From how old girls can use tampons

From how old girls can use tampons

The convenience of using tampons on critical days is undeniable. This is protection against leaks, comfort in movement, the ability to wear with any clothing and underwear. But, despite all the advantages, girls and their mothers are worried about the question: from how old can you use tampons?

How old can tampons be used and what is a tampon?

Tampons are made from special fibers that absorb moisture well. When a tampon is placed in the vagina, it begins to swell and completely cover the entire passage. It is this that prevents the leakage, in addition, protects against the ingress of infection.

For young girls who begin their first menstruation, the question is: from how old can girls use a tampon? Girls are intimidated by the possibility of pain and tearing the hymen.

According to doctors, you can use this type of hygiene product from any age.

The hymen has a special opening for menstrual flow. At the age of 14, the diameter of this hole is equal to the size of the thickness of the tampon. This ensures that the hymen is intact.

How to choose the right tampon for a girl?

It is important to choose the correct size of the tampon. They are produced in three types: mini, norm and maxi. For girls choose the size “norm”, and best of all “mini”. Discomfort and pain are caused by the wrong size. It is recommended to use the applicator to insert the tampon correctly. It will help to set the tampon deeply to avoid discomfort when walking.

If we take into account all the nuances, then when asked how many girls can use tampons from, we can answer that from the very beginning of the menstrual cycle.

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the 2nd qualification category N.I. Pirogova, ultrasound doctor

-The recommendations of gynecologists state that the use of tampons is possible when a regular menstrual cycle is established. Before using them, you should determine the amount of menstrual blood that a girl is losing.

In addition, the size of the tampon should be individualized and small in diameter. In this case, one should take into account the size of the opening in the hymen through which the discharge during menstruation is evacuated from the vagina. In some, this hole can be very small, in others it can reach 2,5 cm in diameter, which makes it difficult to insert a tampon.

Also, when using tampons, you need to remember the frequency of their change. If you forget to change a contaminated tampon, then it can cause an infection that develops in the vagina, and subsequently, it can enter the uterus ascending, causing vaginitis, colpitis, cervicitis, endometritis, up to purulent tubo-ovarian formations in the small pelvis.

Therefore, you need to remember and monitor your condition, if a feeling of general weakness arises, the body temperature rises, pains in the lower abdomen, in the vagina occur, you need to urgently contact a gynecologist and solve the problems that have arisen.

From how old can girls use tampons and why do they feel uncomfortable?

Young girls may experience discomfort when wearing a tampon because it is not properly positioned. During the procedure, it is necessary to relax the muscles of the vagina.

Note that the vagina is angled upward towards the lower back

This must be taken into account when inserting the tampon. It is best to assume a sitting position with your legs wide apart and lean forward slightly.

Despite the fact that tampons are safe for girls of any age, doctors still recommend using them not constantly, but only on a trip, in swimming pools, in nature. The rest of the time it is better to give preference to wearing pads. It is not advised to sleep with tampons, as there is a danger of toxic shock syndrome.

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