub and a stiff brush. By removing dead cells, you eliminate all accumulated harmful substances, as well as improve metabolism and help the body remove waste products. You can use a ready-made scrub or mix it yourself, for example, from coffee, honey and olive oil.

Meditate in the bathroom

Another proven detox recipe is an Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate, or magnesia) bath. It helps to get rid of toxins and replenish the supply of minerals in the body. Dissolve two cups of magnesium sulfate in warm water (based on a standard bath and an adult weighing more than 45 kg), add a glass of baking soda and a quarter cup of sea or Himalayan salt, the same amount of apple cider vinegar and aromatic oil if desired.

In the bath you need to be from 20 to 40 minutes, while it is important to have a glass of cool clean water on hand (you will want to drink) and monitor the reaction of the body. After a few minutes, you will start to sweat. If it gets too hot, add cool water. Get out of the bath carefully. Wrap yourself up in a warm bathrobe and have a drink.

Change your diet

Purification implies a different attitude to nutrition. “You can’t unload the body without changing the diet,” says detox guru Henri Chenot. – First, give up sugar and salt or minimize their consumption for a period. Better yet, forever!

Constant stress also contributes to the “clogging” of the body: it is important to learn how to relieve stress and take time for yourself every day.

So that familiar dishes do not seem boring, season them with spices and spices. They will give a spicy aroma and help cleanse the body. Promotes the removal of toxins and microalgae spirulina, which can be added to food in powder form or taken in capsules. During the day, try to drink more water, green and herbal teas with lemon, rosemary and ginger.

Arrange a day out

Need a quick result? It is possible for 3-5 days (longer – no need) to delete meat, eggs, coffee, chocolate, flour, dairy products and alcohol from the menu. The basis of the diet should be white rice, to which you can add raw or boiled vegetables, seafood and nuts, as well as dried fruits and apples. Due to the high content of potassium, rice removes toxins and excess salt.

Find time for yourself

Constant stress also contributes to the “clogging” of the body. Therefore, it is important to learn how to relieve stress and take time for yourself every day. There are many ways – a home spa ritual, yoga, meditation, Pilates or an evening walk. All this helps to strengthen the nervous system and normalize metabolic processes.

By the way, do not forget about the digital detox. If possible, have a day without gadgets on Sundays and try to turn them off every day two hours before bedtime.

Mansard Crème Phyto Detoxiquante Face Cream

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