From Science to Gastronomic innovation

Gastronomy wants to innovate, and discover its exquisite sophistication, contributing to the human being, nutrition, virtue and art.

For this reason arises the need for symbiosis between science and culinary arts, to create scientifically modified foods that provide us with new experiences of exclusivity, texture and flavor.

Hand in hand with Federation of Cooks and Bakers of Spain (


, today the 22nd and tomorrow the 23rd of September the first Science and Gastronomy Conference the motto “Gastronomy: From Science to Innovation”.

This fusion of concepts will be explained in detail by the Chefs participating in the conference, who during the conferences and talks that take place, will expand the method and procedures that are necessary to combine the culinary part with the chemical-physical principles necessary for it to be carry out the objective pursued. 

All this with the invaluable help of scientists who will help us understand this methodology applied to the world of gastronomy.

The workshops and conferences will be developed by Chefs and chefs experienced in these fields, and with a long career full of innovation and creativity, such as the recently named “BEST Chef of the year 2013 ″  by the Royal Academy of Gastronomy, Mario Sandoval, they will also impart their experiences, Pedro Larumbe, Jesus Almagro or Andrea Tumbarello.

The “scientists “ Marta Miguel, Cristina de Lorenzo, Félix Cabello and Francisco Javier Moreno Andújar.

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