The wives of presidents and kings, like a thread by a needle, follow their husbands along the complex, winding path chosen by their companions. And I must say that these beauties, with their splendor and love, help them to cope with many problems with honor.
Former first lady of France Carla Bruni turned 23 on December 52. One of the most scandalous stars of the world catwalk, Versace’s favorite has always been in sight. And she, figuratively speaking, knew how to open the heart of any famous man without a key. A sensual, sexy woman seemed to have arranged some kind of competition, luring into her nets every star gentleman she liked. When Nicolas Sarkozy, the president of France, fell in love with the fatal beauty and offered Carla his hand and heart, the guardians of morality, of whom there are always innumerable numbers in society, predicted an imminent demise for the future marriage. But that did not happen. On the contrary, after losing the election, Nicolas Sarkozy, along with his beloved wife and two children, retired to Carla’s house in Paris to enjoy family life.
Cinderella for British Prince William and at the same time his wife bears the title of Duchess of Cambridge. However, the time is not far off when, under certain circumstances, she will become a royal person. The Duchess is known to be very patient. On this occasion, it is worth recalling that she had been waiting for nine years for the hour when William would announce her as his bride. Charming and attractive Kate came to the court of Elizabeth II. And even against her will she became a trendsetter: her beautiful nose inspired many English and American women to rhinoplasty.
Leticia is the queen consort of Spain, according to close friends, a domineering woman with a strong character. And no wonder that Philip VI fell under her heel and indulges his beautiful wife in everything. At one time, he preferred to choose Leticia, rejecting the candidacy of the Swedish Crown Princess Victoria proposed by his parents. The very first meeting with the charming journalist made the heart of the young Spanish king beat with frenzied strength. Leticia several times refused dates to which Philip VI invited her. But it is known that water wears away the stone, and in the end, the perseverance and love passion of the Spanish king helped to tame the proud girl.
The daughter of a simple doctor, by a magical twist of fate, became the Queen of Jordan. King Hussein himself came to ask her hand for his son Abdullah, who was glad to have chosen his heir. Indeed, Rania Faisal – al-Yassin was beautiful and, moreover, intelligent and educated. Abdullah himself, having first met this unusual girl who was friends with his sister, fell in love with her. Now Rania al-Abdullah is a full-fledged queen of Jordan, despite her status, she leads a modest lifestyle. She lovingly and tenderly takes care of children and family. The king of the soul does not like a beautiful wife and sometimes allows her to break the strict rules of the country. Rania is adored by ordinary people, whom she always tries to help.
The first lady of the United States, Melania Trump, is not considered a Native American: she was born in Slovenia, where she is still offended that she does not know her native language. Beauty Melania differs from her predecessors in that she is sometimes capable of an extraordinary act. The former stellar model, having been in the status of first lady for only a year, demanded to cut down a two-hundred-year-old magnolia on the southern site of the White House. Say, suddenly she will fall one day and cover the visitors. However, President Donald Trump reacted calmly to this act: he knew perfectly well the character of his attractive and slightly eccentric wife.
The Queen of Bhutan Jetsun Pema is a real decoration of the palace, according to Jigme Khesar, the ruler of the country. Contrary to the country’s traditions, he announced at the wedding ceremony that Jetsun would be his only and beloved wife. By the way, Western trends fully touched the royal married couple. For example, Jigme does not hesitate to hug and kiss his beautiful wife in public, he tenderly took care of her when she was carrying her first child. In general, the centuries-old protocol that monarchs should be at a distance from each other was completely ignored. Note that the king of Bhutan, in his youth, vowed to marry Jetsun, who was only seven years old at that time.