From lifting to plastic surgery of the skull: secrets of “natural” beauty in 2021

From lifting to plastic surgery of the skull: secrets of “natural” beauty in 2021

The expert spoke about the beauty trends that we will soon see on the pages in Instagram.

At the beginning of the new year, it is customary to make forecasts. How will the beauty industry change, what trends will appear and what procedures will be in the top in 2021? A plastic surgeon shared his vision of the near future Pavel Golovanev.

Every country in the world has its own ideas about beauty. However, it is possible to identify global trends in the beauty industry, which, to a greater or lesser extent, are followed everywhere. We make forecasts based on the current situation. This means that the trend towards naturalness, which was gaining popularity in 2020, will not only not give up, but will strengthen it. Therefore, it is safe to say that any intervention will need to be assessed in terms of natural effect.

1. All its own

Lipomodeling… This direction of body harmonization is becoming more and more popular, which is understandable: during liposuction, adipose tissue in one of the areas where there is excess is taken away. For example, from the area of ​​breeches, anterior abdominal wall, knees, inner thighs. And then, after cleaning, it is transferred to where additional volume is required, usually this chest, buttocks… This is the essence of lipofilling. At the same time, the fat is practically not absorbed, it takes root well, the procedure gives an excellent result. With the help of modern devices, the process of taking fat is less traumatic. And after Vaser-liposuction using ultrasound, the skin also contracts quickly, its separate tightening is practically not required, and the rehabilitation period becomes shorter.

2. Hybrids are not only a car

Hybrid breast augmentation. Another of the procedures that will grow in popularity in 2021. The combined method, which is associated with the previous correction method, includes not only the installation of the implant, but also filling its contour with the patient’s own fat. The result of the correction is natural looking breasts, both visually and by sensations. This type of intervention is especially suitable for women with a small volume of breast tissue. The fat obtained by liposuction forms a conditional “pillow”, and as a result, the endoprosthesis is not clearly felt.

3. Change the structure of the face

Plastic surgery of the skull and face. Want Angelina Jolie’s cheekbones? Not a problem, a good surgeon will make the dream come true, as, in fact, the Hollywood star herself. It is no secret that Jolie’s perfect face contour – the cheekbones and the lower jaw area – is the result of the competent work of the surgeon.

The trend for the correction of the skull and the structure of the face is only gaining momentum – with the help of contour individual implants, you can make cheekbone enlargement or chin, change the shape of the brow ridges, emphasize the line of the lower or upper jaw… Moreover, as practice shows, representatives of the stronger sex also practice such interventions. Therefore, we only expect an increase in demand for these manipulations.

4. Advantageous combination

Combined operations. Some types of operations require their performance in combination with other manipulations. This is due both to human physiology, where paired organs are present, and to the existing rules of plastic surgery. For example, in the case of correction of the eyes, ears, chest, legs or arms, the intervention is performed on two organs.

In case of rhinoplasty correction of the shape – length, structure – is practically not carried out without rhinoseptoplasty or surgery on the septum. The soft tissues of the neck are usually combined with lifting of the middle and lower areas of the face… And such examples are enough, liposuction can be combined with lipofilling or abdominoplasty, etc. And this is very convenient: in one administration of anesthesia, you can solve several problems at once.

5. Eyes and … forehead!

Blepharoplasty and forehead lift. In 2020, blepharoplasty was in the top of the most popular procedures, it was resorted to not only to combat age-related changes, but also to young women who were not satisfied with the natural cut of the eyes or the drooping tissues of the upper eyelids. Separately, we can note the request for “fox eyes” – this elongated shape with slightly raised outer corners has become top-end. For its implementation, in addition to upper blepharoplasty, doctors resort to lifting the outer corner of the eye, temporal lifting, eyebrow lift, or a combination of several techniques.

Another procedure that has become more common is a forehead tissue lift. It allows you to fight ptosis or ptosis, deep wrinkles and folds, as well as asymmetry in the upper third of the face. At the same time, a forehead lift is often carried out by the endoscopic method, without large incisions, and the seams are hidden in the scalp, which allows you to create the most natural result.

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